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Grand Spring Sale - 100% discount - All Items Free
28/10/2012 16:32

One day some weeks ago, I realised I had forgotten to buy any avocados with my weekly groceries. I enjoy eating avocado and usually eat one fruit a week. A fine source of good nutrition and excellent for heart health. At least, that’s my excuse. So that evening, when I trundled off on my evening walk, I did two laps around the Oval and then had a walk to the shops and back.
I went into the little supermarket in our modest shopping centre. I chose one avocado, pulled out my coin purse and queued up to pay for it. When I handed it over, the young girl at the counter punched in the code for the item. She said ‘$2.90’ please’. I was surprised. $2.90? It was only $2.69 when I looked! (Call me pedantic if you like!)
She sent someone over to check it out. Yep! I was right. $2.69 it was. A mistake on their part. I decided to say something that was a bit hard to say. Many shops have a policy – that if the amount charged differs from the amount stated, customers can have the item for free. I knew they followed the same policy because I’d obtained another free something when I’d shopped there once before.
“Ummm… do you think I could have the avocado free?” I asked a little diffidently and with a teeny weeny smile peeking out the corners of my mouth - like a shy toddler peeping out from behind her Mum. The girl looked at me. She turned to the man who stood nearby. He nodded. ‘Yes’ she said.
“Thanks so much”, said I, flashing my thirty two. I took my precious avocado and walked out of the shop. I had saved $2.69. And that felt good. OK. I do agree with you that $2.69 saved is no big deal. Or perhaps it is?
I thought it was. I felt rich!

There are other items in life that are free and call out to us all the time. They add richness to our lives. But sadly we often forget to claim them for ourselves. We forget to ‘ask’ God for them. We forget to enjoy those ‘free’goods and the many intangible blessings that are all around us. We lose out.
“What are you talking about?” you ask.
Let me explain. Laughter is free, and so is every smile. Enjoying the moment doesn’t cost me a cent. Loving another is always on the house. Pausing to enjoy the beauty around doesn’t have a price tag; only a wee bit of my time. How about these? An enchanting flower on the roadside. Trees swaying and dancing to soft breezes. White cotton clouds as they decorate a deep blue sky in amazing new patterns every minute. The sight of a dog’s mad, glad exhuberance after his bath.
And then, there are many precious sounds in our world which also add much to our lives and are free to enjoy – with no strings attached. The sweet chirping of a bird on a tree singing its little heart out. The sound of silence – a precious sound indeed in this media driven, loud, entertainment filled world. The tinkling of a mobile playing in soft summer breezes. Encouraging words from a friend’s heart to mine. Your spouse’s nods laced with a few “ahems’ to show you he cares enough to listen to you. Your child’s happy shriek. Laughter. Music – what joy!
The sad fact is that all too often, anything free is discarded or forgotten or trampled on. Things that have a cost often seem to be more valuable to us over things that don’t. But perhaps there are far greater riches from the free commodities in our lives as opposed to those that arrive with an expensive price tag? Friendship is free. Rest and sleep are free. Fresh air is free. Lending someone your ears is free. Building a sandcastle at the seaside has no cost to it.
And wait…. there’s more.. 2 Peter 1:5 tells us that God has given us all things for life and godliness. All things. Not “some things”. Not a “few things”. But all things. So yes, God’s gifts to all who ask for them are absolutely free, just like an incredible spring sale with a 100% discount on all items in the store. No cash is needed. Instead, choose the goodies you like and walk to the Cashier to present your items. He will assure you that He has paid for all of it many many years ago on a cross at Calvary.
First, He offeres us free Forgiveness through Jesus and a New Birth. (Have you received that yet?) And then, He showers on us everything we need for our journey. The Holy Spirit, Grace, Wisdom, Courage, Kindness, Compassion, the Fruit of the Spirit, His Word, Love and ….much much more.
What do you need today? Do you need patience as you wait for His answers? Or do you need courage to face life’s tough times? Strength for your day? A Shoulder to lean on? Wisdom to make the right decisions? God's Healing Touch? The ability to Forgive someone who has hurt you? Do you need Peace of mind? Contentment? Love for others? Do you need a wholesome dose of Joy?
Unless you ask, you will not receive. Unless you decide to take it, it will never be yours. Go on, ask God for it. He is a God who rewards those who diligently seek Him.

“Ask and it shall be given to you; seek and you shall find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who seeks finds; and to him who knocks the door will be opened.”
Mathew 7:7,8