
Date: 26/08/2014

By: sal williams

Subject: Little Things

Thanks sis...something certainly to reflect on from time to time.
I do realize that the 'seemingly little' leaks can often cause major problems!!

sal XO

Date: 27/08/2014

By: Anu

Subject: Re: Little Things

Thanks sis for taking the time to read it. Yep! We gotta watch out for some of those leaks don't we?

Enjoy your day,
Anu xo

Date: 28/07/2014

By: sal williams

Subject: the story of Saroo

dearest sis,

The story of Saroo is so moving and you have indeed helped us see the role of each of the 'players' in this story. It made me reflect too on all the people I have encountered (fam, friends, helpers, and colleagues) who have made a difference in my life! Yes, it is a hurting world out there and we ARE 'our brother's keepers" so lets spur each other to 'be there' for another as you have rightfully done!.



Date: 29/07/2014

By: Anu

Subject: Re: the story of Saroo

Dearest Sal,
Thanks so much for taking the time to read and respond. Bless you. Thanks also for the way you constantly show me what it means care for one's neighbour. Chandran and you have been amazing in the way you reach out to so many. So thank you for your wonderful example and role model sis. Thank you for being my 'keeper' as my dearly loved sister.
Much love and hugs,
Anu xo

Date: 28/07/2014

By: Pharmd544

Subject: Good info

Very nice site! <a href="">cheap goods</a>

Date: 22/07/2014

By: sal williams

Subject: re Rainbows

Darling sis,

You have indeed discovered the greatest truth..that He alone is enough! Yet it's so easy for us to get our sense of purpose and fulfillment based on what we do and the feeling that we are needed or used of Him.
I know this part of your journey has been very painful and healing is taking time ...but the beauty is that through it you are growing closer to Him and touching our hearts and lives too, through the gift of writing He's given you.

sal XO

Date: 23/07/2014

By: Anu

Subject: Re: re Rainbows

Dearest Sal,
Thank you for your loving encouraging words. Thanks for understanding sis and for your love and encouragement which means a lot.

And thank God for all the lessons He brings our way - the difficult ones as well as the easy ones.

As long as we draw closer to Him it is always worth it.
Blessings and much love,
Anu xo

Date: 15/07/2014

By: Michelle P.

Subject: He will never leave

Hey my precious celebrity friend,
Loved the blog and totally agree with it. Also glad you found your Trinity picture. I love the way you explained that we too can approach the divine table - and YESSSSSS He will never leave us.


Date: 15/07/2014

By: Anu

Subject: Re: He will never leave

Hey beautiful friend,
Thanks for finding time amidst your busy days to not only read my blog but also to bless me by responding. You are a dear friend. Isn't it awesome that we can approach the divine table any time and all the time? He is good and His mercies endure forever.

Thanking God for His presence and for yours too! :)
Hugs and love,
Anu xo

Date: 30/06/2014

By: Michelle P.

Subject: The Detour

My precious celebrity friend,

Thank you for sharing the many detours of your life with me that has encouraged me so many times that the Lord is my/our Guide through it all. It may take a while but it is all worth while :).


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