Lasting Flavour
23/01/2015 13:12
In September 2014, we embarked on a family holiday to celebrate our son’s completion of Tertiary Education. We spent a deeply refreshing time away. Unfortunately, as it often occurs with my fibromyalgia – any kind of physical exertion brings on debilitating tiredness and pain. The morning after I got back I woke up exhausted. I knew I was paying for my extra activities of the week. But I couldn’t complain. After all, I had enjoyed myself thoroughly. And I was refreshed in spirit. No, I couldn’t complain.
I had a fair bit to get through that day though. So I decided to imbibe a potent brew. My temperamental tum doesn’t permit me to have many coffees. But one coffee a week can now be consumed with joy and thanksgiving because yay – my tummy actually allows it. (Isn’t that great?) I made a cuppa for myself using our efficient, easy to use coffee machine. I breathed in the aroma of Café Auleit and enjoyed every sip. Mmmm…..
That cup of coffee was just what I needed. It energised me through the day. My mind was clear – a big bonus. I was able to complete a writing task. I prepared a talk. I made dinner. I did the washing up. I cleaned the house. I went for my usual evening walk. None of it could have been tackled with such glad gusto had I not drunk that cup of coffee. And you know, it had lasting flavour. And not just flavour but it also imparted plenty of oomph and energy which remained with me all day. Wonderful!
Wouldn’t it be great if you and I could be like cups of coffee to our friends? What kind of coffee are you? Not bitter I hope. Not sickly sweet or too milky or too watery? But just right. Energising those around you. Do people enjoy your company? Do they have lasting good feelings when they leave you? You may be sure that as even I ask you the questions I point two or three fingers at myself.
How do I become like a cup of delicious coffee to a friend?
How do I refresh another so that their refreshment lasts? Simple. I introduce him or her to Jesus. That’s what it takes! I know that if I have anything to boast of in my life – it is all to do with Jesus. A coffee cup might not contain coffee beans, but it carries the flavour of those coffee beans. We don’t have physical evidence of God’s presence in us – no blood test will reveal it. Neither will a scan. A doctor cannot figure it out. A new pair of glasses won’t unearth it. But just as a cup of coffee carries the flavour of the coffee beans, all those who know Jesus carry His flavour within. It is His Holy Spirit within us who makes the difference.
I've blogged this year about being Kind. About wearing the glasses of Gratitude. Today I’m adding one about having Lasting flavour. How do we accomplish that?
Dispensing lasting flavour might happen if we….
Spent lots of time with Jesus. (The secret of good coffee – a good brew? The secret of a flavourful life – Jesus permeating us through and through)
Ask God for His wisdom, guidance, love and strength every day.
Use every interaction to bless and build others.
Seek to be the hands and feet and the mouthpiece of Jesus.
Spread a little happiness.
Listen more than we speak.
Decide not to get offended easily
Aim at being rather than doing. If we ARE Jesus to a hurting world.
Share the good news – there are many who need to hear it
Live lives of integrity, purpose and passion