His smile is a GIVEN
16/11/2013 16:36
It had been a very busy week. Work – lots of it; chores – that never ended – visitors to care for; too much to do – yes – I’d had plenty to keep me going. And now? Now I was exhausted. Together with riding out a tough season – I was more than exhausted. I felt as if I had just returned from the wars. You know the feeling?
I left for my evening walk hoping for some refreshment. I also eagerly anticipated seeing God’s smile. I’d been enjoying the sight of a bright crescent moon for a few days now. It was one I always welcomed, as if my Daddy God was smiling down at me. I smiled back at Him often – as I wended my way around the Oval. Yes, God and I often exchange smiles, grins, chuckles and laughter. After all, He is my Best Friend as much as my Father.
Today I needed His smile even more than usual. My bones were aching. My muscles screamed in weariness. My heart drooped, like a balloon that had been pricked, having no choice but to fizzle out dejectedly. As I turned into the Oval I realised with a start that it was not the right time to expect my Father’s smile. The moon doesn’t remain a crescent size forever does it?
Of course! It was a cheerless discovery. I turned into the Oval and kept walking. I looked up to view the evening sky. A glance, no more. But what I saw then took my breath away. A deep blue evening sky with a few stars come out to play. And … there was more. As I looked above me, there it was – a large three quarter moon beaming down lovingly upon me. I was awed. Because it was then that God whispered His wisdom into my listening ears.
“My smile is a given, my child. What I want to give you today is more. Far more. Don’t you understand?” More? Is that right God? But of course. How could I not know it? His smile is always present, shining upon His children. And today? Today He was brightening my life with not just His smile but also the light of His countenance. Today, His whole face was shining down upon me. Wow!
It struck me with clarity that often I look for the wrong things in the wrong places. For His ‘yes’ when His ‘No’ is a better answer. For an easy life when tough circumstances bring me true riches. The applause of men when my Father’s affirmation is all I need. A broad path to walk on when He’s often reminded me that the narrow path leads to life. I sought His smile when instead my Father's whole countenance beamed down upon me.
I shook my head. Silly me! How long does it take for me to discern the way God works? An unattractive wrappping of a difficult season often uncovers a precious treasure. That treasure is often not visible. Till later. Sometimes I am busy looking for the wrong kind of blessing when a far deeper blessing is being showered on me. I should have known! And so I looked up with understanding. In an instant, the stress of my busy week fell off my shoulders like a weighty cape that slid down quickly and effortlessly. I was free. Unencumbered by wrong assumptions. Free again to walk with joy under the light of His bright countenance.
Have you wondered where God is in this present season? Perhaps God’s blessings to you today are packaged differently to what you expect? If His smile seems to be missing – perhaps you’ve overlooked an important truth? That His smile is a GIVEN. You do not need to look for it. What He’s blessing you with right now is far more than that. The light of His beloved face shines down upon you, blessing you in ways you will one day understand. Till then…..please hang in there. And as you wait, may He bless you with His peace.
“The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make His face to shine upon you and be gracious to you. The Lord turn His face toward you and give you peace.”
Numbers 6:24-26