Does it Matter?
22/07/2013 09:40
It’s 5.42 p.m. on Sunday evening. I sit at the computer and my fingers begin to move. We’ve just returned to Adelaide after a refreshing weekend away. There are bags to unpack and a meal to cook. Clothes to wash and chores to do. But oh dear…. my blog for tomorrow is as yet unwritten. Do I have time to write it today?
On an ideal week, I’d write my blog on the Monday a whole week before it’s due. I’d edit it daily from then on, to ensure it sounds just right. I’d tweak it here and I’d tweak it there, just a little bit more each day. By Saturday I’d have a blog that’s ready to go.
Even on a not-so-ideal week, I’d have at least begun to write my blog by Saturday. I’d have found a few pictures to post along with that blog. And so, when 5.42 p.m. of a Sunday evening arrived, I’d have finished transferring that blog to my website. I’d be busy ensuring that it’s posted correctly. I’d be checking for errors. I’d make certain it was ready for the world’s eyes by Monday morning.
The clock informs me now that it’s 5.57 p.m. Almost 6 o’clock. And here I am….still fumbling around trying to write my blog. Does it matter that I write it this week?
Would it matter if I forget it just this once?
Perhaps there’s someone waiting to read my blog tomorrow?
Does it matter if I fail him just this once?
Perhaps there’s someone out there who needs a word of encouragement?
Does it matter if she doesn’t receive it from me this week?
It did matter that we enjoyed a fabulous two days away. It mattered that we were welcomed with warm hospitality by my extended family in Whyalla (bless them). It mattered that we were fed delicious food and had lots of fun. It mattered that we were refreshed. It mattered that we returned energised and ready to jump into our busy lives once again. It mattered that God Himself showered His love on us - with beautiful weather, safe travels, good health and even the thrill of many rainbows that shone across our path. It all mattered.
There are lots of things I do each week and some of them don’t matter. But many do.
It doesn’t matter if I don’t dust the house this weekend.
But it does matter that I cook dinner for my family tonight.
It doesn’t matter that I don’t have my evening walk today.
But it does matter that I perform tasks that bless my family.
It doesn’t matter if I don’t reply any emails tonight.
But it does matter that I write a thank you to this weekend’s host and hostess for all their kindness.
It doesn’t matter if I don’t do all of my usual Sunday chores.
But it does matter that I remember to thank God for a wonderful weekend.
Sometimes it doesn’t matter if I don’t have time for things I usually do. But at other times, it does. It may not matter if I make a mistake now and then. It does matter if I don’t learn from it. It may not matter that I keep my house in impeccable order 7 days a week. But it does matter that my son can access me when he needs me, 7 days a week. It may not matter if I sometimes forget to pray. But it does matter if I promise to pray for someone in need and then forget all about it.
And so…. I stop … and I ponder. It’s 6.24 p.m. of a Sunday evening and my blog is still not completed. Does it matter that I complete it?
Does it matter that I’m faithful to what God requires of me? Yes.
Does it matter that I bless someone with my blog tomorrow? Yes.
Does it matter that I live my life with purpose – striving to bless others - for the glory of God?
Yes, it matters that I finish my blog tonight. It may not be one that dazzles. It may not be read by scores of people. It may not be appreciated by more than a few. What matters is that I’m faithful to God in my calling as a Christian Writer.
If in writing my blog, I obey God – it matters, doesn’t it?
If I can encourage just one person tomorrow, it matters.
Does it matter if I don’t write my blog just this once?
Yes, it matters. It matters very much!