In the Moment
18/09/2014 15:24
It was time to celebrate the conclusion of my son’s Tertiary Education. We decided we'd celebrate by spending some time away in the charming little seaside town of Victor Harbour. The lead up to our holiday was hectic. But finally, there we were, bulging bags filling the car boot, a profusion of delicious food in our Eskies, three extra pillows thrown into the backseat, our little pet giraffe on my lap – off, off and away to enjoy a relaxing weekend together.
The weather couldn’t have been nicer. There was sun and cloud, refreshing breezes; the best kind of forecast. As our car sped past the city and into winding country roads, we noticed how refreshingly green our surroundings looked. Long hot days of summer hadn’t yet touched or parched the land. Rolling green hills whizzed by in a friendly wave. Tree lined roads swallowed up our car. Cattle and sheep grazed peacefully in pastureland.
Ever the photographer, I grabbed my camera, ready to catch the moment. I clicked. And I clicked again. And again. Like a hungry bear pounces on a starchy tuber. After all – the beauty needed to be captured didn’t it? I slid my camera back into its place each time, telling myself I’d taken enough pictures. But a few moments later I was tempted afresh and I’d pull my camera out again. ‘I must take a shot of this one too!’ (Know that kind of compulsion?)
As we neared our destination, I found God whisper into my heart. ‘Stop, Nushi. Stop. It’s time to stop capturing. It’s time to start enjoying! “But God….” I began. But my ‘but’ was stilled. Of course He was right. It was time to rest. And gaze. And be. And breathe. Time to enjoy the moment. I looked out of my window and drank in the lush beauty. I savoured each scene as it passed me by through my car window. I gazed at the road ahead and absorbed what it said to me. I stopped capturing the beauty.
I began to enjoy its enchantment instead.
Too often in life I forget to live. I get mesmerised by beauty and seek to capture it. Or I get thrilled by a discovery and leap ahead to share it with others. I become entranced by the doing. And forget about the being. And then, God gently taps me on the shoulder. He reminds me to stop. To live in the moment. To savour His world. To appreciate life. To worship Him. To live. One moment at a time.
When I’m rushing to take yet another picture it’s often time to stop.
To look. To enjoy. To worship my Creator.
When I am racing to share on an insight Facebook, it could be time instead to stop.
To reflect on that insight. To thank God for it. To live.
When I have too much to do, it may be time to stop. To breathe deep. Seek His wisdom.
Reschedule. Say No. Change course. Live in the moment.
When I start worrying about what might happen tomorrow, it’s time to stop.
To recall His faithfulness in the past. To claim His faithfulness in the future. To trust Him.
When I look back on tough times in distress, it’s time to stop.
To thank Him for bringing me through those same hard times.
And to clamber back into the present moment.
When I begin to reflect on an old hurt, it’s time to stop ruminating. To forgive.
To breathe in the grace He freely offers me. To offer it to others.
When I am rushing around multi tasking, it’s time to stop. To relish the moment.
To concentrate wholly on what I’m doing right now. To enjoy the moment instead.
The truth is that I have only one moment at a time. If I've spent my moments trapped inside yesterday or being anxious about tomorrow; in unforgiveness towards others or in tapping my feet in hurried displeasure; in capturing my moments rather than in living them, what would my life look like when I reach the end of my journey? Let me enjoy this moment. Now. And when the next moment comes, let me do it again.