We have a HELPER
29/10/2015 16:51
I’d been looking forward to it all year, so when THE weekend arrived, I was filled with anticipation, like a bubbly toddler jumping up and down before an outing. I bumped into two delegates at the airport gate—what a serendipitous start that was. We chewed each others’ ears off and our excitement mounted. Soon, we were seated in a plane leaving for Melbourne. Writers from different parts of Australia and New Zealand gathered in the one spot and we caught a charter bus to our conference. An hour later we reached our destination. The beautiful Lake Dewar beckoned, serene, blue, and glistening in the dappled sunlight.
When I walked into my room, I sighed with contentment. It was exactly what I’d hoped for - a room with a view. Cosy but not too small. One that contained comfortable amenities. The trees outside my window whispered secrets to each other, while the lake beyond shimmered in springtime loveliness. Yes, this was a room where I could meet with God, and my heart was filled to overflowing.
I knew it would be a full on kind of weekend with much to do and much to delight in. We Christian writers are passionate creatures. Passionate about Jesus and passionate about our writing. That double espresso of zeal is a great mix. We spent three wonderful days together, packed with connections, learning, fellowship, food, laughter, meetings, worship, prayer, talking, listening, hearing, doing. Lots of doing. All kinds of doing. I revelled in it, soaking in many writing ideas like the blotting paper next to a storyteller's ink-well.
The sessions and workshops on a variety of writing related topics were informative and well presented. My mind and body were fed with the finest of fare and I was helped in my quest to become a writer of excellence. On Saturday afternoon, I chose to attend a workshop on self editing. It struck me as I listened, that I already knew many of the facts presented. The problem though was that the head knowledge I possessed didn’t always translate into practical outworkings of it.
Over the past few years, I’ve read many books on writing good fiction. The rules are clear enough. But making them work in my own creations are another matter.
I know I need to show, not tell. But how do I do that?
I know I need to be less verbose. But how do I write well enough to hook my reader?
I know I need to use good metaphors. But where do I find those elusive gems?
It’s like knowing all that God requires of me as a disciple of Jesus, but finding that living it out doesn’t always come easy. Know what I mean? There've been times when I've wished I had more power to overcome sin. What a relief it was to discover that the same resurrection power which raised Jesus from the dead is also available to me and indeed to all of His children. His Spirit fills me, empowers me and enables me take baby steps forward every day, to becoming more like Jesus. During this past year, God’s led me to a church family where I have enjoyed a palpable sense of His Presence. I’m energised each Sunday as I worship with joy and abandon. I've been blessed with a nearness of the Spirit that I didn't know before. I call it My Season of the Holy Spirit.
How blessed we are that He aids us in every aspect of the journey – work, play, battles with sin, ministry, our war with the Enemy, all of it. Are there times when life seems to be a tough, back-breaking trek up a steep mountain? Take heart my friend. Greater is he that is within you than he that is in the world. Yes, praise God, you and I have been given everything we need for life and godliness. May He bless you today with a shield for the battle, strength when you're weary, courage for tough times and wisdom for your way. And most of all, His abundant, overflowing, inexpressible joy.
“But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and remind you of everything I have said to you. Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” John 14:26, 27