Oh Anu,
I am delighted you've written this blog! I was a snail mail person but it became more regular ever since mama passed away and I saw her collection of letters and cards. since then every month I send out at least 10 letters to folks here and abroad. I think there is something magical in receiving snail mail!! Yes, I am old fashioned!! [I know snail mail is not the only way!!!]
I will certainly look at that link you've given. Bless you too for being such a writer....thank you dear sis for that lovely letter. Appreciate you taking the time.
"Thank You God," I say, " for Your love communicated to us in Your Word and the affirmation you constantly give us...help us share that love always"!
sibling no.5
Date: 31/05/2017
Subject: Writing Love Letters
Date: 31/05/2017
Subject: Re: Writing Love Letters
Hey beloved Sis,
Thank you for reading and thank you for the way you constantly affirm people and bless them including your little sister. How blessed I am to have you in my life. Wow - that's wonderful how you send out at least 10 letters and cards each day in snail mail. How much you must bless the recipients.
I have a problem in writing legibly or I'd write more snail mail myself. :) I am so grateful to God that there are other ways of communicating because if I couldn't have typed, writing by hand would have been far too difficult for me these days.
Thank YOU for that enormous labour of love in that book which will bless me time and time again. You are amazing!
And I say Amen to your little prayer. Yes, Lord, help us communicate your love in ways that others understand.
Much love and many thanks,
Date: 03/04/2017
Subject: what's most important
Beloved sis,
thanks you for this beautiful reminder!
What does the Lord require of us?
Micah 6: 8 comes to mind "...but to do justice, and to love mercy and to walk humbly with our God"
Thanks you for putting into words all we desire to express.
As you say Amma taught us how to love ...her warmth and affection and her presence we all miss and yet so filled with gratitude today.
May we always fix our eyes heavenward as we live here below 'letting go of many things' and embracing all that is lovely and pure!
LOtsa love and see you sooooon!
sal XO
Date: 03/04/2017
Subject: Re: what's most important
Hi beloved sis,
Thanks so mucn for reading and responding. Yes, Micah 6:8 puts it really well doesn't it? I agree that darling Mama's example and love continues to refresh us from beyond the grave. How blessed we are! Thank you God for our amazing parents.
Sooo looking forward to being with you SOON beloved sis. :)
Love always,
Date: 03/03/2017
Subject: Waiting Patiently
Hi sis,
It as only now that I read this blog and glad I did.
Yes, waiting is never easy is it? And yet as you rightly say we are asked to 'wait on Him'...Often His time frame is not like ours. One thing I have found as I intercede and wait (yes, for years) that He begins to do a work in my life and my relationship with Him and my understanding of Him deepens. Sometimes it's not just about the answers but what He teaches me in my struggle, or longing or desire...It reminds me too of the heart of God who shares our pain and struggle and so He continues to mould me as I wait.
Yes, like David, Abraham waited 25 years for the son of promise; Moses lived as a shepherd for 40 years (his university of learning I believe) till at age 80 God called Him...and then another 40 years and not allowed into the promised land! Yes, 'many waits'!
But thanks for this reminder and the 'hope' we have as we wait. With you in prayer for your physical pains and some of the desires of your heart.
He IS faithful!
lots of love
sal XO
Date: 03/03/2017
Subject: Re: Waiting Patiently
Hi Beloved sis,
Thanks for sharing and responding to my blog. I totally agree with what you said. That often it's not about the results of our prayers but the work God does in us as we wait. Then it is also our relationship with Him that has a chance to flourish and deepen in that waiting period.
Praise God that His ways are so different to ours. And so much better. Thanks for your prayers too dearest sis.
And yes, He is always faithful.
Much love,
Date: 07/02/2017
Subject: His Door is Always Open
Dear Anusha,
What a beautiful and comforting post. I'm sitting at Hurstville Private Hospital, waiting for my darling daughter to come back from surgery. I don't expect that to happen before 1pm, but it gives me time to ponder, read a little, and catch up on reading some blogs :-)
I always enjoy your writings, but this one is very timely and special. It's way too easy to forget that His door is indeed always open for us, but we need to remember to walk through.
Samantha was very frightened as she has never had surgery (only at 18 months, but she doesn't remember that of course), no stitches, no broken bones ... nothing whatsoever. I prayed with her as best as I could. Most of the prayers were inside my heart, as she's not a church goer (at the moment).
Anusha, you're always in my heart and on mind. I hope your fibro isn't too bad today. We are having a cooler change in Sydney today and tomorrow, but then the heatwave will begin again. I know I shouldn't complain, but this summer the heat and humidity has been incredible. It makes everything HURT. Take care of your beautiful self my dear friend. I shall write some more when I get home to Samantha's house, and I can use the WiFi :-)
Much love,
Jo'Anne xo
Date: 07/02/2017
Subject: Re: His Door is Always Open
Dearest Jo'Anne,
How lovely to hear from you. Always a pleasure. I'm so glad the blog helped even a little bit. Waiting for your precious daughter to come out of surgery can't be easy at all and I feel for you. I hope and pray she recovers well my friend. I will add my prayers for dear Samantha. And for you. I'm so sorry about the hot and humid summer you have been having in Sydney - I've heard about it and can the temps have been rising sky high. Praying for your pain to subside sweet friend. Thank you - my fibro is better today. You too dear Jo'Anne. May God refresh you and take away the pain. May He bring total healing to your daughter.
Much love and hugs and prayers,
Anusha XOX
Date: 02/01/2017
Subject: A better view
Anu dear, let me try my luck this time.
God said "you will seek Me and find Me, if you seek me with all your heart." I kept seeking Him and He gave me two lessons to take with me into the New Year. The first lesson was, "beware of the 2 thieves that come to rob you. They are ''yesterday & tomorrow." Yesterday reminds you of the past mistakes & mire and keeps taking you on the road to regret. Tomorrow makes you think of the challenges and worries you will face. Both rob you of the Joy of Today. So keep enjoying today and forget about yesterday & tomorrow! Jesus will hold your hand Today.
The other lesson was, always keep looking inwards and Gaurd your heart . The minute you look outsid of yourself, at eye level you see only hurts, sickness, slander, negativity that drags you down. Jesus says, you look inwards and guard your hearts and I will look after the outside. What a comfort, how wonderful.
I have started practicing it and the Lord will be our crowning glory for this year 2017.
God bless you and yours. May His Face shine upon you and give you His Peace.
Love ❤️Chits
Date: 03/01/2017
Subject: Re: A better view
Dearest Chits,
Thank you for trying again and yes, this time you succeeded. Well done! I love the two lessons God gave you to take into the New Year. They are both very valuable lessons on life's journey. I have been taught those lessons many times on my own journey and will take them with me as well into 2017 since they are both needed and helpful.
Proverbs 4:23 says ''Guard your heart for it is a wellspring of life''. Yes, guarding our hearts is so essential isn't it? And I do agree that both the past and the future can rob of us of the present so it's a very good reminder. I have a journal every year called Énjoying God'' - and I started filling my 2017 Enjoying God journal too. I love it how you said we need to keep enjoying today without looking back at the past with regret or the future with fear. So yes, we will enjoy today - this moment and the next and live it well and wisely with our hearts fixed on Jesus.
Thanks so much for sharing. I hope others read this too and are blessed.
God bless you richly in 2017 and beyond.
Much love,
Anu xox