Oh Anu what joy reading your blog today the 31st of Dec 2013.
"Waiting on Him" is I believe SO essential especially in our day and age when everything is 'instant'! and yet sometimes for us His children it doesn't come easily does it?
YET, I am so grateful to God for what He taught me of Himself in the years of waiting and doing in me a work which otherwise would not have been done. David Roper a favourite author of mine says "What we wait for, is far less important than what God is doing while we wait."
Thank you sis...may we encourage and spur each other on as He enables us to rise with wings as eagles!!
have a wonderful 2014 carried by His love!
Date: 31/12/2013
Subject: On Eagles Wings
Date: 02/01/2014
Subject: Re: On Eagles Wings
Dearest Sal,
Thanks so much for your lovely encouraging words. I loved the words you quoted from David Roper too. God's ways are so different to ours and His thoughts so different to ours too. Isn't it great that He does give us these waiting periods which turn out for our own good? He is a gracious Father.
Thank you for your lovely wishes. Wishing you too a beautiful year filled with His grace and goodness.
Much love,
Anu xo
Date: 21/12/2013
Subject: Home for Christmas
Dear Anu,
Oh what a feeling, going back home for Christmas! It is certainly a reward for you from God! He has been watching you with pride, all year through and has rewarded you. Have a beautiful time with your mum and the rest of the beloved family. Our Saviour, King of Kings, Lord of Lords, reigns in our hearts. Happy Christmas to you, Shan & Asela.
Love, chits & Panch.
Date: 21/12/2013
Subject: Re: Home for Christmas
Hi dear Chits,
Lovely to hear from you. Thanks so much for reading and thanks so much for commenting. Yes, God is good isn't He? Feeling deeply blessed. Thank you so much for your wishes Chits. Will certainly do that. Wishing you and your lovely extended family a wonderful Christmas. May the joy of our Saviour reign in your hearts.
Much love and many thanks,
Anu xo
Date: 16/12/2013
Subject: Talking to the Boss
Hi sis,
yes let's spur each other on and remind each other to 'be still' each day and talk to our Boss about all things...yes, especially the seemingly mundane choices and decisions we make on a daily basis! His will not mine!
Date: 16/12/2013
Subject: Re: Talking to the Boss
Thanks darling sis. Yes, oh to cultivate a moment by moment walk with Him where we instinctively walk in obedience to Him all the time. Bless you for sharing.
Anu xo
Date: 28/10/2013
Subject: Mozzies & bush fires
Hi Anu,
I am in SL relaxed enough to read your blog. Firstly, hope your arm is better after the imprints of the mozzie. Thankfully it was not a bushfire ! In life there are many of this kind we face. God has used this to mould us to who we are. I am so grateful to God for mozzie bites & bushfires. I wouldn't have it any other way! I have come to know my God and my Saviour in a way that I have not known before!!
God bless and keep you & yours in His care.
Date: 28/10/2013
Subject: Re: Mozzies & bush fires
Hi Chits,
How lovely to hear from you all the way from Sri Lanka. Thank you yes, my arm is much much better. No itching now which is WONDERFUL! :) Thanks for your thoughts about not having it any other way. You are so right that we come to know our Saviour so much better and to get closer to Him through all our Mozzie bites and our bush fires. Thanks for the reminder.
Much love and thanks for writing.
Have a lovely holiday in Sri Lanka and enjoy the yummy food! :)
Anu xo
Date: 23/10/2013
Subject: Blogged out!
dearest sis,
'blogged out' is what I've felt ever so often. What your friend said is so true...it's when we are at our lowest or feel weak and helpless that He can work in our lves! I felt that most of my mind and heart was still in Kilinochchi after my visit last week and it was so hard to focus on what was at hand...esp as I had to prepare for a study for next Sunday 27th....My mind was blank although I knew what the study was about...just prayed and asked a friend to pray as well...then last morn I woke up extra early and the thoughts did come! In our weakness He IS our strength!
thanks for sharing.
Date: 23/10/2013
Subject: Re: Blogged out!
Hi darling Sal,
Sounds like you know what I am talking about. Bless you. I can well understand that after such a moving experience (as it sounds) at Kilinochi - it must be hard to get back to focusing on other matters in hand. I have been praying for your Bible study. So glad God brought you the ideas you needed. Praise Him. May He continue to lead you and use you and refresh you.
Much love and hugs,
Anu xo