No Rain, No Rainbows
29/06/2016 15:36

After a very soggy squishy start, it was turning into a beautiful day. Rain clouds had blown away before lunchtime and the sun beamed down on the world. Parrots raced around screeching in joy; galah birds swooped down to nibble on the wet grass. I’d endured a tough week with fibro weariness, so hadn’t enjoyed my usual daily walks for many days. But the sunshine melted my misgivings. I knew I might feel worse if I went out walking that day. But how could I resist nature’s allure?
And so after lunch, I popped two Vitamin B12 tablets into my mouth for energy and started on my way. It was cold and brisk outside. I wore three layers for warmth and my sunnies to counteract the bright sunlight. Would I need a raincoat? Surely not? After a couple of laps around the Oval, I treated myself to walking down a magical track I’d lately re-discovered, replete with lush green grass, winding footpaths and inspiring views. I feasted my soul on the fresh enchanting world around me. I revelled in the sight of the shimmering leaves of the gum trees, which responded eagerly to the sun’s bright rays. Every few minutes, I stopped to take a few more pictures. I soaked in the beauty and praised my Creator.

But as I reached the summit of my walk, the sun disappeared. Oh no! Thick grey clouds were gathering fast. I should have worn my raincoat after all. Regretfully, I turned back and retraced my steps, praying that God would hold the shower off until I returned home. Too late—large live luminous raindrops spattered my blue jacket, splashing merrily on my nose. As I rushed down the footpath, a flash of colour greeted me. I looked up, and there it was. God’s gift to me. A rainbow. Wow God! Wow. Thank you God, I whispered.
Thank you for not answering my prayer, Lord. If the rain hadn’t arrived, the rainbow would not have made an appearance either. Thank you God for the rain. Sometimes I expect to get through life without any rough moments. But think how drab our world would be if there was no rain and no beauty that followed it.

No problems, no opportunities.
No tough times, no soul growth.
No rain, no rainbows.
I've found that every thorny season in my life has brought me a reward. Interestingly, each one’s different. A long, painful spell in my life brought me very close to God and for that I am forever grateful. My extended job hunt revealed zero results, but I acquired a marvelous prize—that of my becoming a writer. The precious gift I've received through my long battle with fibro, is empathy. I view the suffering of others with different eyes now, because suffering is suffering, no matter how it’s wrapped. Each harsh obstacle I encounter might first make me whine and sigh, (I’m ashamed to admit), but when I turn to God for help in humility and surrender, He transforms my pain into a unique blessing—one I would not have received, had my life been easier.
What’s a little rain?
I saw a Rainbow!
Thank you God for the rain.

“Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.” James 1:2-3