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The Fragrance of a Mother's LOVE
04/01/2015 23:59
Yesterday was a very sad day. I received a phone call I knew I’d receive one day but hoped would never happen. My sister called to let me know that our beloved Mum had left us. Mama had been sick for a few days, so I was half prepared for it. And yet it now seems so unreal. How could she be no more? She who loved life must surely live forever?
Today it’s Your day Mama! It’s time to write a few words in my weekly bog to honour my beautiful, awesome, amazing, one and only Mum. Amma faithfully read my blog each week and responded with loving words of encouragement. Last week she told me that it inspired her to pray as I’d suggested – letting God know her needs. I hoped and prayed that God would answer her prayers and heal her of her brief illness. It didn’t happen. But then….perhaps He did answer after all. By taking her to a wonderful place where there is no more suffering and no more pain. Thank you God that her LIFE after life has begun. I raise my glass to my beautiful Mum and give thanks to God for her life.
My Amma was a remarkable woman – she lived 89 wholesome years – blessing everyone in her path. She began her career of Journalism at the tender age of 17 so she’s been writing for 72 years. Isn’t that an unbeatable record? She married my Dad when she was just short of her 21st b’day. And what a happy marriage it was – of almost 60 years. Their love spilled out onto us, her children. And to our community. Mama was a family counsellor for many years. She spent hours listening to people and helping them find their way. She and Thatha had an open home – and we often had relatives stay with us. No matter they had seven children to bring up, there was always room for more. She loved her family deeply - and what a lot of us there are! 7 Children and 7 Spouses. 11 Grandchildren and 4 Spouses (so far). 4 Great grandchildren and 1 on the way. She prayed regularly for all of us - that's a lot of praying, don't you agree?
Mama’s faith was an active, growing one. She was a woman of courage – speaking out against all that was wrong or unjust – fearless in her writing. Her love for us (like our Dad's) was unconditional. She loved us enough to let us go. It was so easy to love her back. It feels surreal that my beloved Mama is no more. No more nightly emails from my favourite email correspondent. No more chats with her at her dining table – sharing life together. No more calls. No more love notes from her pen. But I am also am filled with thanksgiving to God for her life. For the many ways she blessed us and continues to bless us even beyond the grave. I just checked the folder where her emails reside. She and I wrote to each other every night for almost 16 years. I have 5093 emails from her – long, chatty ones most of them. So my tears will be happy ones as well as sad ones as I read them afresh – and they will bring her very close to me. She was my Mum for 57 years. She was also my friend. My Forever Friend.
May I share a secret? While she often wrote glowingly of my blogs, she sometimes found them too long. And so I will honour her and write the shortest blog I've ever written. This one’s for you darling Mama. I hope you read this from heaven and laugh with me. Thank you for the fragrance you have brought into my life. Farewell precious beloved beautiful Mums. I will see you again one day in a place there is no more sorrow or sighing or tears. And we will celebrate with joy together. Thank you for being the best Mother I could ever find.
If Mothers were flowers – you’d be the one I’d pick.
Loving you always and always,
Your daughter and forever friend,
Anu xo
"A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies. Her husband has full confidence in her and lacks nothing of value. She speaks with wisdom and faithful instruction is on her tongue. She watches over the affairs of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness.
Her children rise up and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her: "Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all." Charm is deceptive and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised." Proverbs 31:10,11, 26-30