A Small Gesture
14/02/2014 16:40
After going through one post operative season last year, Shan and I were well prepared for it this time around. We only had 10 short days to get ready for it. But past experience had taught us well. I knew a freezer crammed with cooked food would help; a pile of brain-tingling books from the library was a must. A tidy house was desirable; a well planned bedside area was something high on the agenda. I have to admit that that last item was very important to me. I spent considerable time setting up my bed-space.
Shan and I switched sides of our bed so that I was closer to the bedroom door. It meant I had no obstacle course to navigate in order to use the bathroom and toilet. I piled high books (and more books) upon my groaning bed-side cupboard. I crammed its drawers with medicines, toiletries and other essentials. I made sure there were non-essentials too to enjoy – like photographs to browse through, games to play, phone/camera/mp3 charging apparatus at hand, nut bars to chew on, a clock and calendar to keep me in the right moment in history.
Last year Shan fixed a power cord that came out from the middle of our bed-head which I could connect to my lap top. A writer can’t be without a computer right? This writer certainly needs a computer at hand. So I had it all well under control. I used a power socket on the right side of my bed to connect the power attachment to my laptop. All went beautifully and according to plan. I was very content; a skylark singing its heart out; a snowflake floating joyfully onto a fresh white winter’s carpet.
But when I began to use my laptop, I bumped into a snag (quite literally). The power cord and computer trapped me inside the bed. The only way I could get down was by removing the power plug. Or by shutting down the laptop. Or both. At first I just took it in my stride (not literally this time). It was just one more difficulty to navigate through this testing season. But after a 2 long weeks of booting up and shutting down the laptop umpteen times a day, I decided there had to be a better way. A more convenient way.
When my dear husband popped in one evening to ask if all was well – I said ‘Yes thanks darling’ with a wifely smile. But then I couldn’t help but share my little dilemma with him. I didn’t expect him to act on it right then. It wasn’t urgent. But my smart, loving husband took instant action. He bent down and picked up the power cord. He wriggled it past the back of the bed – not easy to do, since there was very little space. The next moment I found he’d pushed the power cord out of the middle of our bed-head and eureka – there it was! All ready to attach to my computer. Wow! That was quick work.
I could now fix my lap top from the left side of it rather than the right. That made all the difference. It meant that I didn’t have to keep putting it on and off each time I went to the loo. It meant that life was much easier. Oh yes! I clap my hands in glee as I tell you all about it. I could have smothered my man in hugs and sloppy kisses. I was delighted!
It was a 2 minute job – a caring gesture – a quick fix which made a happy difference to my life in bed. It made me reflect on other 2 minute blessings I could shower on someone who needed it. Know what I mean? Sometimes we don’t envisage how a small caring action can make a difference to someone’s day. But I'm sure you’ll agree with me that it’s those little gestures that often make a big difference to our lives. A card received at the right time, an encouraging email or text message, a kind smile, a loving word, a phone call, a pat on the back, a caring deed, a little gift, a heartfelt prayer, a comforting hug… oh there are so many little but meaningful ways we can bless another.
Recently on Facebook, I came across a saying: Be kind to one person a day and make a difference to 365 lives a year’. Oh how I loved it. Shan’s action reminded me of it. His kind deed didn’t take long. It didn’t cost him much. But how I bless him for it now. It has made my life so much easier and happier. I have been googling the word 'kind' in the Bible and was amazed as to how many references there were to God's kindness. If kindness is one of God's innumerable attributes, it's obviously one that we as His children should emulate.
"He is merciful and tender towards those who don't deserve it; he is slow to get angry and full of kindness and love." Psalm 103:8
I am reminded of a little chorus I used to sing as a child.
Little drops of water, little grains of sand,
Make the mighty ocean, and the beauteous land.
Little deeds of kindness, little words of love,
Make our earth an Eden, like the heaven above.
And the little moments, humble though they be,
Make the mighty ages of Eternity.
Mrs J.A. Carney (1845)