I WILL make it!

06/06/2014 22:29
Don’t you love it when you hear God’s whispers in your heart? God seems to speak to me mostly when I read His Word. He also speaks to me through the wisdom of others – through books, audio books, messages, sermons, conversations. Many times He speaks to me as I gaze upon His magnificent Creation. And sometimes…. yes sometimes… God speaks to me through His still small voice when I am least expecting it.
One Saturday evening some weeks ago, my husband and I relaxed together watching the film ‘Gravity’. It was an excellent movie. For those who don’t know the story, Gravity is about an astronaut who gets stuck in outer space. She tries to return home to earth against horrendous life-threatening odds. It’s a terrifying journey filled with frequent heart stopping moments. The creators of the film have done a great job.
I wasn’t expecting God to speak to me that evening. So it was both startling and exhilarating when He did. At the beginning of the film, a male astronaut (played by George Clooney) tries his best to encourage the woman astronaut (played by Sandra Bullock). She was terrified. As she was struggling to stay alive in space, stark terror in her eyes, he asks her to repeat after him ‘I will make it’. She doesn’t respond. He persists. There is a long pause. Then she speaks. Faltering; soft, fragile. ‘I will make it.’
It was then that God spoke to me. Powerfully. Distinctly. Clearly. In that moment I knew I would make it. You see, I had just been through a season of difficulty myself. I’d been bewildered. Sad. Shocked. Hurting. I did know of course that I could trust God. I knew He’d make sense of my losses. But although my brain had all the right answers, my heart and my emotions had some catching up to do. Hearing His voice speak into my heart when I least expected it was exactly what I needed to make me whole again.
“Thank you Lord”, I whispered, hope flickering in my heart; a candle in the darkness. Today, as I type these words several weeks later I am in a good place. I did make it to first base. I have come out of that tough season with a song in my heart and praise songs resounding on my lips. I feel strong, energised and joyful. I am at peace. I rejoice often as I discover fresh blessings in this new season of life – a toddler delighting in her Christmas gifts, squealing in excitement. I’m amazed and blessed by the bounty and love of my Heavenly Father. His faithfulness has once again been my fortress and strong tower; my strength and my stay. 
It doesn't mean that all is hunky dory all of the time. There are still days when I remember; when I hurt; when I grieve. Making it through life is a process after all. But if I have made it to first base, I know that with God's help I can make it to the next one - and the next.
God has used many lovely people (both old friends and new) to help me heal. How I thank God for them! Books I've read this season have blessed me. Two of them helped renew my mind. The first was ‘Switch on your Brain” by Dr Caroline Leaf; the second - “Power thoughts’ by Joyce Meyer. Using the wisdom of both books – I learnt to reframe what had occurred to me into something positive and life giving. I even enjoyed a 21 day brain de-tox as suggested by Dr Caroline Leaf, finishing with a new mind, as we are asked to do in Romans chapter 12:2. “Be transformed by the renewing of your mind.”
A long known Bible verse energised me. “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Phil 4:13. Simple. Profound. True. Yes, I can do anything through Him who gives me the strength; through His Holy Spirit who leads me and counsels me.
  • I can rejoice in my present season, no matter how difficult or painful.

  • I can live with acceptance and courage.

  • I can discover fresh riches of the spirit.

  •  I can stand firm, not giving into discouragement.

  • I can reject toxic thoughts.

  • I can replace them with new, positive ones.

  • I can smile and laugh and be joyful.

  • I can forgive.

  • I can rise above my circumstances.

  • I can trust God.

  • I can view life through His eyes of wisdom and hope.

  • I can turn my losses into gains.


Yes, I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.

Are you going through a season of despair – of confusion – of bewilderment? Barry Chant in his book ‘When people step out, God steps in’ gives us a necessary reminder. ‘God delights in impossible situations’. Yes. God does delight in impossible situations. Did you know that? He saved the Israelites when they were caught in a hard place - between Pharaoh’s army and the Red sea. And look how He delivered them! God’s power is most evident when the odds are stacked against us. His glory is most revealed when all hope has been lost. So take heart. Does your situation seem impossible? If so, it’s right up God’s street. Our God can turn your darkness into light. And He is on your case.

You WILL make it through Him who gives you strength.

As for God, his way is perfect; the word of the LORD is flawless. He is a shield for all who take refuge in him. For who is God besides the LORD? And who is the Rock except our God? It is God who arms me with strength and makes my way perfect.” Psalm 18:30- 32