A God who GIVES
03/11/2017 16:12
The year was 2012, the month was April. My world tilted suddenly and precariously when my beloved Mama turned gravely ill. I was off to Sri Lanka in a week, praying I’d reach her in time. In the midst of the uncertainty, I wondered if God was asking something of me. Was He requesting that I’d throw out a special souvenir from my past? Having it tucked away in my home reminded that that part of my past existed. That it had mattered. Then … why did I feel so uneasy?
Was it God? Or was it The Enemy? One morning, I got ready for the support group meeting I ran in my church. To my surprise, not a single person turned up. Oh well—it was an excellent opportunity to spend time with my Heavenly Father, bringing prayer requests of family and friends. I tried to do that but … the question which had plagued me that week buzzed noisily in my brain like a persistent irritating mosquito. During the next hour, I waited before my Papa God. I listened to Him, searching the scriptures for His answer.
The peace I craved eluded me. There was a tap on the door and my beautiful friend Valerie walked in. We hugged. We smiled. Valerie handed me a card. She didn’t utter a word. She patted me; she turned and left. I blinked. Once. Twice. Thrice. What was the card about? It wasn’t my birthday!
I opened it and my jaw dropped. Nestling inside the card was a present. All of $250.00. Whew! What a generous gift! It was for my trip to Sri Lanka. I was speechless. Blessed. Amazed. Valerie is an older lady; a widow. She was not giving out of her abundance. She was giving sacrificially. How could I accept it? But ... Valerie gave it to me with a heart of love towards God and towards me and I could not say ‘No’. Through her loving act, God provided for my needs, He also answered the question that had plagued me. Did He want to take something away from me? Absolutely not! He’s a God who gives.
A God who delights in showering me with blessings far more than I deserve.