
Date: 07/02/2017

By: Jo'Anne Griffiths

Subject: Re: Re: A better view

Dear Chits and Anusha,
What a wonderful way to work through life. I always try to do these things, but often I forget that He is always here for me, and I don't have any need to worry, as He has everything under His control. He actually wants us all to enjoy, just today, this moment :-)
God bless you always with His most precious gifts.
Jo'Anne xoxo

Date: 07/02/2017

By: Anusha

Subject: Re: Re: Re: A better view

Hi sweet Jo'Anne,
Lovely to hear from you. You are right that we only have this moment in time to live - sometimes we do tend to live forwards or backwards don't we?

God bless you beautiful Jo'Anne and may His peace and strength and hope be yours today in full measure.
Praying for you,
Much love and a hug too,
Anusha XOX

Date: 02/01/2017

By: sal williams

Subject: A Better View

Darling sis,

Thank you for sharing and putting into words so well what I too have learnt this past year and often a verse form the poem The Weaver comes up and YES ALL things work together for good in that adversity draws us so much closer to Him and it is not so much about receiving but learning the heart of God and getting to know Him more intimately.

Bless you and may He continue to you use your journey (although I pray daily for physical healing for you) to bless and encourage .

From The Weaver:
That it’s He who flies the shuttle,
it’s He who knows what’s best,
so we must weave in patience,
and leave to Him the rest . . .
Not till the loom is silent,
and the shuttles cease to fly,
shall God unroll the canvas,
and explain the reason why.
The dark threads are as needed,
in the Weaver’s skillful hand,
as the threads of gold and silver,
in the pattern He has planned.

God bless you sis.
sal XO

Date: 02/01/2017

By: Anu

Subject: Re: A Better View

Beloved Sis, Sal,
Thanks for your loving encouragement and prayers for me over 2016 and am so glad you and I have been learning similar lessons in 2016. Now we see dimly as through a glass but one day we will see it all clearly as we bask in God's nearer Presence. What a day that will be.

Loved the words from 'The Weaver'- thanks so much for sharing. I shall look it up and read all of it.

Yes, intimacy with Jesus is what it's all about isn't it? Praise God He challenges us to seek Him more through every challenge and causes those very obstacles to be places of climbing higher and closer to Him. He is a Good Good Father and how blessed we are in Him.

Much love and every warm wish for 2017 to you and Chandran and your beautiful family.
Hugs too,

Date: 02/01/2017

By: sal williams

Subject: Re: Re: A Better View

He IS a good, good Father indeed!

Love that song with that title too!


Date: 02/01/2017

By: Chits

Subject: God's Wisdom

Dearest Anu, I took all the trouble to write the two lessons I learnt just a couple of days of ago, which I have tucked in my heart to carry it through the New Year, but alas, when I hit the send button, nothing came up!!!!

I'm in Singapore. I will try and write it again later.
Much love ❤️

Date: 02/01/2017

By: Anu

Subject: Re: God's Wisdom

Dearest Chits,
Thanks so much for taking the trouble to write down the two lessons you learnt from God just a couple of days ago. I'm so sorry the cyber bug seems to have swallowed it all up. Very sad! But I'm delighted to hear that God's been teaching you new lessons - as He does - and that He is blessing you through them.

Congratulations on your newest grandson. What a thrill for you and Panchan. Enjoy your time in Singapore and may He bless you both and your family with every blessing and much joy in 2017.
Much love and hugs and thanks,

Date: 02/01/2017

By: Chitrani

Subject: Wisdom of God


Date: 15/12/2016

By: sal williams

Subject: He will satisfy all your desires!

Yes, He 'has' and 'does' and 'will' His way and in His time...which is way better than we could have imagined or envisaged!

Thanks for sharing from your 'journey' this year dearest sis.

Like you say at the end, we ask for one thing and He seems to give us something totally different and yet it is that, which has made me look to Him in trust and I discover more and more that in prayer it is not so much that my prayers are answered but that I begin to understand and know Him better and thus YES, He does satisfy my soul!

Do I make sense? Perhaps not!!!

Thanks for your words of encouragement throughout the year...more power to your 'pen',healing to your body and joy to your heart!
Have a blessed Christmas with family. With you in spirit.


Date: 15/12/2016

By: Anu

Subject: Re: He will satisfy all your desires!

Hi Beloved sis,
Amen to all you said. His way and His time is always so much better as He has proved in my life over and over again. I totally get what you said about asking Him - not getting what we think we need - but getting far more in a satisfying life with Him. Yes, He does satisfy our deepest desires doesn't He - which is to know Him better and be loved deeply by the Lover of our souls. You sure make sense. :)

Thanks for taking the time to read and respond dearest sis and thanks for your unselfish giving life which has brought comfort and hope to many. You too darling sis. May you be deeply blessed this Christmas and in the New Year. We will miss you lots but keeping you close in heart.
Lots of love and hugs,

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