
What You Do Matters!

02/05/2024 22:56

I’ve been disappointed that my lack of energy has stopped me from my usual jaunty rambles during the last few years. I miss walking under God’s open sky, basking in green surrounds. Recently, I was sitting in my backyard when I was startled to behold a splash of beauty shimmering on my horizon. As I looked towards this inquisitive intruder who was peering over our back garden fence, I couldn’t help but gasp in delight.


My neighbour’s tree was dressed in autumn’s stunning dress of orange and gold and green. A feast for the eyes it was! ‘Thank You Lord,’ I murmured. I couldn’t walk further afield enjoying the world’s splendour, so God had graciously brought some seasonal glory into my own backyard. Wow! What joy! My neighbour is still unaware of the pleasure his tree brought me. Each morning as I sat outdoors with Jesus from then on, I’d gaze on the flamboyant colours of its leaves, praising my Father and thanking my neighbour (in my heart) for the pleasure his sapling bestowed on me.


How many of us have any idea about the impact of our lives on others? Do you know how precious you are and how important your life is? Do you know that just by existing, you add to the world and also add to the good in the world? You do. Your smile often makes someone else smile. Your laugh makes another laugh. The humdrum activities of your day do not go unnoticed even if you think it does. In recent years, I have been soaking into my spirit wise words from the heart of Dallas Willard. Not only did he teach us about Christian discipleship, he also led a life that exemplified what he taught – one that reflected the person, work and teachings of Jesus. Here’s something Dallas said:  

Your work is the total amount of lasting good that you will accomplish in your lifetime.

Isn’t that worth thinking about? At the end of my life, I want to hear Jesus say ‘Well done’. I want my life to count. I do want to create as much lasting good as possible before it’s too late. So I realise it’s time I buckled up my seat belt and took a trip around the world doing more good.


But …you know … I also believe that we create good in ways we might not even realise. The day to day stuff – the little things, the big things the in between things – they matter. The kind words we speak, the words we withhold in order to be more loving, the work we do for pay, the work we do just to bless others … all of it matters. My neighbour planted a tree in his yard. It has added to the amount of lasting good he created in the world. I for one saw it, and my heart was blessed.

What did you accomplish so far in 2024? Not much, you might say, but ah! I beg to differ! You’ve been faithful to do your tasks diligently even when weary. You’ve cared for a spouse or child. You’ve comforted a friend. You’ve written an email or text that brought joy to another. You’ve kept on going even when you were tempted to quit. You prayed for a person in need and God heard you. You gave sacrificially. And that hard thing in your life … well, you didn’t give up. Well done! And even if you don’t think you have done a great deal, I am sure you have. In ways that matter. In ways that add lasting good to the world. Perhaps simply through patient endurance during those challenging moments in life and reaching out to others in spite of your own pain!


God uses us as His Hands and feet in His world, be it for sharing the gospel, writing a book, caring for another, bringing up a child or … whatever else He plans. We can also be sure that everything we do in the right spirit and right motive is important. All those boring chores we do on a daily basis – cleaning, cooking, ironing, washing, sweeping, dusting and the like … even all of that can be part of the good we create when we do it cheerfully and with love in our hearts. God is pleased when we bless our families day in and day out with little acts of service that may be unseen by anyone except our Heavenly Father.

So my friend, pat yourself on the back today. You’ve changed the world for the better. You can be sure of it. And as you seek God and do His will – day by day, hour by hour, moment by moment, you will add more loveliness to the spectacular canvas of your life being painted by God to glorify His Name. You matter. And all you do (and what you refrain from doing with good reason) matters.


Here’s another quote on the same subject from the same author:  

“Nothing of the good you do is lost. It is stored up in your own self 

and in the lives of others you have touched.” Dallas Willard


Isn’t that encouraging? 

So keep embellishing the world, dear friend with the love of Jesus - 

paint it bright with His magnificent colours of 

beauty, truth, humility, faith, goodness and love!

Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time

we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” Galatians 6:9 (NIV)


“Live a life of love just as Christ loved us and gave himself

for us as a sweet-smelling offering and sacrifice to God.” Ephesians 5:2 (NCV)


“And do not forget to do good and to share with others,

for with such sacrifices God is pleased.” Hebrews 13:16


Two Words that Change Everything!

29/03/2024 19:21


Recently, as I reflected on a story in St Marks gospel, two words from the passage covered me in a soft embrace, like being wrapped in my husband’s strong arms in a warm and loving hug. What were the two words? Ah! Let me share more! Jesus had taken his three closest disciples, Peter James and John to a mountain top for a unique experience. While He was away, a man brought a child in need to his other disciples for help. Sadly, they couldn't help him. The boy was possessed by an evil spirit. When Jesus returned, his father cried out to Jesus: '' ... if you can do anything, please take pity and help us!"



“‘If you can’?” said Jesus. “Everything is possible for one who believes.” 

Immediately the boy’s father exclaimed “I do believe! Help me overcome my unbelief!’
Jesus commanded the evil spirit to leave the boy and at once the spirit fled.

“The boy looked so much like a corpse that many said, “He’s dead.”    

But Jesus took him by the hand and lifted him to his feet, and he stood up.

So what were the two words that grabbed me? 

Two small words that changed the narrative! Words that brought power and life!


But Jesus!


  • Circumstances are sometimes bleak. But Jesus. He transforms … even water into wine.

  • People hurt us. But Jesus. Jesus brings peace. He restores relationships.

  • Sickness visits us. But Jesus. He is the Great Physician. He helps us in our weakness.

  • Life can be overwhelming and difficult. But Jesus. Jesus is the Master who calms the storm. He is the Master over everything the world brings your way. Everything.


On April 1st 1990, Shan and I held our precious baby son in our arms for the very first time. I still remember his shock of dark hair glistening under the sterile white light as his alert eyes searched all around, trying to figure out where on earth he had landed! My beautiful bonny bouncing baby boy! 


Asela Sumith stole our hearts and our lives big time from day one and changed our lives forever.

He filled our home with lots of love and laughter, joy, nonstop chatter, questions (oh the questions!) and fun. He taught us how to live better. He made us a family. He also faced a number of obstacles as he grew up. But Jesus! But Jesus had created Asela with a big dose of perseverence and a strong and vibrant spirit. And God helped him through each challenge! How proud we are of the caring thoughtful hard working young man he has grown into and who blesses our world today! 

Happy Birthday, Asela!  We are so proud of you! I thank God for you every day!

When Jesus went to the cross, it seemed as if all hell had broken loose. The disciples ran away, every one of them, their dreams crushed, their hearts bewildered, shocked at the turn of events. Like the sun sinking into the sea at day’s end, the hopes of Palm Sunday had disappeared into nothingness. But Jesus! But Jesus did the unthinkable! On the third day, He rose triumphant from the dead and now sits at the right Hand of God the Father. Jesus proved to us that He is the Lord of life who lives forever and ever! He tasted death so we could taste and enjoy LIFE, life that is truly abundant through Him!


Dear one, I wonder what trials and challenges you face today? Life often takes us on surprising detours. It can even throw us with a mighty splash into troubled waters. So … if you are in need of encouragement today, I have two life-giving words for you. But Jesus. Life is hard. But Jesus is good. You may battle illness, hardship, tough relationships or problems that have taken the wind out of your sails! But Jesus is Lord. He is Lord over every circumstance and Lord over your life. Good Friday brought death! But Jesus not only rose from the dead, He also came to gift eternal life to all who believe in Him! If you have never opened yourself to Him, today may be the right day!

The challenges you face are real. But Jesus has overcome the world.

When you walk step by step with Jesus, you too are an overcomer. Hallelujah!

This Easter may you find hope and peace, life and joy in our Risen Saviour.


But Jesus immediately said to them: 

“Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid. Matthew 14:27

In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world. 

John 16:33


Jesus looked at them and said,

“With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible. Matthew 9:26

Light in the Darkness

09/02/2024 23:06

My New Website Light in the Darkness contains more of my writing.

Do click on the link to see my latest blogposts! Thank you! 

Lessons from a Pandemic

02/08/2020 19:05
A few days ago, I ran out of my front door, my arms filled with library books. It was an epoch day— after more than four long months, our local library was finally open on a Saturday. To my dismay, I saw that I’d forgotten to change my shoes. I ran back, yanked our screen door open and dashed into our hallway. I forgot to hold the screen door open as I waltzed back in—big mistake! Our screen door banged shut, trapping my left foot and pulling me back. I screamed. As my body still tried to move forward, my foot got free of its shoe and I was thrown forward, falling down with an ungraceful thud. My handbag was tossed aside, my books scattered all over the floor, and my little pet giraffe gazed at me perplexed. What’s going on, Mummy? My beloved heard his wife’s shriek and came rushing indoors from the garage where he was just getting into the car.
“I’m OK” I assured him with a groan and a grimace. I was okay ... but had pulled a hamstring—my thigh hurt like crazy. Ouch! After a few moments, thankful that my bones were intact, I got up with care and made my way to the car (wearing going-out shoes this time), my knight in shining armour helping me.
I learnt a few lessons that day:
  1. Always hold the screen door open when I walk in, at least until both feet are safely in.

  2. When in a hurry, do NOT hurry!
  3. It only takes a second for things to go pear-shaped.

  4. Be thankful—it could have been much worse.
  5. My body is not as youthful as it once was!  

What a lot of surprises 2020 has brought us! Like a hurricane tearing uninvited into a peaceful paradise, the Pandemic has forced its way into our world. So … what have I learnt these past 6 months? A lot. Yes, a lot! I’ve learnt that life is unpredictable. I’ve learnt that there’s nothing certain in life apart from the fact that nothing is certain! I’ve learnt that Pandemics, like other difficult seasons bring out both the best in people and the worst in them. I’ve learnt that seasons usually pass but some seasons drag on too long. I’ve learnt that enemies are not always visible—some are too small to be seen by the naked eye.
I’ve learnt that life is precious. I’ve learnt that sometimes we have to do away with every known rule—caring for people might even mean keeping away from them. I’ve learnt that pandemics come uninvited and are clever at outstaying their welcome. I’ve learnt that one selfish person can impact many lives. I’ve learnt that life can be fun even in the midst of a pandemic. I’ve learnt that if we each do our part, the world can be a much better place. I’ve learnt that there are many courageous people in the world today who have been a gift to our world.  I've learnt that everything I do has a ripple effect and can cause dire consequences to the rest of the world!
I’ve learnt that no matter what, life goes on. I’ve learnt that we are sometimes compelled to step into a pandemic movie and we all become film stars overnight, every one of us! I’ve learnt that today may be my last day on earth. I’ve learnt that I can’t do everything but I can do what I need to do. I've learnt that I need to be less judgemental and more patient. I’ve learnt that our world’s and our nation’s leaders need our support and our prayers. I’ve learnt that I need to be part of the solution.
I’ve learnt too that what I’ve believed about deeper issues of life are still true. I’ve learnt that human beings don’t have all the answers. I’ve learnt that science has helped us reach the moon, but science isn’t everything. I’ve learnt that there is one place I can look to for security in this world—and that place is a Person. I’ve learnt that a pandemic can kill our bodies, so knowing what lies beyond death is vitally important. I’ve learnt that God is always good—I may not understand why He allows suffering but I know I can still trust Him. 

I’ve learnt that in Jesus alone, I have my eternal security and hope.

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. 

In this world you will have trouble. 

But take heart! I have overcome the world.” 

JESUS  (John 16:33)



02/07/2020 19:13
Recently, I made a happy discovery. I used to hide away  from the sun for years, because heat caused those fibro symptoms to flare badly. But one gloomy week when my body became unbearably fatigued, I wondered if there might be a connection between the lack of sunlight and my deteriorating health.  I checked on the web … and voila - there it was. Apparently a lack of Vitamin D3 caused muscle weakness—just what I was experiencing.  It was the breakthrough my body needed. I soon gave myself 20 minutes or more of sunshine on my bare skin and as often I could. Like a life-giving infusion of saline, it brought revival into my weary body as never before. What a thrilling discovery!
Since then, my life has revolved around the Son and the sun! I worship the sun’s Creator, the Son of God, as I turn my body towards the sun's and the Son's healing rays. This new life-giving tonic never fails to provide me with a fresh dose of energy. One day last week, sunny spells brightened our world from time to time through a curtain of bleak wintry weather. It felt too cold to bare my arms outdoors, but to my joy I discovered that sunlight filled our bedroom, transforming it into a sun-room! Hooray!
I stripped down to my undies and sat on the carpet in a patch of sunlight, legs outstretched. How good it felt on my skin! Ah! Nice. But then … it lasted only 30 seconds—the sun was intent on teasing me! Clouds filled the sky and it soon vanished behind them. I waited a while, but finally, with a sigh of resignation, I got up, piled on the many layers of winter garments my body needed and trundled back into my den for my Quiet Time with Jesus. A few minutes later, I looked up. Oh? The sunshine had returned. So back I went, Bible in hand to that patch of sunlight in our bedroom. I sat on the carpet, trying my best to catch all the sun I could get. But once again….after a few brief minutes, the sun hid and grey clouds filled the skies. This time however, I decided I’d be patient. I waited. And waited. And waited some more.
I was glad I did. In time, the dark clouds drifted and the sun peeked in through my window bringing light and hope and joy to both body and soul. I sat there lapping it all up, continuing my Quiet Time in songs of praise. The sunning session lasted for 25 minutes, a huge blessing considering the grey kind of day it was – and I was so grateful that my body had received all the sunshine it needed. Waiting had brought me rich dividends.
2020 has been a year of waiting, has it not? Waiting to know what’s going on, waiting to hear better news, waiting for the end of lockdown, waiting for a vaccine for COVID-19, waiting for life to improve. Waiting for life to begin again. 2020 has been probably the year when all of humankind had to change their own agendas and wait. 

And perhaps ... there are other kinds of waiting too? 

Are you waiting on God? Has He given you a promise that is yet to be fulfilled? As I wait on Him, It helps me to know that the Bible gives me story after story when God made a promise to His followers, but it took many years and sometimes decades before each promise was fulfilled. God promised Abraham that he would be father of many nations but Abraham was an old man before Isaac was born. God made David king, but it was all of fifteen years or more before David overcame a long season of struggle to finally reign as king over Israel. Isaiah prophesised the birth of Jesus but it took 700 years before those prophecies were fulfilled.

Seasons of waiting often seem to be part of the Divine plan.

Waiting is rarely easy and I know the road is long. It takes courage and perseverance to look ahead with faith and hope, when the tough reality that surrounds us is like a deep dark forest that holds us captive. The truth however is that waiting is a needed for our own good, and its importance cannot be over-stated. Waiting is often a place of growth—growth in maturity, growth in character, growth in faith. We are reminded in the scriptures that waiting will in due season bring all we hope for and more. So even as you wait today for the fulfilment of God’s promises to you, do not give into despair. He has not abandoned you. He loves you too much to give you what you need too soon. He is working behind the scenes in ways you will not dream of.
He who has promised never slumbers nor sleeps. He is for us, not against us. He is with us every moment of every day. He is faithful. Always faithful. His timing is rarely ours and His ways beyond our own. But as we look to Him with childlike faith and trust, He will sing over us sweet songs of deliverance and gift us with melodic songs in the night. And one beautiful day, you will step into your Promised Land with great joy knowing that your long wait has been more than worth it.

“Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him.” Psalm 37:7


“Now faith is being sure in what we hope for and certain about what we do not see.”

Hebrews 11:1

“For no matter how many promises God has made, they are “Yes” in Christ. 

And so through him the “Amen” is spoken by us to the glory of God.” 2 Cor 1:20


It's Time to Declutter!

31/05/2020 18:58
When there’s the slightest hint of my catching a cold, (especially now, during this COVID-19 season), I reach for my trusted remedies—vitamin C, lemon lozenges and a Sri Lankan herbal concoction that keeps any germs at bay. The other day, a tickle in my throat had me running to my pantry to secure effective armour for my battle.
Unfortunately, the four boxes of herbal remedy sachets had disappeared from their usual habitat. It took me a few minutes to work out where they were. My beloved, in an attempt to reach an item which sat behind them, had moved the packets to the shelf above. Relieved to find them, I placed the contents of one sachet in a mug, stirred in boiling water and sipped my steaming drink, knowing that all viruses in vicinity would be zapped immediately.
My hunt for the herbals remedies made me keenly aware of a new challenge—it was obvious to me now that my larder was now too full and it was time to do something about it! I had planned to be careful about my spending this year. And I was. Mostly. But …! Yes, there was a teensy ‘but’. I haven’t spent money on clothes, trinkets or luxuries, but I HAVE spent more money than desired on one essential commodity. Groceries!
When the COVID-19 pandemic found us shoppers unable to able to purchase certain necessary items, it meant that after they were available again, I’d bought too many of them … for safe measure. Tissue boxes. Vitamin C. Strepsils. Long-life milk. Disinfectant wipes. Hand sanitiser. My larder now has lots of them, filling up its nooks and corners! No wonder my beloved had been unable to find what he needed and had been forced to move things around.
The pandemic has been a call to declutter not just my home but also my life. In this technological age, a thousand and one things clamour for our attention all day long. It’s too easy to get distracted, and we fill our lives and our calendars with frenzied activity. The items on our To-Do lists are long, but ... are they all essential? We make umpteen connections—having one thousand Facebook friends is easy to do but growing deep friendships is another matter and needs care and perseverance to be cultivated. In this 21st century world, being ultra busy seems to be something to be proud of. But ... is that what our God calls us to?
It’s time to throw aside bad habits, wrong attitudes and negative ways. Meanness, anger, worry, anxiety, envy and the like has to go. Apathy, selfishness and greed needs to be cast aside. Instead, lets ask the Holy Spirit to pour large quantities of love into our thirsty souls so we can overflow with that same love and bless others.
What’s in your life that God hasn’t called you to? And is there something that needs to be shed? Maybe it’s time you and I stocked up on faith, hope and love and dispersed of what we do not need. What do YOU think? What are your loves? Your hates? Your wants? Your dreams? Are they in keeping with the Father’s plans for you?
Let’s help each other on this journey. Let’s declutter our lives so we shine with childlike faith and trust. How much lighter we will become! Let’s go to Him. Let’s do only what He asks of us. Let’s walk freely and lightly in fields of grace, learning to love as Jesus loved.  Much of what the world offers us are like glittering trinkets that will disappear in a trice one day. Only what’s done by saying ‘Yes’ to Christ will last. So come on, dear friends! Do join me. 

It’s time for us to declutter!

“Put to death, therefore, whatever belongs to your earthly nature.”

Col 3:5

“And now these three remain: faith, hope and love.

But the greatest of these is love.”

1 Cor 13:13


Safety during Troubled Times

01/05/2020 16:55

Who would have expected 2020 to bring us what it did? True, life’s full of surprises and has a habit of dishing out unwelcome seasons when we least expect it, but I’d never envisioned this level of suffering—the world over! Usually, if one country experiences a disaster, others rush to their aid. And that’s why this pandemic’s been so difficult. It’s not just one little incident in one small country. But like volcanoes erupting in every sphere, causing mayhem, death and destruction, everyone in our world today is experiencing the shifting sands of change, uncertainty and trauma—all at the same time. When help is needed, we are informed that the best way to bless our neighbours is to stay away from them even if they are in dire need. How cruel is that?
On a lighter note … who would have thought that a trip to the shops would be such an adventure? Whenever I come home with groceries, I disinfect my car—its steering wheel, the door handle, my gear stick, my handbrake, my car keys. I ensure that the items I bring indoors are virus-free—with disinfectant wipes to clean the outside of my re-usable grocery bags and every item I’ve purchased. I wash my hands meticulously with an antiseptic hand wash and change my clothes. 

But I don't need to tell you all this! 

YOU do the same!

I enjoyed a novel catch-up with a friend recently. I dressed for it with care, slipping on a colour-splashed blouse and putting on a pair of slacks. I wore a nifty pair of black shoes. I brushed my hair and sprayed on my favourite perfume. My lips were painted with gloss. It felt good, as if I was going out to have a coffee—not just a few steps into my den to sit in the chair I spend most of my waking hours in! Yes, I was meeting my friend via a Zoom conversation! The best part of that visit was that later, no disinfectant wipes were called upon to perform their cleaning act. I changed back into my home clothes minus my handwashing ritual. No cleaning of goods were needed, no removal of shoes. I was safe. Secure. Happy. All was well.
In these uncertain times, you and I can zoom out of our lives and zoom into another Safe Place, which, like my meeting with my friend that day is a Sanctuary for such a time as this. It’s one visit we can return from, with no need to disinfect ourselves. My friend prayed with me that day and God gifted me with two inspiring pictures. In the first, Jesus gave me a large heart to hold onto. There was no room for anything else (like fear for instance), because the LOVE He offered, took up all available space in my hands. 
The second picture given me was broader, deeper, wider. I was carried by God the Father. Jesus His Son, stood before me reaching out to me in love, while the third Person of the Trinity, the Holy Spirit whizzed around us, sealing me in God’s holy presence. I was secure. It was an intensely powerful image and one I will revisit often, especially when I feel afraid.
The world IS a scary place at present, so if you feel unsafe, your feelings are perfectly valid. Know today that as you look to Him, He is able to carry you. Gaze on the beautiful face of Jesus—His arms are outstretched towards you. Cling to His love. Like the radiant sunrise that follows each sunset, God’s LOVE is always sure, a brilliant light that shines in the darkness. Be assured that His Holy Spirit lives within those who follow Jesus, keeping you safe in the shelter of His wings. Life at present might seem like a scary walk in a deep, dank, dark forest, but hold onto His Hand. He cares. Deeply. And nothing, no nothing will ever separate you from His love.

“No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. 

For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, 

neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth,

 nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of 

God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 8:37-39 (NIV)



“The name of the LORD is a strong tower; The righteous run to it and are safe.”

Psalm 18:10 (KJV)


The Hope and Glory of Easter

11/04/2020 23:55
Recently, when my last bottle of dishwashing liquid had reached its end stages, I prised open its lid and peered inside. There was a decent quantity of thick green liquid still in there after all. It was a shame to throw the bottle away but the liquid wouldn’t flow out of it. And then … like a dainty bird that landed on my window sill, a wee idea popped into my little head. I opened a tap, filled the empty-is bottle with water and swirled it around.
Surprise! Surprise! My new-fangled watery dishwashing liquid was much easier to use than the original un-adulterated version. The instant I turned my bottle upside down, liquid spurted out of it like a hose being squirted at full throttle. It made my washing up super easy.
There are times the smooth flow of life comes to an abrupt end and it’s easy to feel we’ve lost the plot. Like … this moment, for instance? Life as we knew before COVID-19 has been thrown out of the window. A strange apocalyptic world is our new normal. How do we navigate ourselves in this bizarre new territory?

Is God on holiday?

Has the Easter message been emptied of its power?

Why does God not step in?

Is it time to discard our faith, like I was ready to toss out my empty bottle?

No! No! No! 

And NO! Like the brilliance of a star in a cold dark night, the hope of Jesus shines brighter than ever! Lately, my bottle of hope had been emptied. But as I re-fill it now with the refreshing waters of God’s Word, there gushes forth the glory of an Easter miracle. Early on Easter Morning, Jesus’ disciples went to His tomb in deep grief.  Their Lord and Master had been crucified. All hope was gone—like our world today, where a tiny virus has caused chaos, death and destruction!
But then ... it happened. 

The Unexpected. 

The Unprecedented. 

But ... unprecedented not as in COVID-19 but unprecedented as in miraculous

Death had stared those disciples in the face and they’d  been heartbroken. 


But not anymore! 

Jesus burst the gates of hell. He was alive! 

He IS alive. 

Death and sin have now been defeated for all time.

So here’s the best news ever:

COVID-19 brings …             The Good News of Easter brings …
  1. Death                                      Life

  2. Isolation                                  Reconciliation
  3. Loss of Hope                       Sure Hope of Eternal Life

  4. Fear                                        Perfect Love that never ends
  5. Sadness                                 Joy

  6. Temporary Tragedy                Everlasting Victory
  7. Financial Ruin                        Eternal Riches

  8. Broken, shattered lives          Peace with God and peace with each other
  9. A Changed Life                      A New Life—the best is yet to be!

  10. Meaningless suffering            Beauty. Truth. LIFE Eternal

Perhaps today is the day to move into the reality of God and His Truth,

as you consider His offer of Eternal Life. 


Perhaps today is the day when He will surprise you with the joy and 

hope of the Easter story? 


Perhaps today is the day you have been waiting for all your life?

And for us who believe in Christ, COVID-19 is not the end of our story. We have a God who weeps with us. We have a God who has promised to work all things together for the good as we trust in Him and look to Him. We have a God who is never surprised by the worst of circumstances because He is bigger than the Universe and holds everything together by the power of His Mighty Hand.

So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, 

since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.

2 Corinthians 4:18
So you and I can rejoice through our tears!  The cross has not been emptied of its power and never will. Death has been transformed into Life. Sadness has been over-turned to joy. Earth's misery will only point us to the glory of God our Father and the joy-filled Eternity that awaits us. 


Thomas said to him “My Lord and my God!” 

Then Jesus told him, “Because you have seen me, you have believed;

blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.”

Jesus performed many other signs in the presence of his disciples, which are not 

recorded in this book. But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the 

Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.

John 20:29-31


Answers to the Real Questions

03/04/2020 22:29

A couple of times a week, I pop a tasty treat into our oven for my family. Sometimes the delicacies are accidentally kept too long and become a tad browner than they should. A jarring siren alerts me then that there’s trouble brewing. If it occurs early on a Saturday morning while my men are both still asleep, I rush to our family room where the alarm resides, hands clamped on my ears. I then wave a dish cloth below it with much vim, vigour and vitality to hush its strident voice before it awakens my family.


One day last year, in the mood for a snack, I shoved a few spicy nibbles into my oven. A short while later, I went to our kitchen to turn over my munchies but discovered that I’d forgotten to put on the exhaust fan. Oh no! That would surely make the bell toll! But then … I remembered. It was Tuesday, and both my boys were at work. I breathed a sigh of relief and opened the oven, secure in the knowledge that if the alarm did scream out loud, only I would hear it. And I could handle that commotion!

Loud sirens are going off in our world right now. Unfortunately waving my kitchen towel at them won’t make them stop. We’ve been ambushed—forced to turn actors and actresses in a horror movie that goes on and on. When I walk along empty corridors in our local shopping centre at 7 a.m.—(the only time I can get toilet paper), I spy a couple of masked men and women who move as far from me as possible and I from them. Am I dreaming?
When I watch the news, I realise with shocking clarity, that the news being reported today sounds exactly like news reports in disaster movies! Rich and poor, celebrity and each person on the street, man and woman, adult and child, we’ve all been kidnapped by a horrendous organism too small to see with our naked eye.
Oh Lord! What’s happening? Where are you?

We seek answers to combat the tiny invader that has stolen our once peaceful lives. We shake our heads dumbfounded, as we hear the numbers—thousands upon thousands—myriads of sick people, multitudes dying and there is little we can do to stop the pandemic. Are we dreaming? Surely it’s not true? How do those who have lost loved ones cope? How do medical personnel keep their sanity as they continue their brave fight against the enemy?
Knowledge is armour, knowledge is a weapon in this battle, so we try to ask the right questions. What can we do to curb the spread of this terrible disease? How can we ensure we won’t get it? What are the symptoms? Who is most vulnerable? How long would we be in this state of Emergency? What can we do to help? What is our role in all of this? Will we get out of this alive?

There are other questions though, which have NOT been addressed by the TV newscasters.


Is this life all there is?

Is there a God I can turn to for comfort and strength?

Is there life after death?


Over four decades ago, I encountered an all-consuming Love which pursued me. One afternoon, in the quietness of my bedroom, I knelt down and surrendered my life to Him. My life has never been the same since. Like refreshing rains that formed a lush garden after a season of drought, God's presence turned my apathy into excitement, my dry places into green pastures, my season of tears into songs of joy.
And so, my blog today is written for those who dare to ask these crucial questions. 

Is there life after death? 

Is there a God? 

Is there hope? 

Can I find comfort?  

My answers to all four questions is a resounding YES!  I have experienced the love of a faithful God through life’s changing circumstances. I have been blessed by His comfort when the world spun madly out of control. The eternal truths He revealed to me through His Word are those that even a pandemic so horrific as this one could never steal.

For God so loved the world that he gave His one and only Son, that whoever 

believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. 



For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world,

but to save the world through him. John 3: 16-17


If this life is all there is, then all we should be concerned with is how we can keep humanity safe during these dark difficult days. But if there is LIFE after life, then perhaps this pause in history may be the right moment to discover the truth about life. It may be time to seek and find Treasure of an eternal kind, one we can never lose, even through death.
I grieve with all of humanity at the tragic loss of life. History has been changed forever by this pandemic. We will find it hard to recover from the upheaval of it all for a long time. Let's continue to cry out to our Father on behalf of our world. In spite of all the unanswered questions, I do know with certainity that our God has not abandoned us. He loves us. He is with us in our pain and anguish. He grieves with us. 

I don’t pretend to understand the complexity of the whys and wherefores of suffering.  

But this I do know.

There is a God. He loves you.

And He wants you to live forever.

“He has made everything beautiful in its time. 

He has also set eternity in the human heart.” Ecclesiastes 3:11



Now this is eternal life: that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ,

whom you have sent. John 17:3

Matthew 11:28-29 - The Passion Translation

“Are you weary, carrying a heavy burden? 

Then come to me. I will refresh your life, 

for I am your Oasis.


Simply join your life with mine." JESUS  


A Song for the Season

15/03/2020 20:18
Worship with my church family last morning was, as always, a thrilling experience. As we belted out ‘How great Thou art with deep conviction, my eyes filled with tears of gratitude, as I was carried on the wings of an eagle, to God’s precious Throne of grace. How grateful I am that there is a Friend who is always with me. No matter what the circumstances, we who know Jesus have a sure and steadfast hope. He is the Light of the world—the Great I AM. He is the Alpha and the Omega, King of kings and Lord of lords. The whole world rests on His shoulders.
Today, in place of my usual blog, I’d like to offer you a song—a song for this troubled Season. God whispered it into my heart two months ago (long before the Corona Virus came knocking at my door) to remind me that no matter what happens, He is always with me. It’s a song you and I can continue to sing after this present season, because its truth is for all time. The Corona Virus might have changed our world. Life is uncertain. Trouble looms. Change is on the horizon. Sickness bangs loudly on our doors like a drunken man in a rage.

But the wonderful news is that we have God. He is still in control.

And He is with us.

You’re with me Always                                                                                Jan 18th 2020

Jesus, You’re with me, You’re with me today

Jesus, You’re with me always.

You go before me,

You stay beside me,

You walk behind me,

Your Spirit’s within me,

You’re with me always.
  1. So why should I worry, why should I sigh,
            The God of Creation is here by my side,
            No need to wonder, no need to ask why,
            When life is uncertain, there’s no need to hide.

            For … chorus

  1. And life’s little problems are best kept aside,
            All worries and cares can be shed by the way,
            I will trust and obey, I will walk by His side,
            I will praise His Great Name all through each day.

            For … chorus

  1. So Virus Corona, you can’t steal my peace,
      Sickness and trouble can’t throw joy away,
            My Father’s rich blessings never will cease,
            His Love and His Goodness are mine, here to stay.

            For … chorus

  1. O how can I tell of how precious You are.
            How can I sing of all that You’ve done,
            I can’t help but declare to the world that’s out there,
            The sweet Presence of God’s only Son.

            For … chorus


In this world you will have trouble. 

But take heart! I have overcome the world.

John 16:33

And surely I am with you always,

to the very end of the age.” 

Matt 28:20

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