What was THAT about?
03/04/2014 23:54

Remember those "Hey… What was that about" moments? When you wrinkle your forehead and scratch your head in bewilderment? I experienced one of them last year. I returned home after the Christian Writer’s Getaway in October 2013, filled to the brim with God’s goodness and love, excited about my writing – connected with more beautiful Christian writers than ever before. I’d been soaked joyfully in my two big passions – (1) my walk with the God I love and (2) the writing that I love to do. I was invigorated in spirit, like I'd been on a long refreshing holiday in an exotic paradise.
There was one small aspect however that had disappointed me. I’d been scheduled to give two talks. Talking doesn’t come naturally to me. My tongue gets twisted. My mind gets fuzzy. My ideas get garbled. My hands tremble. My voice falters. No – I am not a natural speaker. A few years ago though, God nudged me towards speaking. Who was I to refuse? I plunged in with both feet. (And yes, my heart, mind and voice as well.) After awhile, something amazing occurred. Once I’d tottered my way through many a heart thumping moment and many a sweaty-palm season…. I actually started to enjoy myself.

I worked hard at having two presentable talks completed. And spent hours in preparation. When October arrived….I was ready. I flew off to Queensland on the wings of an eagle. It was all very exciting. My first talk on 'To write is to Bless" went very well. About 30 Christian writers attended it. I was deeply encouraged. And so, when it was time for my second talk, I expected at least 10 – 20 people to turn up. Did they? No. Should I say....a little bit less than that?
One lady walked in. But she was there simply to introduce both of us speakers. A few minutes later, another lady came in. Better! Ten minutes later, a man joined our ranks. He was a publisher. I was delighted that the audience had now swelled by 100%. It was soon time to begin. I did my best. I enjoyed myself. But I couldn’t help but wonder how relevant my talk was to those listening. The title of my talk was 'Dealing with Rejection'. I didn’t think any of them really needed it. Did they? Close to the end of the session, one more lady came in. (Thank you God). But afterwards, I scratched my head. I wondered what impact I’d made. Had I done anything worth doing during those 55 minutes? I’d been hoping I’d encourage many writers during my talk. Well – if not 20 or 30, at least 5 to 10 of them. But there were just 3 writers. And as far as I could make out, none of them really needed that talk.
Fast forward two weeks. An email from the Organiser of the conference tumbled into my in box one day. Guess what! She informed me that one of those present had said my talk was ‘really great’. (Her words not mine) Fancy that! The Organiser asked if I’d write an article on it for the next newsletter. I was thrilled. Wait…. there was more. Not only that – but I would even get paid for it. Wow!

It’s 7 years since I launched my writing career. I’ve written umpteen stories and articles. I’ve sometimes got paid in kind when I’ve received copies of books I’ve contributed to. But this was the very first time I was offered payment for an article. What an encouragement. Remember my query – ‘What was that about?’ Well…. My question was answered. Something good came of it after all.
1. Someone had liked it
2. I was getting paid to turn it into an article.
Even better, it was a reminder. Confirmation to me that when God asks me to do something – I should go ahead and do it. There may be times when I won’t have a clue as to what the outcome would be. Times when I wonder if I have accomplished anything worthwhile. But the truth is that I don’t really need to know what it’s about.
All I need to do is to be faithful to what He calls me to.
Is there something God called you to which seems to be left hanging in the air? Are you puzzled as to its outcome? If you have done what He asked you to – you may be sure there will be fruit from it. Not always obvious. But yes, good will spring forth out of what you have done in obedience to His call. God knows the outcome. And you can surely trust Him with it.

"So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything but only God, who makes things grow." 1 Corinthians 3:7
“Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” Galatians 6:9