Safety during Troubled Times
01/05/2020 16:55
Who would have expected 2020 to bring us what it did? True, life’s full of surprises and has a habit of dishing out unwelcome seasons when we least expect it, but I’d never envisioned this level of suffering—the world over! Usually, if one country experiences a disaster, others rush to their aid. And that’s why this pandemic’s been so difficult. It’s not just one little incident in one small country. But like volcanoes erupting in every sphere, causing mayhem, death and destruction, everyone in our world today is experiencing the shifting sands of change, uncertainty and trauma—all at the same time. When help is needed, we are informed that the best way to bless our neighbours is to stay away from them even if they are in dire need. How cruel is that?
On a lighter note … who would have thought that a trip to the shops would be such an adventure? Whenever I come home with groceries, I disinfect my car—its steering wheel, the door handle, my gear stick, my handbrake, my car keys. I ensure that the items I bring indoors are virus-free—with disinfectant wipes to clean the outside of my re-usable grocery bags and every item I’ve purchased. I wash my hands meticulously with an antiseptic hand wash and change my clothes.
But I don't need to tell you all this!
YOU do the same!
I enjoyed a novel catch-up with a friend recently. I dressed for it with care, slipping on a colour-splashed blouse and putting on a pair of slacks. I wore a nifty pair of black shoes. I brushed my hair and sprayed on my favourite perfume. My lips were painted with gloss. It felt good, as if I was going out to have a coffee—not just a few steps into my den to sit in the chair I spend most of my waking hours in! Yes, I was meeting my friend via a Zoom conversation! The best part of that visit was that later, no disinfectant wipes were called upon to perform their cleaning act. I changed back into my home clothes minus my handwashing ritual. No cleaning of goods were needed, no removal of shoes. I was safe. Secure. Happy. All was well.
In these uncertain times, you and I can zoom out of our lives and zoom into another Safe Place, which, like my meeting with my friend that day is a Sanctuary for such a time as this. It’s one visit we can return from, with no need to disinfect ourselves. My friend prayed with me that day and God gifted me with two inspiring pictures. In the first, Jesus gave me a large heart to hold onto. There was no room for anything else (like fear for instance), because the LOVE He offered, took up all available space in my hands.
The second picture given me was broader, deeper, wider. I was carried by God the Father. Jesus His Son, stood before me reaching out to me in love, while the third Person of the Trinity, the Holy Spirit whizzed around us, sealing me in God’s holy presence. I was secure. It was an intensely powerful image and one I will revisit often, especially when I feel afraid.
The world IS a scary place at present, so if you feel unsafe, your feelings are perfectly valid. Know today that as you look to Him, He is able to carry you. Gaze on the beautiful face of Jesus—His arms are outstretched towards you. Cling to His love. Like the radiant sunrise that follows each sunset, God’s LOVE is always sure, a brilliant light that shines in the darkness. Be assured that His Holy Spirit lives within those who follow Jesus, keeping you safe in the shelter of His wings. Life at present might seem like a scary walk in a deep, dank, dark forest, but hold onto His Hand. He cares. Deeply. And nothing, no nothing will ever separate you from His love.
“No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.
For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons,
neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth,
nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of
God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 8:37-39 (NIV)