God knows the Truth
16/09/2015 16:43

My son enjoys watching the murder mysteries of Lieutenant Columbo. The other day we watched an episode called ‘The Greenhouse Jungle’. The guilty party tries to frame an innocent woman for his crime. He replaces his gun with hers and obviously thinks he’s very clever. Columbo was of course much smarter than him. At the delightful conclusion to the story, the detective proved that the guns had been switched and the murderer was caught red-handed. I loved the way the mystery unfolded. It’s so satisfying to watch how this seemingly ignorant fumbling detective always comes through. He plays a winning hand, as he places his trump cards with one grand sweep on the table of the murderer’s dastardly life and times. Well done Columbo!
Yes, truth often wins the day, even when it doesn’t look like it. A few weeks ago I timed my visit to our health clinic for 10 a.m. I knew that I’d stand an excellent chance of being seen quickly at that hour. I’d fasted for over 12 hours, so I wondered if I might feel hypoglycaemic. As I drove to my destination, I prayed I’d be able to be seen at once by the nurse, to ensure I’d return home before I felt faint.
When I reached the waiting room, I was dismayed to see several people there already. Oh! Making a quick exit wasn’t going to happen. I went in, took a number and sat at the end of the line, deciding to patiently await my turn. A short while later, the physiotherapist in the practice popped her head out and called out a name. The lady next to me stood up. Hope reared its beautiful head and smiled at me. Hooray! The other ladies were not waiting for blood tests. Perhaps I would be taken in promptly after all.

A few minutes later, another patient walked in. She went to the door and took a number. It was number 9 – one after mine. She should have returned to where I was and sat on my right. Instead, she sat by the door. A few minutes later, the nurse arrived and looked around. “Next’ she said with a bright smile. The late arrival stood up at once. I was surprised. Surely – she could see that the rest of us had come before her? She gave her number to the nurse and walked in confidently. It didn’t seem fair but that’s how it was. I would have to wait. That’s life isn’t it? I opened my prayer diary and decided to enjoy a time of prayer till I was called.
But no! The nurse was back. ‘Number 8 is next’ she said. I stood up. I went in. Number 9 sheepishly walked back. She may have hoped to jump the queue. But she couldn’t. Because of course, the nurse kept track of who was first. And she knew the truth. I got in at once and was home before I knew it; singing praises all the way home.
There are times in our lives when we are mistreated. Misunderstood. When the good we do is undermined or interpreted the wrong way. When people shock us by their inexplicable behavior. Years ago, during a season of pruning, I discovered that it’s not the sins of others that have the greatest power to hurt me. It is my own sin. God gave me a glimpse of my cloudy heart and the enormity of my sin. He revealed to me also the magnitude of His grace. I decided then that I would make it a top priority to become a woman of integrity. To live to an audience of One. To allow God total freedom to dictate all of my life. It was the best decision I've ever made.

You see – others might misunderstand me – but it doesn’t matter. It’s God who has the final call. The only call in fact. He’s the one true Judge. Living with a free conscience before Him is what’s important. Years later, when a season of difficulty arrived – though it was bewildering and deeply hurtful – I was able to stand with my head held high. I knew God smiled down on me in loving approval. It was all that mattered. It's not that I always get it right. Far from it. But the Holy Spirit is my Faithful Helper as I strive after holiness.
You may be hurting today. In a hard place? Not sure if your voice is heard? Are you in strife because people have wronged you? Do not despair. Our God is a God of justice. He’s a God who sees. He knows the truth about everything. The unrighteous might seemingly win the battle but Jesus has already won the war for us. So if you have acted with courage and integrity, you can stand tall. Jesus is the truth. He is with you. Like Columbo with his sweeping hand of truth and justice – God – the great Judge and Lawgiver will one day judge the world. So live today to an audience of One, strong in the confidence of a God who knows, who cares and who has all power and authority. Who promises to work all things for good to those who love Him. Yes. You will be vindicated. May He comfort you as you wait for Him.
“The LORD is a refuge for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble.

Those who know your name will trust in you, for you LORD, have never forsaken those who seek you.” Psalm 9:10,11