12/03/2012 12:00

It was sizzling merrily on the stove. I went to my kitchen and opened the lid. I stirred the minced beef curry, peering in to check how it was doing. It didn’t look right. So I looked again.
It’s colour wasn’t quite dark enough, I decided. Perhaps the curry powder wasn’t sufficient! I opened my jar of roasted curry powder and using a teaspoon, added a little more.
I next opened my tin of dark roasted curry powder and spooned a little of that too. And then for good measure, I put in a spoonful of chillie powder in.
I stirred the minced beef briskly. This time, it looked a rich, dark brown mixture; a delicous aroma wafting up my nostrils. Mmmm! That smelt good! And it looked....just right! I left it to cook for a little while more and then turned off the flame.
When God looks at me, I think He sees what I could become. So he pours a bit of hardship on me – or else, He allows trials and storms to happen. He lets me experience life and difficulty and tough times. All because He loves me.
He knows far better than I do about what’s best for me. While the curry powders of life rain on me, I look at Him puzzled and unhappy.
“Why God?’ I ask Him. ‘Why me, God?”
But He the Master, knows what’s best. And when He looks the next time, perhaps the melting pot of life’s circumstances would have changed me to become even more beautiful in His eyes.
In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. These have come so that your faith—of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire—may be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed. 1 Peter 1:6,7
It’s for my good, isn’t it?
Let me cherish the trials…. while He changes me!