Who are YOU?
31/08/2017 14:38
I was scrolling through Facebook when a young friend’s comment stopped me in my tracks. She’d responded to my wishes with a ‘Thank you Uncle’. Uncle? Me? It was a first—the first and only time I’ve been called an uncle. And you know what? I’d rather remain an aunt. I’m glad I was born a woman. Not that I have anything against men, you understand. But … I’ve been a woman for almost 60 years and I love being one.
I remember the first time I was called an ‘aunt’. In Sri Lanka, the terms ‘aunt’ and ‘uncle’ are used to address a person from an older generation (even if she or he is unrelated), as a sign of respect. I was closing our front gate when it occurred. A young pair of dark brown eyes from across the road fixed their gaze on me. “Why are you closing the gate, aunty?”
Was she talking to me? She must have been 12 or 13 years old. I was perhaps 18 or 19, and didn’t feel that much older. What a shock! Did I look old? Some years later when I was a young mum it happened again. ‘Hello aunty’ said the strapping young man who was about to wed my cousin, a bright smile adorning his cheery face. Aunty? Surely not? Did I look like an aunt? He must have been only a few years younger than I!
Isn’t it interesting that we all have opinions about others, often incorrect. Sometimes I bask in people’s loving words. Occasionally though, their observations are a shock to my system. Is that how they view me, I think. Or … oh no – I’ve been totally misunderstood! I once spoke well of a man we both knew to a friend (let’s call her Sally). Sally however had a bad impression of him, so we had a whopping disgareement that day. What was worse, she began to attack my own character as well. She told me that she knew that I thought I was better than her spiritually. I gasped as if she’d thrown a bucket of icy cold water over me.
The truth was that such a thought had never occurred to me, because after all—there is no need to compare myself with others. We are all different and walking our own life journeys. I believed I’d been a good friend to her. I’d expected that my warm feelings towards her were being reciprocated. Sadly, our friendship of almost 10 years tottered over the brink of a crumbly wall and collapsed over the other side, a bit like humpty dumpty.
Though her assessment of me was a sad surprise, her view of me didn’t alter my own view of myself or my evaluation of the kind of friend I’d been. Perhaps it were her own insecurities which made her feel that way? I don’t know. I did know that we human beings are a complicated species. Who are you? Who am I? Are we a sum total of what others say of us? Or something else altogether? Psychologists tell us that our sense of self worth is usually formed in the early years of our lives by the significant people around us. As little people, we believe those who care for us. We carry that view of ourselves into adulthood and it often colours how we live our lives and even what we think about others.
Since I became a believer, I’ve taken as my identity that which Jesus came to bestow on every person in the world. I am a child of God, dearly loved by Him. Nothing I can do, can make Him love me more. Nothing I can do can make Him love me less. It has freed me—because His grace (His undeserved goodness) has changed my life.
The only Person who really knows who I am, is my Creator. He knows me better than I know myself. In spite of my murky insides, He still cherishes me. Amazing! He knit me together in my mother’s womb. Make no mistake—the same goes for you too.You are unique—and greatly loved by your Maker. You are more than a collection of arms and legs, teeth and ears, thoughts and feelings. You have a soul and a spirit which are of intrinsic worth. You are the only YOU in the world. And when linked to your Divine Architect, the sky’s the limit! Did you know that?
Perhaps today’s the day to take stock of your life. To accept yourself. But also to make a few changes. To see the reflection of your face in God’s eyes as you gaze up at Him. Perhaps today's the day you decide to do that special thing which God called you to. It’s never too late. And the right time might be now!
Here are five questions to get us started:
1. Who am I?
2. Do I like myself?
3. What makes me unique and special?
4. What gifts do I bring the world?
5. What is His heart for me this season?
For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—
and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—
not by works, so that no one can boast.
For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus
to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” Ephesians 2:8-10