The Power of ONE
12/11/2015 17:56I was excited. Thanks to my beloved’s generosity, I had birthday money to spend. On a previous visit to my favourite store, a number of books had caught my eye. And they’d sent me a voucher—25% off all purchases plus a free cuppa as a birthday gift. So off I went on an exciting spending spree. The trees waved their arms at me in gladness. The sun smiled. Streams gurgled. And my heart sang praise songs all the way.
By the time I reached the bookshop it was past 11 a.m and my stomach was rumbling. I ordered a gluten free lemon slice with a mug of English breakfast tea. I sat down at a table, opened my Bible, put on my earplugs and switched on my mp3 player. My cuppa took ten minutes to arrive and I was ready for it. I sipped the tea. Ah! Just what I needed. But … where was my cake?
I tried to be patient. After ten more minutes, I couldn’t concentrate on my Quiet Time. Serving a readymade slice of cake should take only two minutes surely? Not twenty. I waited a little more, then walked to the counter to inquire after it. I received a mumbled response. Hmmm. I waited another ten minutes and asked again. This time, I was heard. The cake was served on a plate and placed on the hatch connecting the kitchen to the café. But it didn't make its way to my table. I walked up to the counter a third time and asked if I could take my piece of cake. The girl at the café muttered a quick ‘sorry’ and nodded. The cake was yummy and the tea refreshing, but the good service I’d expected had been sadly lacking.
No matter, I thought. Two happy hours of browsing followed and I soon filled a shopping basket. I had two Bibles, ten books (for myself and gifts for friends), cards, bookmarks and a few knick knacks. There were four or five CD’s I wanted to check if suitable, but the headphones provided didn’t work. I asked the sales lady present. She told me to go to the front of the store. I was rather taken aback at her brusque manner.
I waited almost an hour before another customer finished with her headphones and I pounced on them. But oh dear! There was no sound on them either. What was going on? I did a little more browsing. Then, just before I presented my bulging shopping basket at the sales desk, I decided to have one last attempt at checking my CD’s. This time, I was pleasantly surprised. A friendly face smiled at me.
“Can I help you?”
Her cordial tone warmed me. The caring sales girl immediately tracked one of my CD’s and I had a listen to its music. She explained at length that some of the music didn’t play on that system, so I’d need to take those CDs to the front. At last I knew why I’d earlier been urged to go to the front desk. A little later, I went forward to pay for my purchases. That same charming girl served me. She was polite, smiling and extremely helpful. If not for her, I’d have left the bookshop that day very disappointed at their service.
‘Thank you Madison. You’ve been very helpful and I’d like to commend you’.
Madison beamed. I'm so glad I made her smile. She deserved it. I wrote to the bookshop later to tell them what a breath of fresh air Madison had been. Exceptionally welcoming. Obviously desiring to serve. She went out of her way to help me. 10 minutes with this young lady had thankfully over-written the former 110 minutes of substandard service.
Can one person make a difference? The Bible is full of people who did. There was Noah, Abraham, Moses, Joseph, Daniel, David, Esther … to name just a few. And how about St Paul, Peter, James and John? Mary Magdeline. Andrew. Barnabus. Timothy. Even a prostitute called Rahab. And more. Lots more. They all made a difference.
Do you wonder if your life has significance? Don’t wonder any more. One Hitler caused havoc in our world. One Mother Teresa showed us how to love. One man, Jesus died for the sins of all. He changed the course of history and offered us the gift of eternal life. There is one you. And yes, you can make a difference.
You will.
I know you will.

“And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.” Collosians 3:17
Are you an Introvert?
05/11/2015 16:29I was looking forward to a lunch date with my beloved. I stood at the spot we’d planned to meet in Rundle Mall, waiting for my date. People of all shapes and sizes whizzed past me, intent on their business. Tall folk, short folk and plenty in between. Cool air swirled around me. Clouds ambled leisurely across the sky and a slice of blue sky beamed.
I watched the world go past, energised by all I beheld. Life cruised in my veins and I felt a sense of deep joy. The thing is, I enjoy two opposite kinds of atmosphere. Nature’s serene green stillness has always been one of my favourite pick-me-ups. But strangely enough, a very different kind of ambiance also refreshes me. Seven years ago, when we spent three fabulous weeks in America, I thrived in NewYork. The pulse of that famous city is incredible. Experiencing its vitality was a never to be forgotten experience.
My other favourite city in the US was a total opposite to New York in atmosphere. Santa Barbara wrapped her quiet arms around me as we enjoyed its mountains and swirling seas, its resplendent Spanish architecture, clean streets, fresh air and serenity. Two very diverse cities, but they both filled me. It’s like the two opposing experiences of life which bring me vitality. Spending time alone is something I need often for renewal. But being with people invigorates me too. So which am I? An introvert? Or an extrovert?
Are YOU an introvert? Or a lively extrovert? Perhaps you’re like me – a walking talking ambivert? As I get older, the introvert side of me seems to kick in more strongly. I crave silence and solitude. I dislike the phone. I enjoy face to face interactions with others and like communciating via writing. Conversations only on trivial matters can leave me feeling dissatisfied. Communicating on deeper insights and spiritual truth bring me joy. I love walking, listening to music, reading and writing. I enjoy being home alone.
Perhaps the introvert side of my nature is taking over? What do you think? Some time ago, I read a helpful article on introversion which dispelled a few myths and resonated within me. Extroverts get their energy from other people. Introverts find energy in their own company. Being introvert doesn’t mean one is selfish and self absorbed. Neither does it mean one is anti social. So to set the record straight – no – introvert does not mean shy, boring and too quiet. It does mean reflective, creative and with a vibrant interior life. I find myself gravitating easily to introverts – perhaps because I can have in-depth conversations with them. Not that I dislike extroverts. Far from it. They add life to the party and I need them. They brighten the world and get us all connected.
The world needs both the extroverts and the introverts, don’t you think? And please don’t forget us ambiverts. I've just done an online test to settle the matter and yes, I am (as I suspected) smack bang in the middle – an ambivert. God’s created us all very different to one another with purpose. Imagine a world filled with only bouncy talkative individuals. Who would listen to them if there were no quieter folk around? Or imagine a world filled with people who are so silent that no one talks to anyone? The mind boggles!
The truth is that no matter how noisy or how quiet, every person on earth has significance. We are all created by the same God. We are all loved equally by Him. Jesus died for every one of us—the extroverts as well as the introverts, and oops, let’s not forget us ambiverts. Often, introverts are made to feel lesser beings, so a correction on that score is perhaps needed. Are you an introvert? If so I am very glad to make your acquaintance. Are you an extrovert? Thank you for adding life to my journey. Perhaps like me you are an ambivert? If so, welcome to the club.
Today I celebrate our differences and our oneness in Christ. Created by God, for Him and for each other.
So … extroverts, introverts and ambiverts – rejoice.
We were all made for each other.
Let us fulfill our calling.
“May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you a spirit of unity among yourselves as you follow Christ Jesus. Accept one another, then, just as Christ accepted you, in order to bring praise to God.” Romans 15:5, 7
We have a HELPER
29/10/2015 16:51I’d been looking forward to it all year, so when THE weekend arrived, I was filled with anticipation, like a bubbly toddler jumping up and down before an outing. I bumped into two delegates at the airport gate—what a serendipitous start that was. We chewed each others’ ears off and our excitement mounted. Soon, we were seated in a plane leaving for Melbourne. Writers from different parts of Australia and New Zealand gathered in the one spot and we caught a charter bus to our conference. An hour later we reached our destination. The beautiful Lake Dewar beckoned, serene, blue, and glistening in the dappled sunlight.
When I walked into my room, I sighed with contentment. It was exactly what I’d hoped for - a room with a view. Cosy but not too small. One that contained comfortable amenities. The trees outside my window whispered secrets to each other, while the lake beyond shimmered in springtime loveliness. Yes, this was a room where I could meet with God, and my heart was filled to overflowing.
I knew it would be a full on kind of weekend with much to do and much to delight in. We Christian writers are passionate creatures. Passionate about Jesus and passionate about our writing. That double espresso of zeal is a great mix. We spent three wonderful days together, packed with connections, learning, fellowship, food, laughter, meetings, worship, prayer, talking, listening, hearing, doing. Lots of doing. All kinds of doing. I revelled in it, soaking in many writing ideas like the blotting paper next to a storyteller's ink-well.
The sessions and workshops on a variety of writing related topics were informative and well presented. My mind and body were fed with the finest of fare and I was helped in my quest to become a writer of excellence. On Saturday afternoon, I chose to attend a workshop on self editing. It struck me as I listened, that I already knew many of the facts presented. The problem though was that the head knowledge I possessed didn’t always translate into practical outworkings of it.
Over the past few years, I’ve read many books on writing good fiction. The rules are clear enough. But making them work in my own creations are another matter.
I know I need to show, not tell. But how do I do that?
I know I need to be less verbose. But how do I write well enough to hook my reader?
I know I need to use good metaphors. But where do I find those elusive gems?
It’s like knowing all that God requires of me as a disciple of Jesus, but finding that living it out doesn’t always come easy. Know what I mean? There've been times when I've wished I had more power to overcome sin. What a relief it was to discover that the same resurrection power which raised Jesus from the dead is also available to me and indeed to all of His children. His Spirit fills me, empowers me and enables me take baby steps forward every day, to becoming more like Jesus. During this past year, God’s led me to a church family where I have enjoyed a palpable sense of His Presence. I’m energised each Sunday as I worship with joy and abandon. I've been blessed with a nearness of the Spirit that I didn't know before. I call it My Season of the Holy Spirit.
How blessed we are that He aids us in every aspect of the journey – work, play, battles with sin, ministry, our war with the Enemy, all of it. Are there times when life seems to be a tough, back-breaking trek up a steep mountain? Take heart my friend. Greater is he that is within you than he that is in the world. Yes, praise God, you and I have been given everything we need for life and godliness. May He bless you today with a shield for the battle, strength when you're weary, courage for tough times and wisdom for your way. And most of all, His abundant, overflowing, inexpressible joy.
“But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and remind you of everything I have said to you. Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” John 14:26, 27
If at first you don't succeed...
21/10/2015 22:08Monday morning. I clamber out of bed, my eyes full of sleep. I make my way to the kitchen. I get my beloved’s lunch ready; pack it with a dollop of love, then go outdoors to wave him off to work. Back inside, it’s time to send off my blog emails—to family and friends who do me the honour of reading my blog each week. Next, I log onto facebook.
In times past, posting my blog was a simple matter. Facebook automatically selected a picture from each blog to place next to my status. After awhile though, FB stopped selecting a relevant picture. With some effort I worked out how to deal with the problem. I found I could go to my Facebook Author page, select a picture and post my blog there. I was able to then share it on my own wall. Problem solved.
Two Mondays ago, I was taken aback to discover that Facebook had changed again. It would not allow me to do the needful. Thus began several unsuccessful attempts to post my blog. I first posted two pictures together – but that didn’t look right – so I scrapped it. Next I tried to delete one of them but that didn’t happen. I posted my blog 7 times that day before I got it right. Yep! SEVEN! I almost gave up, but just when I was ready to I slink off to sulk, my tail between my legs, I finally got it going. Hooray.
45 wasted minutes that day to post my blog link. Whew! A record. I remember a saying I liked when I was a teenager: ‘If at first you don’t succeed, it’s a normal life you lead. If at first you do succeed, try not to show your astonishment.’ Tis true. Success rarely comes easy. To most of us.
Here are a few thoughts on how to cope when success evades me:
Sleep on it
Find a different way to do it
Change my focus as I deal with it
Talk to someone who knows more than I do
Turn my attention to other things – and get back to it when rested
Learn from it. Humility is always great lesson
Seek God and pray about it
Succeed at other things
View it differently
Smile anyway
What does success mean to you? Success in the world’s terms is often not what God requires of me. As a disciple of Jesus, I believe that being successful is to become the person He created me to be. That I am faithful to all He calls me to. That I live a life of integrity and purpose. That I love God and love others. That I use the gifts God has blessed me with. That I do what I can when I can and how I can. That I am kind. That I learn to serve God and His world.
Do you gauge your life today by what others do or by the words of another? Do you feel a failure because you imagine your life doesn’t measure up? Perhaps today’s the day then to dust off those wrong suppositions?
If you've done your part and done your best, give yourself a thumbs up today. Well done my friend. Well done! And what if you've failed Him in some way? That’s OK you know. Our God is a God of second chances. He welcomes you the moment you turn to Him in repentance and in trust. He is waiting for you. So celebrate your achievements today however small they are. Step forward into an exciting new chapter of your life.
If at first you don’t succeed, it’s a normal life you lead.
If at first you do succeed, try not to show your astonishment!
“And what does the Lord require of you?
To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” Micah 6:8
Why Obedience Matters
15/10/2015 00:00It had been awhile since I’d visited my beautiful 92 year old friend, Iris. I decided I’d go the next day. Friday dawned bright and fair. Not a cloud in the sky. The sun was up up and away, dispersing not just light but also an abundance of heat into our world. Yes, it was going to be a warm day. Too hot for me. I felt exhausted when I awoke and slept in. It was well past noon by the time I’d done my chores and spent time with God.
My battle with fibro in hot weather is often a losing one. Was it wise then to go out? But a voice within me persisted “Visit Iris today’ and I could not say ‘No’. I forced myself to leave home, despite a body that was screaming to get back to bed. When I entered my car, a blast of hot air greeted me – the heat of desert sands. But there was no turning back. Iris is a dear, inspiring lady and it was lovely to spend time with her. Afterwards, I forced myself once more, to walk in the heat to the postbox to send a card to a friend who needed it. By the time I returned home at 2.30, I was zapped. I stumbled my way through my evening chores - an Energizer Bunny whose batteries had been removed.
The next day, Saturday, I slept in again. But guess what! It turned out to be my best day physically in a very long time. I could not believe it. Perhaps my being out in the midday heat had made me sweat which in turn had been good for my well being? Whatever it was – I realised that I had had been deeply blessed through my obedience to God. Wow!
The blessings continued all weekend. That night, we had dinner at a friend’s home. We returned at 12.30 but I couldn’t get to sleep and I was wide awake till 4.30 a.m. I had only 3 hours sleep but was fine when I got up next morning. What a grand surprise. As I reflected later on those 2 days when my body had (for once) behaved perfectly, I knew God had come through for me. I’d imagined that my visit Iris was to bless her at cost to myself. But you know what! It was I who benefitted. Rather than being exhausted the next day, I was rejuvenated. It had to be God. Thank you God. THANK YOU.
There are times in our lives when as we look back, we make surprising discoveries. Years ago, Mum told me that she’d like me to come for her funeral. Of course I said ‘Yes’. When she was called home in January 2015, I boarded a plane to Sri Lanka tearfully. I made sure I honoured my promise to my beloved Mama as I said goodbye. But now, looking back, I know why she asked me to be there. It was not for her sake; it was for mine. With her insight and wisdom, she’d known that I would need the closure. It was a request made by her giving, loving, blessed Mother-heart.
When God asks us to obey Him, there are times I imagine it is a great sacrifice. But when I walk on the paths He's chosen for me – I find Him He filling my pockets with special gifts. Obedience is its own reward. Because, as Corrie Ten Boom reminds us, the safest place to be in, is the centre of God’s will. ‘Surrender’ might sound a scary prospect. Would God demand too much of me? On the contrary, I've found obedience to be a sprinkler that refreshes not just the garden I water but the person who holds the hose as well. As I please God’s heart in the doing, I get drenched in His blessings and His unquenchable love.
Recently, God’s been asking me to give Him daily times of worship apart from the study of His word and prayer. One morning, as I lifted my eyes and heart in praise to our awesome God, all at once, I understood. God doesn’t ask me to worship Him because He needs it. It’s true that He, the Lord of Lords is worthy of our worship. But there is a grander purpose behind His request. It’s because I need to worship. Like Mama's loving heart that planned what was best for me, my Heavenly Father always knows what will bless me most. Worship is the only way that everything and everyone else in my life will fall into their rightful places. When I see God as He is, in His glory – my life changes. And I’m able to view life through its correct lens at last, a telescope through which I see a velvet night sky of a thousand dazzling stars.
Does God require something of you today? Do you hesitate because it feels too difficult? Let me assure you that if God calls you – it’s the right place for you. So go forward without fear. He who calls you will give you not only what you need but far more than that. He will bless you beyond your wildest dreams.
“To obey is better than sacrifice.” 1 Samuel 15:22
“If you keep my commands, you will remain in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commands and remain in his love.” John 15:10
The Difference
07/10/2015 21:00Several years ago, I spent 5 happy days in Melbourne catching up with friends. My unexpected trip was a thoughtful gift from my childhood schoolmate, Maheshini. My friend said she wanted to thank me for praying for her and her family over the years, so presented me with a visit to her home, showering me with generous hospitality. Wasn’t that lovely of her? (Thank you Maheshini) It was a great holiday. I returned home rejuvenated and with a treasure chest of happy memories.
My first day and night in Melbourne was at my friend Shiranthi’s. Shiranthi went the extra mile to give me a wonderful time. (Thanks Shiranthi) She even drove the extra mile the next afternoon by taking me all the way to Maheshini’s home. When I reached my destination, I was shown into a spacious room where I would spend a few days. But as I unpacked, I received a rude shock. I discovered that I’d forgotten something vitally important. My thyroxin medication. Oh dear… oh dear… oh dear. Whatever should I do? Consternation seized me - a bull terrier that had grabbed my ankle and wouldn’t let it go.
I hated to cause inconvenience but had little choice. Maheshini kindly drove me all the way back to Shiranthi’s to fetch my medication. Problem solved. But it had it cost my friend a long drive. It had also cost me a lot of angst in the discovery and lots of guilt because I had to bother her. So did I learn my lesson? Apparently not!
Fast forward 30 months. 2 ½ years later. I was at the River Glenn Conference Centre in Brisbane, after an invigorating conference, my bags packed, waiting to be picked up by another special friend. Aruni and her husband took me back to their stunning home and once again I was deeply blessed by their warm hospitality. (Thanks Aruni) Then too, it didn’t take long for me to make my big discovery. Where was my thyroxin? Oh no! I’d omitted to get it from the fridge before I left the premises. I’d done it again. A different state and different capital city but same action. (Will I never learn?)
This time though, there was a difference. Did it cause me any angst? Absolutely not. Did any feathers get ruffled? Nope. Did I worry about it? Not at all. Did I need to ask Aruni to take me back to the River Glenn centre? No again. What caused my different attitude then? I’d discovered over the years that the exhaustion and aches which beset me too often – were not caused by my lack of thyroxin. It was caused instead by an illness called fibromyalgia. So this time round, I didn’t panic. I didn’t even need to whisper a word about it to my kind hostess. I knew I would be fine. And I was right. I didn’t fall into a slump of exhaustion the next day after missing my daily thyroxin.
The fresh wisdom the intervening years had brought me made all the difference. Before and After! There are times when the before and after stories are radical, don't you think? Like when you have a life altering experience which clearly defines your story. My life before and after Jesus is something I love to shout from the rooftops. Before Jesus entered my life – I didn’t have a sense of direction or purpose. Now I know where I am headed; I know what my life is about. Before – my friendships were not as close. After – He's shown me how to open my heart to others. Before, bad times didn’t make sense. Now – I know that all things work together for the good of those who love Him. Before, I knew I was tainted with sin, but didn't know what to do about it. Now, I am free - forgiven and loved. Before – I didn’t know what contentment really meant. Now – He splashes my life with His joy.
Don’t get me wrong. My life isn’t perfect. It isn’t strung together all the time like a gorgeous pearl necklace. On the contrary, all too often those pearls seem to drop off and roll away and I can’t find them. But – yes, there is a big BUT! Now – He whispers words of encouragement and hope when I need them. Now – there is depth and purpose in a way I didn’t have before. Now, my difficult seasons often lead to soul growth. Now I have a family of God around me – a huge amazing family I had not known before whom I love dearly.
Before and After. Then and Now. Before Jesus and After Jesus. And oh what comfort He brings. Last week, I was very discouraged about my long term ill-health. Jesus whispered words of encouragement to me through His precious Word. He reminded me that He has come through for me before and worked miracles in other impossible situations. He told me that I can trust Him in this too. When He shows me the big picture of God's amazing story, my own little troubles fade away into insignificance.
Before and After. What a difference.
And yes, Jesus made the difference!

"Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than we can ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen."
Ephesians 3:20,21
Making Discoveries
30/09/2015 13:53Recently, my family sped off on holiday; to taste refreshing life-giving sips of spring-time. We were not disappointed. As we meandered on country roads, we found ourselves immersed in lavish beauty. What made it especially joyful for me was that after 5 difficult weeks of battling fibromyalgia and feeling very ill – I was well enough to enjoy my time away. Hooray! What a fabulous gift that was! Thank you God. Thank you.
The caravan park we stayed in was called the ‘Clare Discovery Holiday Park’. I realised soon just how apt that name was. For me personally, it was a time of discovery. God revealed His wisdom and many wonderful insights as I waited on Him. He blessed me with an abundance of writing ideas. He enlarged my vision. The family times we spent together were precious. We revelled in the splendour around us. His Word, His Voice in creation and our circumstances, all whispered into my listening ears.
As welcome as the winter rains.
As vivid as the cloak of spring-time.
As clear as my beloved’s voice.
The weather could not have been better – like baby bear’s soup in the Goldilocks story. Not too hot, not too cold but just right. The weekend glowed with sunshine – it splashed golden beams into our surroundings, making them dazzle. Interestingly enough, Monday’s weather changed clothes. Cold, wet, with grey clouds darkening our horizon. That told me I should not take those two perfect weather days for granted. It could easily have been wet and gloomy instead. I savoured every moment with deep gratitude.
So what were my discoveries you ask. Here is a small sample.

Miracles do happen
God always gives us good gifts
The darkest hour is before the dawn
There are many things in life waiting to be discovered
Every new day brings new mercies and a fresh helping of God’s love
Spring is a wonderful reminder to us of the Good News of Jesus.
Waiting on God is essential – it reminds us we are not God
When we least expect blessings we find them
The peace of God passes all understanding
God’s waiting to bless you
I wonder what kind of discovery you would like to make today? There are grey seasons in all our lives when it’s hard to make out God’s voice among the clamour and screeches of a world gone awry. It’s difficult then to find His direction. We might experience periods of sun-lessness and storm clouds and wonder if He even sees our anguish and knows our pain. But you know – the discoveries I made during our little holiday are eternal truths. So they are spot on for you as well. Perhaps you could seize them for your own delight today?
Yes, God is waiting to bless you.
So come to Him. As you are. He’s waiting for you.
May bountiful new discoveries bring you closer to Him.
And may your heart smile, dance and sing, bathed in Jesus’ glorious Joy.
“You have made known to me the path of life;
You will fill me with joy in your presence,
with eternal pleasures at your right hand.” Psalm 16:11
Complement and Compliment
17/09/2015 15:37Tuesday morning, 10 a.m. I sip my weekly cup of coffee. Mmm. Delicious. Outside, nature sings its sweet springtime songs, praising her Creator, as dappled sunlight reveals vibrant life in my backyard. My body is tired, but my spirit rises on wings of an eagle. The music of the season heralds joy. Hope. Promise. Yes, the promise of good things to come.
Far ahead, little bursts of yellow blooms smile bright on an olive background. Purple and white flowers wave madly in the breeze. Pink geraniums decorate my world, blushing pretty and rosy the by steps that lead to our back lawn. Deep red bottlebrushes smirk, vivid against their emerald foliage. As I soak in all that beauty out there, I wonder idly… ‘Are there any green coloured flowers?” A few clicks on Google, prove to me that yes ‘tis true; there is an abundance of green blooms in the world. Did you know that?
I discovered that not only are there green flowers but that most of them are exquisite. There are green roses, carnations, chrysanthemums, hellebores, green daylilies, zinnias, and gladiolus. And more. Interesting though that most blooms we behold aren’t green; instead they are set in colours which contrast to their green leaves. Science will explain those colours simply. That bright hues are needed to attract bees and to make pollination occur. Ah! But we know better don’t we? That colour is more than a scientific fact. It’s also an enchanting facet of the beauty and abundance of a God-breathed world.
As I mused on the way the reds, oranges, yellows, purples and pinks were exceptionally striking against their green background, I was reminded how we human beings too often stand in contrast to one another. It is true that we often gravitate to like minded people. Those of the same age. Or persons with similar interests. It seems easier to get along with them. But think how much we’d miss if we only moved with those who are carbon copies of ourselves. I do benefit significantly by spending time with those different to me.
I find new ways to perceive and understand our captivating world.
I am able to see through another’s eyes and discover new truths about life.
My soul matures when challenged by people who are dissimilar to me.
My weaknesses are complemented by their strengths.
I am in turn able to offer my own strengths to complement their lack.