Do Dive Deep

06/06/2015 12:56
We’ve been doing a spot of winter travel, spending three idyllic days away, driving on country roads, breathing in the air of many enchanting places, sipping steaming cuppas on the wayside, enjoying picnics in the vast outdoors. On the day we left Adelaide, our first stop was scheduled to be in a little town 140 kilometers away. I was excited. What would Blanchetown be like?
We drove in and looked around. A few small houses were scattered here and there on a straight boring road. No green park beckoned; no apparent loveliness. We discovered in dismay that that our hopes weren’t going to be realised. Nothing special. Small. Quiet. Unattractive. Very disappointing! But then, all at once, we stumbled onto a patch of beauty which made my eyes open wide in wonder. A serendipitous find.
Nestling between the river Murray on our right and a sheer cliff on our left was a meandering road. A lengthy set of steps led off the road, right up to the highway. A profusion of yellow leaves poked their heads at us against the backdrop of brilliant blue sky.  The river waters glistened. The enthralling outdoors beckoned after all. Shan parked the car and we got down. I fetched our brand new thermos from the car boot. Sitting on a large comfortable log, we enjoyed piping hot cups of tea and were refreshed by the natural beauty around. There was a special sandy walking trail ahead – one I’d have loved to explore had we the time for it. It was my kind of place after all.
Just a week before, God had challenged me. I’d been comfortable. Not ready to move from a particular circumstance – when He’d nudged me out of nowhere and said ‘Follow me’. I was surprised.  Was that Him speaking? I had to know. And so, when we left on our road trip, I asked God to confirm it; to speak to me during our three days away. Now, less than 2 hours into the trip He’d already started speaking.
I hadn’t wanted to explore a “place” that at first glance seemed not ‘my kind of thing’. But here at Blanchetown – as I’d discovered unexpected beauty when we drove deeper – God spoke. “Dive deeper my child”, He said. “You’ll find treasure where I am leading you – but you have to give it a go. Don’t give up too soon. I promise you it will be worth it.”
As we drove out of Blanchetown that day I was excited. The truth is that I don’t like change. Following Him to a new circumstance or new place is never easy. But I was excited that day because I was hearing His Voice. I love it when the Holy Spirit speaks and leads me. A precious whisper. Over the next few days, God continued to challenge me. Not through His Word as He often does – but through our holiday experiences. And also through His still small voice. He asked me to dive deeper into where He is calling me to. Because often treasures are found not on the surface but as far as I am willing to go.
Is there somewhere you need to go deeper? A relationship you should press into? A fresh dream God’s calling you to? Is it a brand new pathway He’s leading you on? A ministry He wants you to be involved in? A book He wants you to write? A challenge you’ve ignored till now because on the surface it’s not ‘your thing’?
You just might discover hidden treasure if you search more diligently. Someone you love might surprise you. A dream you’re running away from might sprout wings. The challenge in your life might turn out to be a gift in unusual wrapping paper. You will not know until you travel deeper. You might discover hidden sparkling gems in a mine far below your presumed boundaries. So don’t give up. Don’t walk away before you explore it fully.

“Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is and walk in it and you will find rest for your souls.” Jeremiah 6:16