The Day I Didn't Fall
15/11/2018 21:53

It was a busy morning. I enjoyed a coffee with a friend, then did my weekly grocery shopping. Afterwards, I scurried home as fast as I could to take my son for a blood test. We'd planned to catch a bus to the hospital, so we set off after a quick lunch. It was a pleasant day and a special joy to travel with my son. We walked to our halt and the bus arrived. I hopped on and validated my free senior’s bus pass then spotted my favourite seat and made a beeline for it, my son following me. The bus took off at once.
I held on tight, but all of a sudden, the vehicle lurched, my hands slipped from their grasp and I found myself flying in mid-air. “Euwww”! The sound I made as I performed my circus act was a cross between a yelp and a screech. My ungainly body did a kind of twirl and the next moment, I found myself sitting slap bang on the step I’d been mounting. Surprisingly I now faced the front of the bus.
How did that happen?

The driver (poor man), stopped the bus and came across to check on me. I felt foolish ... and my body hurt all over, but I assured him I was fine. Which I was. What a relief that the fall hadn’t been worse! My bones were all intact. Had a guardian angel placed his hand on me as I flew in the air, turned me around, then seated me on the step? Shaken but deeply thankful, I stood up and found myself a seat. You’ll be happy to hear that I got off the bus without incident. My son had his blood test completed in no time and we were back home safely within the hour. For the rest of the day, my muscles ached but otherwise I was in good shape.
I remember a time, years ago when I had a different kind of tumble. I was 18 years old and due to sing a solo at a Youth For Christ Rally. How I loved those events when we knew God would work, bringing many young people to Himself. The day arrived and there I was on stage excited, ready to share my song with the world. Unfortunately the sound system didn’t work properly so I couldn’t hear myself sing. I did the best I could—but from the feedback I received afterwards, it had been a dismal performance! Several friends asked me what happened to my song. I had no idea. It was obvious that I’d failed miserably.

I felt small and ashamed and I wanted to hide. Perhaps I been too cocky? Perhaps God was humbling me? But did I fall from grace? I don't think so. I did sing the best I could in the circumstances—and in God’s reckoning—doing one’s best is more than enough. I checked the words of the song. Interesting! Right there in the second line appears a familiar word. It says that her hopes kept ‘tumbling down’ till she finally found what she needed—God’s love.
What had taken a tumble the day of my solo were my hopes and dreams of singing like a nightingale and touching hearts. I was humbled, but I’m glad God is still able to accomplish what He wants to even if I mess up. He can use anything, even my failures. I once listened to several testimonies of young people who were getting baptised. The polished word-perfect testimonies of most of them didn’t speak half as eloquently to me as a young girl who stammered and stuttered her way through her story. Her moving words touched my soul and brought tears to my eyes. I have never forgotten it.

Do you feel like a failure today? Let me encourage you. All God requires is that we love Him and obey Him. If the results of our obedience are not what we expect or hope for, it’s OK. Really. Really OK. God was able to transform the tumble of a sixty one year old lady and to help her face the right direction again. He was able to touch lives in spite of an 18 year old’s pride and failure. Indeed, in God’s economy disasters turn into successes when they are yielded to Him. I’m sure He has put out His Hand to catch you and has even turned you around to face the direction of where He’s leading you. I can tell!
So rise up with a smile and be joyful.
You are still the apple of His eye.
You are enough.
All is well.

“The Lord makes firm the steps of the one who delights in him;
though he may stumble, he will not fall,
for the Lord upholds him with his hand.” Psalm 37:23-24

“Though a righteous man falls seven times, he rises again. “Psalm 24:16