And then the sun shone!
20/04/2013 11:57
Last Monday, I did several loads of washing and went outdoors to hang my clothes out. The sky was overcast. Lots of rain on the horizon. It looked like an uninspiring kind of day; the kind of day that sneezes and trickles, grumbles and whinges. You know the kind I mean? No bright sunshine. No blue sky. Only lots of grey.
I quickly hung most of my washing out and went back indoors. An hour later I looked out to find that raindrops were gently falling on the paved area in our backyard. I rushed out to prevent my drying clothes getting wet. With a sigh, I steered them undercover and came in. Yes, it certainly looked like a dreary day all right.
A few hours later I went to the backyard once more to hang the rest of the clothes out. Surprise surprise! The dreary day had turned around. From grey clouds to white ones. From cheerless skies to bright. From grey skies to blue. From raindrops to dancing sunbeams. The change was amazing. I had wondered if the rain would force me to bring my clothes indoors. Instead the world welcomed me to hang my clothes in the bright warmth of the sun. And so, I moved my clothes from the undercover area to a place where the sunshine fell on them. That was a happy surprise.
As I drank in the splendour of that bright beautiful sunny autumn’s day, my heart sang praises to our Creator. You see – it was not just that I enjoyed the sunshine although it was certainly very welcome. It was much more that that. In that sudden change in weather God spoke into the recesses of my heart.
Over the last 4 or 5 weeks my body has been vigorously protesting, like a hungry baby screaming for her mother’s milk. I'd previously enjoyed a blissful first 6 weeks after my operation where everything seemed to go right and where I’d felt whole and rested. However, the next 6 weeks were ones where everything seemed to go wrong. My foot was doing pretty well on the whole and I was deeply thankful. But the rest of me seemed to be falling apart like a well made piece of furniture now breaking down to little bits of timber and nails and making a resounding plonk as they fell on a hard, cement floor.
Taking the anti inflammatory tablets prescribed for the healing of my foot had caused other complications. Plenty of nausea and heartburn, lots of pain in my body. It was most disconcerting. The biggest problem was that I found it hard to keep walking. Those same wonderful anti inflammatory tablets taken 3 or 4 times a week during the past few years have kept me walking without these 4 years or more. Now, the doctor had forbidden me their use. Oh dear! Even a brief trip to the shopping centre ended with very sore feet and slow steps. Ouch! I felt I was a prisoner! In spite of the success of my operation, walking freely was a big luxury these days.
Of course I knew that God asked me to trust Him just as He did in every circumstance. And so I tried to do that. But my body seemed to have aged. And my spirit rebelled. I’d been looking forward to jumping into life with both feet 3 months after my operation. Surely that wasn't asking too much? Besides, God had called me to a task starting on May 1st. How would I cope? Not with this body. Perhaps I needed a new body?
And then the sun shone. As I saw the sunshine splashing around me that day my heart found fresh hope. It was as if God had whispered comfort and encouragement into my ear. “Look Anusha” He said. ‘A few hours ago, you would not have expected any sunshine today. And yet, here it is. In the same way, trust me. Trust me with your health. I am in control and I care. I have called you to a task and I will surely heal you. I will also equip you with all you need.’
‘Yes Lord” I whispered back and smiled with God. Sometimes the only way out is by trusting Him not with my sight, but simply by placing my hand in His strong Hand and walking close to Him.
Is there something that’s holding you back? Is there a situation that seems impossible to get through? Perhaps God is asking you too today to step out in faith. To trust Him in spite of the depressing messages the world throws at you. The world says there is no hope but God says – keep going. I am with you unto the end of the world.
“Trust me” He tells me.
“Trust me” He says to you too.
Let’s keep trusting Him. We have nothing to lose. And everything to gain.
I was without hope one day.
And then the Son shone!