The Author of Life
I have three email addresses—the first which I use all the time. Next is my “junk” email address which is useful when I travel. The third address is linked to my blog. Every so often I receive surprise emails from unknown folk that plop into my blog-linked email address. I’m honoured and blessed to hear how God has used my writing to touch strangers’ lives. What a privilege that He uses broken vessels like me to share His love with His world!
A couple of weeks ago, I received yet another email from a stranger. I read it twice to understand it, then wrote back thanking him and wished him well. I was still puzzled though as to what the writer wanted to convey, so read it a third time. The email implied that its author could show me how to make Jesus my Lord and Saviour. I was surprised. Surely I’d made it clear that He already was? Will also mentioned the importance of acknowledging God as the Source of my writing. Oh? Another surprise. It made my brain whirr like a ceiling fan at high speed on a hot summer’s day.

A few emails later, Will asked for my help in writing a book. I wasn’t sure where his long, vague emails would lead me, so after much thought and prayer, knew it was time to end the correspondence. But I'm very grateful for Will's letters because he reminded me of the importance of giving credit where credit was due. (Thank you Will.) I’d like my readers to be clear about my motivations in writing and to meet the One who inspires it.
42 years ago, the Author of Life burst into my life with startling suddenness, splashing joy into my life, like the glorious flowers that bloom each spring, bringing colour and beauty to our world.
Jesus forgave me, cleansed me and started me off on a God-breathed journey, teaching me what life is all about. His death and resurrection bought for me salvation, freedom and the hope of life with Him eternity. But that's not all. Ten years ago, He took me to a crossroads, then pointed to a new fork in my journey—that of becoming a Christian writer. How I've loved it. My first book was published through a series of unexpected events—all orchestrated by God (that’s another story) and I give Him all the glory. Four year ago, I began to write a weekly blog, and found very quickly that it was a gift from God with which to minister to others. Pursuing hard after God is my life long passion. How exciting then, to encourage others to do the same.
And so today I throw the curtains wide open at the Theatre of LIFE. I walk on centre-stage to sing of Him who loves me. I make known in no uncertain terms, the Truth whom I stand on, Jesus Christ, my Saviour and Lord. It was He who called me to write. I am humbled and blessed to be used for His Kingdom. It is the Holy Spirit who inspires me and guides my writing. There are times when writing doesn’t come easy, but as I wait on Him, the words begin to dance at my fingertips because He steps in and guides my thoughts. He makes me work hard and teaches me to depend on Him. And as God often reminds me through His Word:
"Apart from me, you can do nothing." Jesus (John 15:5)
Sometimes, I plan to write about one aspect of life but God changes it to something completely different—as it occurred in the last blog I wrote. Yes, it’s God who gets the credit for any 'good' I do—be it in the writing sphere or in any aspect of my walk with Him. Without Jesus, I am nothing. My blog today is dedicated to the Author of Life. He began my life—He will complete it. He creates the words that flow into my mind as I write. He is the Author, Editor, Publisher and Advocate of my life. So as the curtains swing wide open and the spotlight beams—it’s not directed at this little singer who struts on the stage, sprouting glad melodies but on the Author of Life who writes her music. He is the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and End. He writes my story as He’s written the amazing Story of Life and the wonderful Story of God!
“You killed the Author of life, but God raised him from the dead.” Acts 3:15
“I am the true vine…. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain the vine.
Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me.” Jesus (John 15:1, 4)
“Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever. Amen.” Ephesians 3:20-21