My Writing Process Blog Tour
13/03/2014 17:03

Rhonda Pooley invited me to my Writing Process Blog Tour. Rhonda has been writing for many years. She describes herself among other things as "being as much in love with the English Language as she has ever been". Sounds wonderful! Her book 'Cambodian Harvest' is due to be out on April 1st. Very exciting. Congratulations Rhonda and may it bring in a rich harvest for the kingdom.
You will find her at

What am I working On?
Good Question.
I’m presently hunting energetically to find publishers for my six completed books which are: a) A Children’s picture book, b) A Children’s chapter book, c) Three Devotional Books and 4) A non fiction Christian book.
I’m also working on my first adult fiction book but it looks like that project might take forever…! Stay tuned!
I’m writing an article for the Golden Pen magazine about living life to the full.
And of course I continue to produce my weekly blog as always. (I’ve presently 143 new blog ideas in the pipeline – pity I don't have a few more hours each day to write them all as fast as I'd like!)
My latest Blog can be seen at
How does my work differ from others of its genre?
I like to think my writing is unique! My first book ‘Enjoying the Journey’ was an inspirational non fiction book written to bless and encourage others in their walk with God. I’ve discovered that it’s had an appeal for all ages; from small children to mature, older folk. I’m told that many families have used it for their family devotions. I have written 2 sequels to it and trust I can get them published in the next few years.
God’s been challenging me to try different types of writing every year. This has been most enjoyable and keeps me learning new things all the time and I don’t get stale. For the first time in the 7 years I’ve been writing, I felt this year that I was losing some of my sparkle. But God (being God) intervened. He plonked me down in bed for 3 months and gave me a great recuperation time after my latest foot operation. It’s provided me with what I’ve needed – a fresh perspective, fresh vision, new creativity and most importantly a deeper walk with the Lord all of which is the fuel for my writing.
Why do I write what I do?
Over the years, even as my own walk with God has deepened – I’ve longed to help others also experience His goodness and reality in deeper ways. What better way to do so than to through my writing? I’m passionate about encouraging others and helping them grow in their own journeys with Jesus.
In writing my first adult novel, my aim is to speak into the hearts of those who have never known God in their lives into discovering Him for themselves. If someone were to seek and find Jesus through my writing - that would be a dream realised.
How does my writing process work?
Process? Hmmm! What process? I didn’t know I had one!
I find God showing me His reality often through every day life – and I use these little nuggets to share God truth. I am constantly bombarded by ideas –– which in fact were the base of my first published book, Enjoying the Journey.
As for novel writing – my first children’s fiction book was a real adventure. I loved writing it – and it happened very quickly because I had to finish it in a month to meet the deadlines of a writing competition. My first Adult novel though has been very different. It has been SLOW getting off ground. I am presently reading and studying all I can about fiction writing and also planning my book in depth before I plunge into the actual writing. So it’s taking a lot of time. Usually I jump in with little preparation.
Editing is the best part of any writing process. I love refining my writing over and over again – one of the distinct pleasures of my writing life. Does that sound strange? Perhaps it is! But then – we writers are a little weird, I have to confess! And perhaps I might add (in case some of my fellow writers are present) - we are weird but wonderful!
Next week you will meet Adele Jones on the Writing Process Blog Tour.
Adele Jones lives in Queensland, Australia. Her writing is inspired by a passion for family, faith, friends, music and science – and her broad ranging imagination. Adele's a prolific writer. Her YA SciFi novel 'Integrate' was awarded the CALEB unpublished manuscript prize 2013, and is due for release through Rhiza Press in September 2014. You can read more on
Adele's second novel, 'A Devil's Ransom' is also due for release in 2014. It's a historical maritime fiction novel published through the Rose & Crown inspirational romance imprint of UK based Sunpenny Publishing Adele says she seeks to take people on an exploratory journey of self; of life, in all aspects—irrespective of genre. She sees writing as an opportunity to connect with a reader’s soul. She hopes they have fun, but she also wants them to feel they’ve been whisked away on a mini-journey and touched on a deep level through her writing.
So come along and meet Adele next Monday March 24th on her own Writing Process Blog tour. You will not be disappointed.