Don't wait for Perfection
13/07/2017 19:29

For several months last year, I kept planning a dinner party which never happened. I’d connected with a few newcomers to Adelaide and hoped to give them a warm welcome. The problem was that I was either too busy or too sick to bring my plans to fruition. And so the weeks passed by; guilt tugging at my heart like a bull terrier nipping my ankles. If only my health was better! But then ... out of the blues, a brilliant idea popped into my little head.
Rather than cook for a crowd, why not simply order the food? Of course it would be nicer if I cooked a scrumptious meal for my visitors, but since my body wasn’t cooperating, this was a happy alternative. Even if my body didn’t do well on the day, I could still cope with the work involved. Why didn’t think of it before? I suggested it to my beloved and he agreed. We decided to order lamprais for the occasion. Lamprais? What are lamprais you ask.

A lamprais is a special Sri Lankan delicacy, very popular and much enjoyed. It’s a packet containing a variety of different yummy food. On the bed of rice-cooked-in-stock sit lots of mouth-watering accompaniments—a delectable chicken, beef or pork curry, a hot spicy sambal, a sweet but hot onion sambal, delicious cutlets (small round crumbed finger foods, usually made with fish), a white vegetable cooked in coconut milk and golden brown deep fried aubergines. The food is wrapped in a banana leaf. Yum! The advantage of getting individual packets is that washing up is minimal.
The dinner was a success. No, I didn’t make them gasp in admiration at my fancy cooking! But I hope I made them feel loved and cared for which was more important. I did create a chocolate Gateaux for dessert and was glad when they tucked in with relish. I learnt an important lesson that evening, that if I but stop a moment to think outside the box, there are plenty of different ways of doing life. Even if plan A goes off the radar, I still have plenty of great alternatives ... especially If my life goals do not include keeping up with the Jones’ or impressing people.

Perfection may be a the ideal but waiting for perfection is rarely desirable. If I waited till I was well enough to have my new friends over, the day may never have dawned. Settling for what’s possible is better than having good intentions which will not materialise. Compromise is not always a bad thing is it? If I wait till my child is mature enough before I enjoy him, I will lose the thrill of his growing up years.
If I wait till my spouse is perfect before I offer him a compliment, I will lose many opportunities of building him and growing our relationship. If I wait till my life has it all together in order to rejoice in all I have, I will wait forever. If I don’t delight in small every day moments because suffering’s interwoven with the good, I will lose out on life’s many pleasures. If I wait till I have good health in order to be happy, I might have to wait till I reach heaven. If I wait till my life is all ironed out to perfection, I will not enjoy the journey. If I delay my laughter till life is hunky dory, I’d miss all the fun. If I cherish only the good times, I will miss many special moments.

Is there something you are frustrated about because it’s not happening the way you hoped? Perhaps there’s a different way of doing it? Is there someone who annoys you because of his foibles? What are his virtues—I’m sure he has many. Have your plans gone awry and made you discouraged? Perhaps you could try Plan D or E instead? Are you waiting for the perfect partner or the perfect job? Maybe what you already have is worth celebrating?
Perfection will be ours to enjoy in heaven. Meanwhile let’s ask God to show us the way when our plans are thwarted. He knows the road ahead and He is our Father.
"Even in darkness, light dawns for the upright, for the gracious,
compassionate and righteous man. " Psalm 112:4

"For the Lord gives wisdom;
from his mouth come knowledge and understanding." Proverbs 2:6

And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things at all times,
having all that you need, you will abound in every good work." 2 Cor 9:8