Expect a Miracle
30/04/2015 17:01
You might call me weird but I love to snuggle under my duvet all year long – during the cold winter months (which is a given) but also through those hot summer days. My husband lets go of his half of our duvet on warm nights, opting for a soft sheet instead. That’s what I call sensible behavior. His wife however, puts on the air conditioner, so she can still sleep under her cosy duvet.
You might call me weird but I wear my skimpy little summer nightdresses even during the cold winter months. I do own several long sleeved winter nighties, but they rarely see the light of day. I wear one after my nighttime shower and read in bed for awhile before sleep claims me. But after I put out my reading light and lie under the duvet, my winter nightgown becomes too warm for me. So I exchange it for a little skimpy summer nightdress. Ah! Much better. Then I snuggle under my lovely soft duvet and go to sleep.
A few months ago we enjoyed having my much loved sister Sal visit us in Adelaide. Sal and I grew up together. We fought a fair bit when we were young. But that’s what sisters do, right? I confess that I’ve stories to share that make me blush. But I’m glad to report that our friendship matured like fine wine over the years. She’s 3 years older than I, so she’s been a mentor and confidante in my growing up years; the sister I turned to for comfort when my youthful dreams were crushed. Sal’s been a dear close friend for several decades; and one I thank God for constantly.
We both came to experience the reality of God at the same time, so our spiritual journeys have been inter-woven. We are long distance prayer partners. Super Sal (as we call her) is unique – she was the daughter who was there for our parents all through their lives – living next door to them and caring for them in a way the rest of us couldn’t – because we lived too far away. (We are so grateful to you dearest sis.) It was a joy to have her in our home this year. In her usual generous style, Sal brought us many gifts. One of them was a yellow nightdress. It had belonged to Mum, but she’d never worn it. It was too warm for Colombo - probably a gift to her from one who lived in a cooler climate. I loved its look; I loved its feel. And best of all, I loved the fact that it was Mums. Thank you sis. That was very thoughtful of you!
A few nights ago I wore Mum’s soft yellow nightdress for my reading time. As I turned my light off, I wondered if I should change into my skimpy summer nighty but didn’t. Was I too hot? Actually NO! Mum’s soft nightdress served me well. I fell into a deep slumber and woke up refreshed in the morning. How come something that should have been too warm for me wasn’t? Ah! That’s the ‘miracle’. Give me Mum’s yellow nightdress tomorrow and I will wear it again. I’d slept like a hedgehog during its winter hibernatation. Amazing. A reminder to me that life often contains serendipitous moments.
In Mum’s journal I find these words.
Rules for Life
Free your heart from hatred
Free your mind from worry
Live simply
Give More; Demand less
Expect more miracles
I want to live that way – following those precepts daily. In my blog this week, I’d like to focus on the last of them. I believe we often get what we look for. If we look for a pink elephant we might find one. If we look for the faults in others, we will find them. If we look for bad manners we will be irritated by the lack of courtesy in others. If we expect God’s goodness we will find that too. If we expect beauty – we will see it everywhere. If we look for joy, God will fill our hearts with it.
When did you last experience a miracle? I hope it was today? Will you join me as I attune my heart to God’s heart, ask Him for more miracles and then…expect them?
If you remain in me, and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish and it will be given you. This is to my Father's glory that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples." John 15:7,8