Making Discoveries

30/09/2015 13:53

Recently, my family sped off on holiday; to taste refreshing life-giving sips of spring-time. We were not disappointed. As we meandered on country roads, we found ourselves immersed in lavish beauty.  What made it especially joyful for me was that after 5 difficult weeks of battling fibromyalgia and feeling very ill – I was well enough to enjoy my time away. Hooray! What a fabulous gift that was! Thank you God. Thank you.
The caravan park we stayed in was called the ‘Clare Discovery Holiday Park’. I realised soon just how apt that name was. For me personally, it was a time of discovery. God revealed His wisdom and many wonderful insights as I waited on Him. He blessed me with an abundance of writing ideas. He enlarged my vision. The family times we spent together were precious. We revelled in the splendour around us. His Word, His Voice in creation and our circumstances, all whispered into my listening ears.

As welcome as the winter rains.

As vivid as the cloak of spring-time.

As clear as my beloved’s voice.

The weather could not have been better – like baby bear’s soup in the Goldilocks story. Not too hot, not too cold but just right. The weekend glowed with sunshine – it splashed golden beams into our surroundings, making them dazzle. Interestingly enough, Monday’s weather changed clothes. Cold, wet, with grey clouds darkening our horizon. That told me I should not take those two perfect weather days for granted. It could easily have been wet and gloomy instead. I savoured every moment with deep gratitude.
So what were my discoveries you ask. Here is a small sample.
  1. Miracles do happen

  2. God always gives us good gifts
  3. The darkest hour is before the dawn

  4. There are many things in life waiting to be discovered
  5. Every new day brings new mercies and a fresh helping of God’s love

  6. Spring is a wonderful reminder to us of the Good News of Jesus.
  7. Waiting on God is essential – it reminds us we are not God

  8. When we least expect blessings we find them
  9. The peace of God passes all understanding

  10. God’s waiting to bless you
I wonder what kind of discovery you would like to make today? There are grey seasons in all our lives when it’s hard to make out God’s voice among the clamour and screeches of a world gone awry. It’s difficult then to find His direction. We might experience periods of sun-lessness and storm clouds and wonder if He even sees our anguish and knows our pain. But you know – the discoveries I made during our little holiday are eternal truths. So they are spot on for you as well. Perhaps you could seize them for your own delight today?

Yes, God is waiting to bless you.

So come to Him. As you are. He’s waiting for you.

May bountiful new discoveries bring you closer to Him.

And may your heart smile, dance and sing, bathed in Jesus’ glorious Joy.



“You have made known to me the path of life;

You will fill me with joy in your presence,

with eternal pleasures at your right hand.” Psalm 16:11