Are You Ready?
30/08/2018 16:58
Confession time—I often struggle with being on time, especially in the early mornings. The other day I was looking forward to catching up with a friend at my favourite bookshop in the city. I got up at 6.30—three whole hours before my 9.32 bus. I'd planned to leave by 9.25 giving me four minutes to get to the bus stop with a few minutes to spare. As I stuffed my mp3 player into my bag and got out my senior’s bus pass, I was sure I was making good time. However, a glance at my watch revealed otherwise. It was already 9.30. Oh no! Too late.
The next bus would take another 15 minutes to arrive but I’d still be in time for my date. So … should I wait at home and leave six minutes before the bus as I’d usually do? On reflection, I decided that it was better to leave immediately, and wait at the bus stand rather than at home, because I couldn’t risk missing the next bus as well. I enjoyed a walk along our lovely scenic pathway, breathing in the cool fresh morning air. There was no need to hurry because for once, I had plenty of time. The sun greeted me with a cheery hello as it splashed my face with its warmth. Birds chirped excitedly. Trees murmured their blessings as I passed by and winter’s green garb refreshed me. As I got close to the main road, I hesitated. Should I go for a little walk first? But something (or Someone?) made me change my mind.
What if I would miraculously catch that 9.32 bus after all? What if? I lengthened my stride. The first inkling that my miracle was on its way was when I spotted someone seated at my bus stop across the road. My heart thumped a little faster as my footsteps quickened. I reached the main road and looked to my left. Lo and behold … there it was—a large yellow bus moving purposefully towards my halt. With a whoop of delight, I scampered across the road as fast as I could. Panting, I arrived at the bus stop …just in time. My miracle had occurred! Hooray!
The ride to the city was all it promised, with the bus track across gurgling streams and lush green foliage and my soul was richer for it. As I got closer to my destination, I picked up my phone and got busy sending a few urgent text messages. That done, I put my phone away, ready to get up to leave the bus. That’s when I got my second surprise of the morning. The road looked totally unfamiliar. Where was I? Had the bus taken a different route? Surely I hadn’t missed my halt?
I had! Panic rose within me like the rising tide. Breathe Anusha. Breathe! I called my husband at once, declaring I was well and truly lost. His soothing response calmed me at once. My wonderful man quickly told me where I was and how to get back. (Isn’t he amazing?) I had planned to be 15 minutes early. Now, I would be 10 minutes late! I texted my friend to let her know and walked hurriedly to my destination. I scurried into the café, breathless and full of apologies. But … my friend was nowhere to be seen. I called her but she didn’t pick up. Oh dear. I checked Facebook and discovered she’d tried calling me via Facebook but I don’t have FB Messenger on my phone, so I hadn’t heard it.
Ten minutes later, my friend turned up. She too had had a stressful time getting there, finding it hard to find a place to park her car. One digit in the mobile number I had for her was incorrect—which was why she didn’t pick up when I called or respond to my text messages. The interesting truth was that if I had got off at the right bus halt—I may have actually have given up waiting for her after 20 minutes and moved on, so my getting off at the wrong halt was actually a good thing. Another miracle really—that we both did meet up after the hassle we both had encountered in getting there. We had a refreshing time together and God warmed our hearts.
Sometimes, God has a miracle for me but I’m not looking for it so I miss it. Sometimes I am unaware that circumstances not going according to plan could be God working His purposes for my good. Sometimes I don’t listen to His voice and lose out on what to do and how to reach His best for my life.
Am I walking in the light so I would hear from God today?
Am I surrendered and ready for what He’s about to do?
Am I positioned for what God wants to work in and through my life today?
“So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord,
continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him,
strengthened in the faith as you were taught,
and overflowing with thankfulness.” Colossians 2:6,7