What You Do Matters!
I’ve been disappointed that my lack of energy has stopped me from my usual jaunty rambles during the last few years. I miss walking under God’s open sky, basking in green surrounds. Recently, I was sitting in my backyard when I was startled to behold a splash of beauty shimmering on my horizon. As I looked towards this inquisitive intruder who was peering over our back garden fence, I couldn’t help but gasp in delight.
My neighbour’s tree was dressed in autumn’s stunning dress of orange and gold and green. A feast for the eyes it was! ‘Thank You Lord,’ I murmured. I couldn’t walk further afield enjoying the world’s splendour, so God had graciously brought some seasonal glory into my own backyard. Wow! What joy! My neighbour is still unaware of the pleasure his tree brought me. Each morning as I sat outdoors with Jesus from then on, I’d gaze on the flamboyant colours of its leaves, praising my Father and thanking my neighbour (in my heart) for the pleasure his sapling bestowed on me.
How many of us have any idea about the impact of our lives on others? Do you know how precious you are and how important your life is? Do you know that just by existing, you add to the world and also add to the good in the world? You do. Your smile often makes someone else smile. Your laugh makes another laugh. The humdrum activities of your day do not go unnoticed even if you think it does. In recent years, I have been soaking into my spirit wise words from the heart of Dallas Willard. Not only did he teach us about Christian discipleship, he also led a life that exemplified what he taught – one that reflected the person, work and teachings of Jesus. Here’s something Dallas said:
“Your work is the total amount of lasting good that you will accomplish in your lifetime.”
Isn’t that worth thinking about? At the end of my life, I want to hear Jesus say ‘Well done’. I want my life to count. I do want to create as much lasting good as possible before it’s too late. So I realise it’s time I buckled up my seat belt and took a trip around the world doing more good.
But …you know … I also believe that we create good in ways we might not even realise. The day to day stuff – the little things, the big things the in between things – they matter. The kind words we speak, the words we withhold in order to be more loving, the work we do for pay, the work we do just to bless others … all of it matters. My neighbour planted a tree in his yard. It has added to the amount of lasting good he created in the world. I for one saw it, and my heart was blessed.
What did you accomplish so far in 2024? Not much, you might say, but ah! I beg to differ! You’ve been faithful to do your tasks diligently even when weary. You’ve cared for a spouse or child. You’ve comforted a friend. You’ve written an email or text that brought joy to another. You’ve kept on going even when you were tempted to quit. You prayed for a person in need and God heard you. You gave sacrificially. And that hard thing in your life … well, you didn’t give up. Well done! And even if you don’t think you have done a great deal, I am sure you have. In ways that matter. In ways that add lasting good to the world. Perhaps simply through patient endurance during those challenging moments in life and reaching out to others in spite of your own pain!
God uses us as His Hands and feet in His world, be it for sharing the gospel, writing a book, caring for another, bringing up a child or … whatever else He plans. We can also be sure that everything we do in the right spirit and right motive is important. All those boring chores we do on a daily basis – cleaning, cooking, ironing, washing, sweeping, dusting and the like … even all of that can be part of the good we create when we do it cheerfully and with love in our hearts. God is pleased when we bless our families day in and day out with little acts of service that may be unseen by anyone except our Heavenly Father.
So my friend, pat yourself on the back today. You’ve changed the world for the better. You can be sure of it. And as you seek God and do His will – day by day, hour by hour, moment by moment, you will add more loveliness to the spectacular canvas of your life being painted by God to glorify His Name. You matter. And all you do (and what you refrain from doing with good reason) matters.
Here’s another quote on the same subject from the same author:
“Nothing of the good you do is lost. It is stored up in your own self
and in the lives of others you have touched.” Dallas Willard
Isn’t that encouraging?
So keep embellishing the world, dear friend with the love of Jesus -
paint it bright with His magnificent colours of
beauty, truth, humility, faith, goodness and love!
“Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time
we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” Galatians 6:9 (NIV)
“Live a life of love just as Christ loved us and gave himself
for us as a sweet-smelling offering and sacrifice to God.” Ephesians 5:2 (NCV)
“And do not forget to do good and to share with others,
for with such sacrifices God is pleased.” Hebrews 13:16