Give it a GO
21/05/2015 16:52
My beloved has been working very hard all year and deserves a break. We’ve been scouting out possible places for a quick winter getaway. After some discussion and some hunting on the Internet, we discovered the perfect spot. We’d hoped to go from Monday – Wednesday but unfortunately, Monday had already been taken. When I called the landlady to place our booking, my husband told me to ask if we could have it from the Monday - Wednesday rather than from the Tuesday - Thursday it was available. I was a bit puzzled. Surely, there was no point asking?
“But – it’s taken on Monday isn’t?”
“Not on all the websites,” said Shan. ‘It’s possible it’s vacant after all.”
He was right. As he usually is. The Monday booking was still being processed. And guess what. Two days later, the friendly landlady called back to say we could have it on the Monday after all because the other party had backed off. What a good thing we asked.
Haven’t there been instances when you wanted to move towards something you badly desired but wondered if it was worth it because the odds were not stacked in your favour? There may have been times when you'd have liked to place your best foot forward on a venture which you were unsure about and held back. Or times when it seemed pointless to ask but you asked anyway and were amply rewarded. Know what I mean?
What is that you are dithering about today?
Starting a new career?
Asking a delicate question?
Seeking help?
Sharing your faith?
Pursuing a dream that’s close to your heart?