Using my God-Key
02/06/2017 18:35
Well, we are back after 3 exciting weeks away. It was a wonderful, wonderful time, so thank you to all who wished us well and prayed for us. A huge thanks too to those who lavished their love on us. As I reflect now on our holiday, my heart bursts with gratitude to our Father God for keeping us safe and well throughout and showering us with blessings. We tasted gracious Sri Lankan hospitality, lots of scrumptious spicy food and breathed in the exquisite beauty of our land. We were able to connect with many dear people, revelling in love and laughter, making fresh memories and taking plenty of pictures to keep those moments alive.
It was the very first time in 12 visits to Sri Lanka though that I didn’t find time for shopping. I had to conserve my scarce energy supplies, so I used it for enjoying people instead. I did visit my publisher’s bookshop to buy a carton of my books to ship back home so was then able to buy a few small gifts to give friends back home. In earlier visits, I’d buy souvenirs of Sri Lanka for Aussie friends. This time I brought back souvenirs of God’s love. Perhaps it’s an indication of how God’s been wooing my heart in the last little while.
Among the gifts were key tags with verses on them. I took one for myself because God’s special message to me was on it. I looked around for keys to fit on my new special key-tag, but oops, there were none. The thing is that I already have two sets of key-rings—one with our house-keys and the other with my car keys, so my new key-tag was totally unnecessary. No! I take that back. It was needed. I promptly attached my invisible God-key to it and popped into in my bag.
A God-key? What is that? And what does it do, you ask.
It opens doors of course.
It will remind to me to open unique intangible doors.