A Reason to Dance
27/02/2012 00:00
There I was – 26 years old and unmarried; possibly an old maid for the rest of my life! I’d never had a boy friend. Not that there were no contenders. But the young men who were interested in me were not those I had any interest in. The two or three men whom I’d fallen in love with over the years, didn’t seem to be interested in me!
I’ve always been a romantic at heart. At the age of 19, I’d believed in fairy tale endings. My parents had a very happy marriage. And so ... I looked forward to the day when I could begin my own fairy tale ending in life. I told God one day “Lord – there seems no one on my horizon. You will need to manufacture a man for me!” I heaved a great big sigh ... and wrote a few sad poems in my poetry book!
Life is often good at surprising us don't you think? Sometimes those surprises are not ones we want or like. But on this day – on the 4th of August 1984, an unexpected gift dropped into my unsuspecting lap - and a happy surprise it was! A good friend I'd known for four years told me that he’d been interested in me for awhile. Really? I’d never considered him in that way before. We were good friends – no more. I didn’t think there was a future for us. Or was there?
Within an hour I began to feel positive about it. As I prayed about it, those positive feelings increased. In a few days, I had a strong conviction that Shan was the the God ordained husband for me. And I fell deeply in love!
Three other eligible Christian friends had approached me with their interest not that long ago ... but I hadn’t felt like this then and I'd simply said 'No'! And that was that. But now ... in just four short days – I was certain that Shan was the one for me. He was gentle, he was kind. He was tall, he was handsome. He had a lovely dimple on his right cheek when he smiled. He and I were both Christians, involved in Christian ministry together. We both liked animals, especially dogs. We both loved books. Yes, we had similar interests. And yes, I believed he was God’s person for me. And so I said a resounding ‘Yes’.
It’s 28 years later now – and I look back with joy. Yes, my finding my life’s partner was a reason to dance and still is. Two years ago, I found yet another reason to dance. God answered my second big childhood dream. On the 10th of July 2010, my first book, ‘Enjoying the Journey’ was published by Back to the Bible in Sri Lanka and I became a published Author. Its book launch was another huge epoch moment in my life. Another beginning. Another reason to dance.
Today, Monday, 27th February 2012, I start my blogging adventures, ‘Dancing in the Rain’. I’d like to begin by sharing my BIG reason to dance in the rain. I’ve already mentioned two reasons why I’ve been dancing through life. But those dances were dances in the sunshine.
What I would like to share through my blog is something far better. Not just the dancing in sunshine when all is well, although that too. But the kind of dance I can do even when rain falls heavy on my shoulders; when I get sopping wet– when the thunder shrieks and when lightning strikes! It’s not easy during such seasons to smile and to dance. But dance I will.
My big reason to dance in the rain occured 38 years ago. The Person behind it was JESUS. He became my all in all. He opened my life in ways I had not experienced before. What has He done for me? Everything. Yes, everything! He turned rainy days into rainbows. He turned sadness into meaning. He changed me from the inside out and gave me a new song to sing. He helped me overcome my stormy days. And replaced them with hope. The anticipation of wonderful things to come!
And so today, I dance. Not just a dance that occurs when the sun shines. But one that happens no matter what the weather. Here’s hoping that you too will join me as I dance in the rain. Life is short – and so … it’s time we enjoyed it to the full, before the curtain falls. And life’s dance is over.
I have a reason to dance!
His name is Jesus!
"The Son is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of his being,
sustaining all things by his powerful word." Hebrews 1:3
"We have seen and testify that the Father has sent the
Son to be the Saviour of the world." 1 John 4:14