A warm Welcome!
Thank you for visiting ‘Dancing in the Rain’. I hope you enjoy the experience. You will catch a glimpse or two into who I am and what I do; what I believe in and the books that I write.
Why am I dancing in the rain? Good question. "Why not?" I ask you. Rain is what pours down on all of us, as we squelch our way through life, don’t you think? Life happens. It’s often good but sometimes not so good. Stuff happens. To all of us! Without exception.
And so what I have learnt in a nutshell is this. Life is an amazing adventure! But its sunshine isn't permanent. Rainy seasons happen. How do I deal with the rain? And the slush? And the storms when they come? I've learnt that Life is also about choice. What happens is often beyond my control. But.... my attitude towards what happens is something I can own and take charge of. And so I choose to ‘Dance in the rain’. As a choice. And you know what? It’s fun!
And so worth it!
My Books
Enjoying the Journey
A book of little life lessons to inspire and challenge you on your journey