The day I couldn't see JESUS
26/09/2014 14:40

I once faced a difficult day when I just couldn’t see Jesus. What do I mean? What’s it all about?
Well, it happened during an unusually perplexing season in my life. ‘Unusual’ because it should have been a great season. But just when I was basking in the glow of walking and working with Him, cold winds blew unexpectedly in from the East. Darkness fell around me like a thick grey curtain. Rain pelted down hard and fast. An unpredicted storm raged around, fierce and relentless. No matter what I did, the storm only turned bigger and more menacing. I was bewildered. I didn’t know what to do.
In the midst of that season came an event I feared, so I armed myself for 'battle'. I bought myself a lovely little bracelet which had JESUS in black letters marked distinctly in a sparkly silver background. I decided to wear my new special bracelet when I faced my Goliath. It would serve as a reminder that Jesus was with me in the storm. His presence would give me the strength I needed.
And so, armed with that precious knowledge, I stepped forward. My family, close friends and I prayed, asking God to undertake. But, no. The storm did not abate that night. Instead it got even worse. More rain fell in ferocious gusts; more wild winds buffeted me. Desperate, I gazed on my bracelet, hoping so much to see the life giving name of ‘JESUS’. His Name would calm me. His Name would soothe me. His presence would comfort me. But no! That did not happen either. Light dazzled the letters and completely obliterated the word. What a shock! I couldn’t read it. A distressing night. Worst of all……
I couldn’t see JESUS!

Fast forward 6 months. The storm had finally died down. I was now in a place of new growth. In a season of fresh unexpected blessing. Deliverance had come but not in the way I had envisaged. After all, His thoughts are often not my thoughts. His ways often not my own. But I was now in a spacious place. Dazzling sunshine lighting up my world; it warmed me with God’s peace. His deep joy bubbled within.
One day during my new season, I wore my JESUS bracelet again. This time I wore it for a different reason. Not because I needed the assurance that God was with me. I knew He was. It was instead to declare to the world that He was my Lord. I didn’t need to see His name this time. I wanted to wear it because of who He is and what He had done for me. To proclaim His greatness. To tell the world He was Lord. And what happened this time? Did the light as it fell on my shiny silver bracelet obliterate the word 'JESUS’?
No, it didn’t. No, it didn’t. This time, as I glanced down at my wrist I saw it. Clear. Distinct. Shining bright.

I saw JESUS.
My eye-catching bracelet brought me a heart-catching allegory through that experience. The first time I’d worn it – perhaps I was in the wrong place. No wonder I couldn’t see Him. Now – I was in the right place. It was easy to see Him. Right place. Right view. My JESUS bracelet declared God’s faithfulness. It reminded me that He had delivered me from my Egypt and brought me into His Promised Land.
There are times in our lives we can’t see Jesus. When we don’t hear from him. When we don’t know what to do or where to go. When the East winds blow. When darkness falls. And when fierce storms rage. Does God abandon us then? No, He doesn’t. He is there right beside us. His Word assures us that we are never alone.

In the periods of darkness – you can be sure He will not abandon you.
In the seasons you feel alone – you can be certain He is there, right beside you.
During times you don’t see Him – He is closer than you think.
Yes, there are times when it’s hard to see His face. Or to understand what brought the storm. But I know this as a sure and certain truth. He will never leave me nor forsake me. So I can trust Him with all I am. It matters not that I can’t see Him or hear Him. His Presence is as sure as the dawn; as real and true as the beautiful springtime world around me.
And always always always, I can ‘see’ Jesus through eyes of faith, hope and love.

“And surely I am with you always,
to the very end of the age.” Jesus
Matthew 28:20