Don’t give up - (Devotional)
01/03/2012 22:25
I stared at it. What a lovely surprise! A few months ago, the bush had been dead. A small, shrivelled up brown mass of twigs, after a hot dry Summer.
And here it was, just a few months later, not only green and luxuriant, but flowering as well.
Call it a miracle! It really was one. I’d meant to cut if off, because it had looked dead. What a good thing that I hadn’t! I now had the pleasure of enjoying it’s loveliness.
The resurrected bush, taught me the value of not giving up. It’s so easy to think that my prayers are of no use when years of praying seems to have yielded no results. It’s tempting to feel that hoping is useless when all my efforts have brought are more pain and frustration!
When the going gets too tough to weather, It seems that the logical thing to do is to give up.