Beauty out of Brokenness

13/11/2019 21:46
I was heart-broken. No—I hadn’t lost a person I loved. In the big scheme of things, my loss was minute. But … I had lost something precious. When we moved to our new home last year, I had found a dear little place where I’d commune regularly with God. I’d sit there every morning in our backyard, drinking in the scene of lush vegetation that covered our tall backyard fence, delighting in its colour and beauty.
A large expanse of emerald leaves covered the fence. Little purple flowers dotted the rocks below with a burst of petite white flowers that danced around it, completing the picture. It was my special place to meet with my God. And ... it gave me something more. If ever I felt anxious, this little patch of beauty soothed me, so I spent time soaking in its loveliness, tucking the joy I received from it deep in my heart. It soon became medicine for my soul.
Unfortunately, my Quiet Times were rudely disrupted. Our neighbour needed access to his fence, so we had no choice but to cut down our foliage. Oh no? Oh yes. Sigh. A big one! The leaves had only grown in the past two weeks after the winter ended, and I was just beginning to enjoy them again! But now … but now, we had to cut them all down. How sad I was!
That evening I walked into my kitchen to get myself a drink of water. As I peeked out of the kitchen window, I was in for a surprise. An enchanting, colour-splashed rainbow  smiled at me. Rainbows are my thing! Love them! After a short while, it disappeared, but God immediately shone more beauty into my kitchen, a pink and grey sunset this time that flashed across the skies, dazzling me with its splendour. And guess what! That wasn’t all. As the sunset faded, a radiant moon arose from beyond the hills—sparkling, shining, silver, serene. It winked at me. I was mesmerised. God whispered into my waiting heart. “I know you’re sad today, Nushi. But see what I can do! Trust Me, dear one.” I smiled. “Yes, Papa,” I said “I will trust You.”
As the weeks passed by, God continued to surprise me. A stunning display of red and yellow roses greeted me from beyond my kitchen window. They clambered into my heart, filling me, like an empty flask being topped with cool refreshing water from a fresh gurgling spring. Whenever I gazed through our dining room windows, I’d view tiny pink roses and small white flowers, set against the lush green foliage left on the fence, creating a magnificent contrast. What thrilled me was that it looked much like the scene I used to enjoy in my special place … only this was better. My cup was full.
And here’s the thing. I didn’t have to go and sit in my garden to be filled with this beauty. I could gaze at it countless times a day—simply as I walked around my house. My heart was soothed, not only during my Quiet Time but all day long. Thank you God!
The story of Job reminds us that when tough times loom, Satan  might seem to have the upper hand, but in actual fact it’s God alone who holds the keys of the kingdom. Hallelujah! He is King. He is Lord. All the time. Even when it doesn't look like it. And just as God did for Job, one glorious day He will turn things around for you and me too. For now, we may not understand why God permits our losses and griefs, our tough seasons and our tears. But we know that this, here and now is not all there is. No, there is more. 
As I gazed on the chopped trees and foliage, saddened by the sight of their brokenness, I was reminded that life in the here and now comprises of brokenness. But in the midst of the barren chopped foliage, there sprouted exceptional beauty. And that’s exactly what God does. He uses broken things to bring a new beauty and blessedness into our lives. If life was always rosy, we would not even realise much we needed Him. If we did not need deliverance, how would He prove Himself as our Saviour?
Is your heart broken? Have you lost something of value? If so, I feel your pain. I am so very sorry. Last week’s horrendous bush fires here in Australia reminded us that how fleeting life is. We grieve with those who have lost so much, realising afresh how life can change in an instant. My loss was miniscule compared to those who have lost everything. Life will never be the same for them. But even as I view life in the here and now with it's sadness and broken dreams, I also cling to HOPE. I  do know with certainty that my life is but a brief moment in time. Eternity on the other hand, will last forever. Our losses will be replaced. Yes, the years the locust has taken from you will be recompensed in full, if not in this life, then in the next.

Be assured that God knows. God cares. He is with you. And ... as you yield to Him, 

out of your brokenness and arid places will grow something of beauty that will last forever.

“The Lord is close to the broken-hearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit." Psalm 34:19

“So we do not lose heart. Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being 

renewed day by day. For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal 

weight of glory beyond all comparison, as we look not to the things that are seen 

but to the things that are unseen. For what is seen are temporary, 

but what is unseen is eternal.” 2 Cor 4:16-18