My beautiful friend Mich,
I had tears in my eyes as I read yours. Thank you for understanding dear friend. I know you and your Mum share a very special bond too so you know what I am talking about.
Aren't we in Christ blessed beyond measure. Oh that everyone in the world would experience and know His love so that ALL relationships the world over would endure forever.
Thanks beautiful friend for all your love and understanding.
Sending warm hugs your way and many thanks,
Anu xo
Date: 04/01/2016
Subject: Re: A light still glows
Date: 04/01/2016
Subject: A Light still glows
Dearest Anu,
My heartstrings were stretched when I read through your great tribute to your darligest Mum, Aunty Anne. There is no replacement for a loving mother. The biggest comfort is when you can celebrate her life! Let God's light glisten in your tears, let His comforting arms surround you and let the love of your Family and friends uphold you. God be with the 7 and their families. Thinking of you very specially.
Much love,
Date: 04/01/2016
Subject: Re: A Light still glows
Dearest Chits,
Thank you for your beautiful loving message. Bless you for your comforting words too. Your own dear Mother was another beacon of light and hope and I picture her sweet smile and tender ways so easily. We have been so blessed in our mothers haven't we Chits?
Thank you for your loving thoughts and prayers. Yes, His light shines brightly on us. Bless you Chits.
Much love,
Anu xo
Date: 04/01/2016
Subject: A Light still glows
Darlingest sis,
Thanks for this...Oh I cried reading it and yet found healing.
Yes I think her light glows brighter now as we recall and reminisce. Thank you so much ...yes thatha's and her legacy was that people let's continue to keep that light burning in the places He has led us to.
Thank you for carrying on her gift of writing dearest sis.
We will be reunited one day with them both and what rejoicing there will be; especially in God's presence and His people.
Date: 04/01/2016
Subject: Re: A Light still glows
Thanks beloved sis—and your response brought me to tears - but in a good way. Yes, we are deeply blessed in all our memories aren't we? Yes, let's take that torch from her and pass on the light to others.
Thank you for being your Mum's daughter darling sis and for blessing many including myself.
Loads of love,
Anu xo
Date: 21/12/2015
Subject: Whose sandals will you wear?
HI sis,
You may not be single but you sure are serving humanity through your writings....your messages at writers the many visits and connections and yes basically touching lives each day! so there you go Florence!
we were challenged to wear the shepherds sandals and proclaim the good news to at least 4 of our non Christian friends or anyone else this Christmas, by Ruwan Fdo (rev Dulueep's son) when he preached at our carol service.
I have been pondering like Mary too about many things!
Thanks sis.
Been thinking of you loads
sal XO
Date: 21/12/2015
Subject: Re: Whose sandals will you wear?
Hi Beloved sis,
Bless you for your loving words. Every day I discover how little I do in a world that needs so much - and how many amazing people there are around who share God's love in tangible ways - you are one of them. Thank you for your encouragement.
That's a great challenge. To wear the shepherds' sandals and proclaim the good news. Let us be faithful in sharing it as often as we can at Christmas and always.
Lovely to hear of you pondering like Mary over many things. Me too sis. I too have made it a point this Christmas to spend time pondering on the Christmas story and all it meane and oh! How it has blessed me.
Thank you for your love and prayers,
And I've been praying for you and yours too darling sis.
Love always,
Anu XO
Date: 14/12/2015
Subject: When God asks me to trust Him
Dearest sis,
This is exactly what He has asked me to do this past year as I have struggled and then quietly learned to submit knowing that He is working out His purposes in my heart and life. He continues to chisel and mould me and hopefully is transforming the 'not-so-nice' parts of me.
Oh that I might be like Mary the handmaiden of the Lord who simply trusted and so sang that song of praise!
thanks sis....and thank YOU Lord Jesus for breaking into history and giving us HOPE!
Date: 21/12/2015
Subject: Re: When God asks me to trust Him
Dearest of Sals,
Lovely to hear of your experience of struggle and submission. Looking back I am so thankful that those times of struggle are never in vain. Have been asking God to let me never forget those times - because I think I can empathise far better through my weaknesses than through my strengths. It's been liberating to discover certain truths of hope and life in Jesus - and I feel deeply blessed.
Yes, Mary was amazing wasn't she? And so young! She can certainly teach us older women so much.
Thanks for taking the time to read and respond darling sis,
Much love,
Anu xo
Date: 23/11/2015
Subject: Treasure in unlikely places
Dearest Anu,
Yes, it is often in those unlikely places that we find God's grace, hope, patience and our significance in life. Yes, it is when we cling to the Lord Jesus, our Rock, that He shows and reveals these treasures to us.
Thank you once again Anu for putting this across so beautifully in your blog post.
Lots of love
Dashika xo