You are the Only One
12/10/2017 17:44
The Lord is near to all who call on him,
He fulfills the desires of those who fear him;
A few months ago, I caught a bus to the city. The driver saw me waving frantically from the other side of the road and slowed down—bless him. He waited with utmost patience ‘til I crossed the road. Panting, I climbed onto the bus. “Thank you so much!” He responded with a cheery smile. I validated my bus pass and walked to my favourite seat. How thrilled I was to discover that I was the only lady (or gentleman or child) on that bus. Apart from the bus driver of course. And God. I enjoyed a ride in solitary splendour.
My time in the city that day was a productive, happy one, enjoying a cuppa and chat with a dear friend at my favourite bookshop. Afterwards, with a glad heart and a few new purchases, I made my way back to the busy city streets. And then … it happened again. I hailed my bus, (this time I wasn’t late) and it stopped. Just for me. Because … you’ve guessed right. Once again, I was the only person on that bus. I revelled in a ride in solitary splendour for the second time that day. Twice blessed. Thank you God.
It couldn’t be a coincidence that it happened twice on the one day! Perhaps it was a whisper from God that when I come to Him, I have no competiton. I’m the ‘Only One’ riding His bus. It is a difficult concept to fathom, because my own limitations scream at me constantly. I’m no good at multi tasking. I delight in connecting with others, but if I have an overload of it, with five people clamouring for my attention at the same moment, my brain sizzles and my heart pounds. I simply cannot give my total undivided attention to more than one person at one time.
A physical (and mental) impossibility!
But God! But God can. And He does. When I approach Him, He waits for me as if I was the only person in the whole Universe. He listens to me as if I was the only one desiring His attention, in spite of there being perhaps 1,749,246 others pounding on heaven’s doors that same moment. How does He do it?

There was a little girl (in an imaginary world) who returned from school one afternoon to find her mum very ill. Little Lucy panicked. She picked up the phone. It was dead. She rushed out to call a neighbour. On Dorothy’s house was a sign ‘Gone to help the homeless. Be back at midnight’. Lucy gulped and ran to the next house down their street. Celine’s door had a different message. 'On the phone counselling people. Do not disturb.’ Lucy’s fought back tears. She bit her nails—hard. She ran on, sweat dribbling down her back.
Mr and Mrs Brown’s house had a large notice. 'Praying for the world. Sorry no time for visitors.' Lucy’s heart raced. She clenched her little fists. She ran to the other side of the street. There stood a little house with new Tenants she’d never met. She’d heard there were Three of them and that their door was always open. She peeked through the window and her eyes opened wide. The home was filled to capacity and strains of soft music came to her ears. A party? Tears pricked her eyes and her breath came out in shallow gasps. Wiping her tears with the back of her hand, she turned to walk away ... when the front door opened. A kind faced man with piercing dark eyes walked outside. He smiled at Lucy and her heart was strangely warmed.