I don't but HE does
05/12/2014 16:26

For close to 9 years, my husband has been taking a bus to his workplace. Every weekday morning, I stand on a rock in our garden, waving him off. Shan walks down our driveway and towards the cul-de-sac a few houses down the street. He then turns left to a pathway which leads to the main road. We wave at each other twice. Once when he reaches our road. The second time just before he goes out of sight.
Recently we discovered that the bushes in our neighbour’s garden had grown taller and thicker. So much so that I could no longer see my husband or his hand when he reached the end of our street. So I’d stand there after he vanished from my sight – not knowing if he could see my hand as I waved at him. After a few days, I stopped that second wave, thinking he couldn’t see me anyway. That’s where I was wrong. Standing on that rock seemed to have its advantages after all!
A few days ago, as he walked down the street, he shouted out to me, asking if I could see his hand. No, I could not see him or his hand any longer. There seemed to be little point in my waving back. However, I raised my hand and waved. Then shouted out to him, ‘No. Can you see mine?’ I was very surprised at his answer. ‘Yes’ he shouted back.
Oh! That was unexpected. How wrong I was. Since then, I’ve continued with my second wave for several minutes, though I don’t even know if he’s left our street. I know he can see my hand even when I can’t see his. And that’s what matters.

There are many times in my life when I don’t know if God has seen me or heard my cry for help. The Bible assures me that God is closer than I can ever imagine. When we surrender ourselves to His Lordship and accept His free gift of life, His Holy Spirit comes to reside within us. He blesses us not just with eternal life – but also His beautiful Presence all the days of our lives. He is right there beside us as we stagger up that steep mountain or are sinking fast in troubled waters. He is behind us and before us. His help is always available; His Presence is sure.
Do you feel you’ve been calling out to God – but wonder if He has heard you? King David says in Psalm 55. “But I call to God, and the LORD saves me. Evening, morning and noon I cry out in distress, and he hears my voice. He ransoms me unharmed from the battle waged against me, even though many oppose me.” Psalm 55:16, 17
This has been my experience too. Many times I have sought the LORD. Each time He has answered. Sometimes His answers have taken time to arrive and I have wondered what He was doing. It’s been a little like waving at my husband, not knowing if he could see my hand. But God has (as the Scriptures often say) always ‘remembered me’. I may not always see Him or His Hand at work but I am fully assured that He is ever present. My prayers don’t fall on deaf ears. No – His ears are wide open to my cry.
And to yours. Be assured that even if you don’t see Him and feel Him – He is there with you. He sees. He cares. And He is on your case whether you know it or not. Christmas is a beautiful season when we celebrate the arrival of a precious baby in a manger. God took on human form and became one of us. The Son of God became a son of man so that the sons and daughters of man may become sons and daughters of God.
You might not see Him – but He sees you.
You might not see the whole picture – but He does.
You might be at the brink of giving up. Please don’t.

"The Word became flesh and blood, and moved into the neighbourhood. We saw the glory with our own eyes, the one-of-a-kind glory, like Father, like Son, generous inside and out, true from start to finish." John 1:14 – The Message Bible
EPILOGUE: I had a happy surprise today. As I stood waving at my husband – not knowing exactly where he was – I caught a glimpse of colour. Shan had moved to a different place in the street so I could actually see him in between two bushes. That was a lovely surprise. God does that too you know. Sometimes, when I least expect it, God proves Himself to me - through a loving human being, a God- breathed circumstance, His life-giving Word or through His soft whispers within my heart.
“Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us.” Matthew 1:23

Let’s worship Him.