At the feet of JESUS
31/01/2020 13:53
Last year, my lovely backyard was desecrated (in my eyes) when we were forced to cut down the lush green foliage that grew in front of our back fence. It had to be done so our neighbour could redo his fence, and for weeks afterward, I grieved our loss. In fact, I stopped my habit of spending time in our backyard each morning, Bible and cuppa in hand—the sight of that bare ugly fence in place of our green glory was too much to contend with.
It was a happy surprise then that only three months later, one morning, (a day when I sorely needed God’s touch), He wooed me back into our special place. What a precious time it was that day, but … that is a story for another day. Our fence is still patchy in its green attire but more dressed-up than before, (thank you Papa), so I’m now back in our yard each morning cuppa in hand for my precious time with Jesus.
One morning, a few weeks ago, I couldn’t find my pen cap. It wasn’t in my den; it wasn’t on the dining table where I had sat just before I missed it. It wasn’t on the carpet. But … next morning, before I had even looked for it, I found it. The little pen cap lay nestled on the grass in our yard, waiting for me, close to the place where I meet with Jesus. It was only a small pen cap but I was thrilled to find it.
Have you lost something? A dream? A hope? A vision? Something tangible? A relationship? A job? Or something else that’s dear to your heart? Some losses are irreplaceable I know and if that is you, I grieve with you. I’m so very sorry. But there are other losses which can be redeemed by our Master’s touch. I found what I had lost when I did what I always do every morning—
retraced my steps into the presence of Jesus.
I should have known that that’s where I would always find all that I ever need. Love, joy, peace, wholeness, wellness. Shalom. Beauty, truth and goodness. It’s where I find something even as mundane as a pen cap. And of course, for a writer (which I am), a pen is an important implement. Without a pen cap, a pen could well lose its sharp neat point. Without a pen cap, a pen (if it fell), might not write again. So even a little pen cap is important in spite of smallness, in spite of its seemingly mundane existence.
Whatever your hopes that have been fallen by the way, may they be picked up and pursued with passion in 2020. Whatever small forgotten dreams have been shed in 2019, this New Year may be just the right time to ignite them. Whatever your heart is crying out for, retracing your steps to the feet of Jesus may be the answer you need.
In Jesus is salvation. In Jesus we find strength. In Jesus, we find our bearings. In Jesus, all we lost will be replaced or restored if not now, then in eternity. In Jesus, we re-discover the music to our lost songs. In Jesus are blessings such as the world cannot give. In Jesus is life and hope and peace. My own journey into a deeper intimacy with Jesus began years ago, when He allowed cracks and challenges to appear in my ordered existence, so that my closer walk with Jesus was fuelled not by my gains but my losses. The truth is that, I would not know how much I needed Him if I was all sufficient. I wouldn’t know that He was the All sufficient One unless He removed other props that had brought me joy.
So what matters today is that although I cannot change the past, I can change the future. I cannot undo the wrongs I have done, but I can choose right actions, thoughts and words today. I may not forget the pain others caused me, but I can choose to forgive them. I cannot re-write my past but I can choose what my future might look like.
In spending time with Jesus every day, we are rooted and grounded in all He desires for us and of us. In Jesus, we set the pace of our lives—we fret less and we whine less. We even do less, but we also achieve more. We bring joy to our Father’s heart by pleasing Him. We rejoice as we savour His Word. We delight in His presence. We find the tools we need to tackle life’s challenges with. We grow roots which will not get shattered by life’s storms.
So it’s time today to choose what matters—to spend time daily listening to Him, delighting in His Word, worshipping the One who loves us. In placing that cap on my pen, I completed it. In retracing your footsteps towards time with Jesus, you will be completed; settled with the One who came to give you abundant life. And together you will forge a life that is beautiful.
“Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.” Matthew 6:31