Never Give Up
29/09/2017 15:32
Each week, my son diligently places our wheelie bins out on the kerb for collection. Recently he was sick with a nasty flu so I assured him that either his Dad or I would do the needful. My beloved, when he returned from work said he’d put them out after his Thursday night swim. The problem was that since we are both fast approaching 60, our memories are not what they used to be! Shan returned from his swim an hour later. We went to bed that night not giving another thought to our wheelie bins.
Next morning, I waved goodbye to my man, still with no memory of that must-be-done chore. It was not until close to 1 p.m. when I heard the pick-up truck rumbling down our road that I remembered. I leapt to action, adrenaline coursing my veins. It didn’t help though, that I’d injured my knee some weeks before and was limping. A recent decluttering of our home had filled our recycling bin to capacity. I HAD to get rid of it all. Fast. I moved like a baby caterpillar who was climbing Mount Everest … or rather descending Mount Everest in this instance.
Numerous attempts at getting that wheelie bin in motion proved fruitless—it was just too heavy for the likes of little me. But … I was determined. And so I tried. Again. And again. The truck passed our home and started to empty my neighbours’ bin. It was then that I finally managed to get it moving. Those who’ve been to our home know that our driveway is pretty steep. To push a heavy wheelie bin down a precipitous slope needs muscle. And the strength of an ox. Despite my chubby proportions, my strength is more akin to that of a rabbit! But I knew I HAD to do it. So I did. As I rolled the bin down our little hill it picked up speed. Oh no! I would soon be dragged downhill. Help!
Praying all the way, and with great difficulty, I inched the hefty bin down the slope. Our home is three houses from the end of our street, so I had a few minutes grace as the giant truck wheeled around the cul de sac picking up a couple more bins. I rushed across the street and placed our bin by the kerb just as the truck came racing by. Would it stop? I held my breath. It did. A big sigh of relief whooshed through my lips as the truck’s large electronic arms plucked my bin and emptied its contents. Thank you God!
But when the bin was placed back, it tipped over, sprawling ungracefully across the road. Should I pick it up? I hesitated. If I didn’t, the rear wheels of the large truck would crush its bright yellow lid. But if the truck started off at once, I could get hurt. I held up my hand hoping the driver could see it and stepped forward. I lifted the bin onto its feet, my heart in my mouth. The vehicle stayed put. Whew. I waved my thanks to the driver, very grateful. What a patient, kind man! I could have hugged him. After the truck moved away, I pushed my wheelie bin back up my steep driveway, my heart dancing with thanksgiving at the remarlable little miracle I’d been part of.
An impossible task made possible. Persevering against the odds is never easy. But the only way to live; or so I have discovered. After my first book was published 7 years ago, my hunt for an Australian publisher for my next book was a long, arduous journey. The harder I tried, the more rejections I received. Would I ever make it, I wondered. But God. But God worked it out. First … I had to keep hoping. To keep going. To keep on keeping on ... in spite of. Last year, a beautiful, kind and generous friend paid for me to attend our annual Writer's Conference, another miracle. There, God led me to show my manuscript to a publisher. And now ... all going well, my next book, ‘Dancing in the Rain’ is set be published in 2018. Hooray! A gift from God? Absolutely. When God is at the helm, perseverance pays rich dividends.
Sometimes I get weary. I am tempted to stop trying. But like the glowing embers of a fire which will never be snuffed out, there shines an eternal truth. There is always hope. There’s a Special Someone steering the vehicle of life, a gracious Driver who waits patiently for me, even when my life collapses. He gives me the time and space to pick myself up. He heals my broken heart. He helps me realise my God-inspired dreams. He will never leave me nor forsake me.
Today, dear friend, if you are struggling to reach your goals … please don’t give up. Keep pushing through. You are closer today to finding your answer than you were yesterday. You CAN make it—not in human strength alone but with the supernatural power, wisdom and leading of your Heavenly Father. When you reach out to hold His Hand, anything (and everything) becomes possible.
Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses,
let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles.
And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us,
fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. Hebrews 12:1-2

Let us not become weary in doing good,
for at the proper time we will reap a harvest
if we do not give up. Galatians 6:9