He will make Your Paths Straight
14/09/2017 17:01
When I first got behind the wheel, as a mature 50 year old, I trembled Could I do it? Would I actually be able to steer a car? I wasn’t sure. The young inexperienced instructor who tried to teach me was appalled. He said my steering was the worst he’d seen. Talk of encouraging a novice! Besides, he’d asked the impossible of me. He made me spin the car round and round a car park at high speed. As I steered wildly, I’d clung onto that wheel as if my life depended on it. Which it did. A gruelling way to begin my driving lessons!
Two years of instruction, a different (and thankfully competent) teacher, one accident, plenty of experience and finally … I received my driver’s licence. Whew! What a journey. Now, 7 years later, I have progressed a little and even enjoy driving on occasion. However, I still remain cautious when in the driver's seat. As I do my weekly shopping, I’ve been parking my car far from the shops, in a quieter area with less traffic. Recently though, my body has been protesting and coping less and less with exercise (due to chronic illness) so I had to park closer to the shops. The other day, I got as near as I could to the mall and parked my little Mazda between two cars. I noticed a large four wheel drive vehicle was on one side of me, obstructing my view. I would need to be careful when I reversed later to go home.

When I emerged an hour afterwards, there were four empty spots to the right of my vehicle and four empty spots to the left. What a pleasant surprise! Perhaps they had been warned about my driving? Bliss. I could now see clearly around me and reversing out of my spot was as easy as jumping into a clear blue lake on a warm summer’s day. Splash! I sped home with joy in my heart and the wind in my hair.
A Bible verse flashed into my mind. “The path of the righteous is like the first gleam of dawn, shining ever brighter till the full light of day.” Proverbs 4:18. Other words from scripture waltzed right in as well, like frisky, happy puppies who energised me with their love of life.
The path of the righteous is level; you, the Upright One,
make the way of the righteous smooth.” Isaiah 26:7
In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight.
Proverbs 3:6
My exit out of that car park that day couldn't have been easier.
A reminder that on life's journey too, He would clear the path before me.
Sometimes the future is uncertain. We don’t have much light. I’ve found (as no doubt you have too) that what’s required of me then is to trust Him as He leads me, one step at a time. Psalm 119:105 reminds me: “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.” God often clears our path but not the whole expressway. Three years ago, I found myself in an unusual season of life. Much of what I’d worked towards in the preceding decade seemed to have disintegrated before my eyes.
Earlier that year, God had spoken to me distinctly through Isaiah 30:21 well before I needed its truth. “Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.” Psalm 32:8 confirmed it. “I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my loving eye on you.” Now, months later, I knew why God had impressed the two verses on my heart.

Just like He told me, God led me that season, one day at a time, one footstep at a time, one hope realised at a time. He whispered each day what to do and where to go. He brought new experiences, new places and new people into my life. He shed light on the patch of road in front of me—no more. But … it was all I needed and forced me to trust Him completely. Out of a place of deep sadness and loss came the brightness of new beginnings and much blessing. I look back now with joy, knowing afresh through experience that trusting Him is always worth it. Life might bring unexpected losses and sad situations. But our faithful God is an expert at using those same losses and turning them into masterpieces of His love.
Are you sad and bewildered today? Is the road rough before you? Is there little light on your path? Fear not. He who leads you sees you, is with you and will never let you go. So cling tight to His Hand. Turn to Him and His Word - His light will shine on your path. One day at a time.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.
Proverbs 3:5,6