Writing Love Letters
30/05/2017 16:21
We spent 3 weeks in Sri Lanka recently, pampered by family and friends. A glorious time it was and we returned home with thankful hearts and invigorated spirits. High on my agenda was the writing of my usual Monday blog, but a list of ‘have to be done’ things swallowed up my good intentions. I had bags to unpack, clothes to wash, meals to prepare, gifts to buy, groceries to purchase, a guest room to get ready, extended family to welcome home and even … a love letter to write. I decided that writing this particular love letter was more important than writing my blog. The deadline was 29th May and happily, I managed it at the nth hour!
I gave a love letter today – 29th May. To my husband. It was his birthday after all.
I read a love letter today. It was from Jesus.
I wrote a love letter today. It’s the first of its kind and it was to a stranger.
So what is this love letter to a stranger?
And how did I find her?
A few years ago, a lady in my church passed away very suddenly. I didn’t know her very well, but she’d begun reading my blog and said she was very encouraged by it. I chatted to her a few times, desiring to get to know her better. Unfortunately, time wasn’t on her side or mine. I did converse with her via online messages, but my anticipated heart-to-heart conversation did not take place after all.
My new friend died 4 months after her diagnosis, having spent quality time with her loved ones. Her death was peaceful and it was a good end to a godly life, but her loss affected me deeply. I wrote a blog to celebrate her life. anusha-atukorala.webnode.com/news/this-ones-for-julie/ I determined then that I would write letters of appreciation to the people in my life. I have been doing that slowly but surely over the last 4 years. During my time in Sri Lanka, I too received a beautiful book filled with messages, created for my early 60th birthday celebration. It was a heart-warming collection of love letters from family and friends and I felt cherished and appreciated. THANK YOU SO MUCH to all who contributed. I will be writing to thank you individually, I promise! It was an enormous labour of love performed by my beloved sis. Thank you Super Sal! Thank you. I had a little surprise up my own sleeve as well because I’d written 26 letters of appreciation to the extended family who celebrated with me and I hope I blessed them too.
A month or two ago, my niece Allison wrote that she was crafting some unique snail mail letters. I pricked up my ears at once. One peek at the link she sent me and I was hooked. These special Love Letters are sent to people who are going through tough circumstances, letters that remind them that they are not alone; letters that encourage and build and bring hope. And so, I wrote my first love letter to a stranger yesterday—to a Sri Lankan residing far away in America. It felt so right to send love to a stranger and I look forward to writing many more. In case you like to read about it, here’s the link: https://www.moreloveletters.com/
God’s love letters abound in my life—through His Word, His beautiful creation and His people. Moreover, He asks me to do what He does. I didn’t have time to write a decent blog this week but it doesn’t matter, because my special love letter got written. And perhaps doing that was better, because I just might have got you interested too. Would you like to write a letter? To your spouse or significant other? Your son or daughter? A friend? Your co-worker? An acquaintance? To God? Even a Stranger? Perhaps there is someone who needs to be affirmed by you? Someone who needs to know she is not alone? Let’s keep writing love letters through our spoken words, our written words and through our lives.
Perhaps it’s time to write a love letter today?
Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another.
No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another,
God lives in us and his love is made complete in us.” 1 John 4:11-12