Thanks so much sweet sis. Thanks for your faithful prayers over this period which has blessed us so much. And yes, He cares more than we can ever imagine isn't it? Really looking forward to having you here with us sweet sis. That would be lovely.
Much love to you and yours.
Anu xox
Date: 06/03/2018
Subject: Re: He cares much more than you know
Date: 17/01/2018
Subject: A Glimpse into God's Heart
Oh darling sis,
I could sense your hurt, confusion and pain at what happened between Dina and you. Those moments and times are really really hard aren't they?
Yet I thank God for the way He led you to understand how He feels yes, when we are busy about many things (often the seemingly good things) that take us away form Him.
Thanks sis for this needed reminder. He loves me inspite of myself & does not treat me as my sins deserve!!
Wishing for you many days of sitting at His feet, basking in His love and hearing from Him.
Praying for Dina too that she will come to know the love of God that will set her free to give and receive love.
Date: 17/01/2018
Subject: Re: A Glimpse into God's Heart
Hi Beloved Sis,
Thanks so much for taking the time to read and respond to my blog. Thanks too for understanding the confusion about what happened with my friend. It was really bewildering and a shock to my system, but I was glad I learnt through it and also got closer to God through it. Love the sound of your wishes - basking in His love and hearing from Him. My favourite thing to do. :) Thanks for praying for Dina - I too have been doing a lot of it and I look forward to the day she discovers the love of God for herself which will set her free.
Much love,
Anu xox
Date: 22/12/2017
Subject: When Storm Clouds Gather
Darlingest sis,
Thanks you for that needed piece of writing. Yes for most storm clouds do gather often unexpectedly and it is into that His love breaks through!
May we be found faithful and waiting when He returns in all His glory and recognise Him as the shepherds did and be yielded as Mary was.
The Word became flesh and has dwelt among us and we HAVE beheld his glory!!
have a wonderful Christmas! Keep writing and inspire us!
Date: 22/12/2017
Subject: Re: When Storm Clouds Gather
Hi Beloved Sis,
Thanks so much for finding time to read and respond during this busy season. Looking forward so much for His return. Yes, we have beheld His glory haven't we? May He continue to reveal more of His glory to us and give us eyes to see Him.
You too beautiful sis.
Have a blessed Christmas.
Much love as always,
Anu xox
Date: 07/11/2017
Subject: A God Who Gives
Hi Anusha,
I just loved reading your blog today. It makes me smile when I think about my own life and all the gifts God has given me over the years. Some I didn't think were gifts at the time, but they turned out to be some of my greatest blessings.
And as you know, this past year, God did, indeed, ask me to give something up (a certain relationship as you'll recall); and during the intervening nine months, God absolutely showered me with gifts - so many that I'm still awe struck. He did, in effect, step in as my husband, and provided for me in ways that no human ever has. And after my obedience and a longish waiting period, God gave me back the relationship I'd given up for Him.
I think it's rare that God asks us to give things up; that more often, it's the enemy who does that. But if we use our discernment, as you did and as I continue to try to do, we'll work out whether or not the 'ask' is from the Father's heart. If so ... well, I can only exuberantly encourage all and sundry to be obedient. What awaits you around the corner may be beyond your wildest dream. xo
Date: 07/11/2017
Subject: Re: A God Who Gives
Hi dear Melinda,
Thanks so much for your lovely encouraging words. So glad you enjoyed my blog. It's a good habit I think to reflect on our lives and remember all the wonderful gifts that have been showered upon us over the years. I love it how you were obedient in giving up the relationship for awhile when God asked it of you. I love it even more how God rewarded your faithfulness by bringing you your heart's desires. Oh! How I rejoice with you my friend. How sweet it is when we offer our all to Him and He gives it to back more sacred and more blessed than ever.
You are right that the enemy is one who usually tries to strip us from things we are attached to. I think what God requires is that our hearts are fully surrendered to Him. I believe He wants us to hold all things loosely so we are grounded in Him. We can enjoy everyone and everything in the right way when He is at the centre. I liked your last statement. Yes, usually God outgives us all the time. And yes, do agree that obedience is the key and unlocks the Father's blessing. Thanks for chatting... I did enjoy exploring the topic further with you my friend. Every blessing to you in this exciting amazing blessed season of your life. May it be your best yet! xo
Date: 21/08/2017
Subject: Lessons from a Lone Pink Geranium
Oh how beautiful, dear Anusha :*
I sure can relate fully to this message. It is such a strong one. Thank you for sharing this, your messages always brighten my day, and lighten my load. I would like to share this one with love on my website.
Love, kisses, and hugs,
Jo'Anne xo