I don't but HE does
05/12/2014 16:26For close to 9 years, my husband has been taking a bus to his workplace. Every weekday morning, I stand on a rock in our garden, waving him off. Shan walks down our driveway and towards the cul-de-sac a few houses down the street. He then turns left to a pathway which leads to the main road. We wave at each other twice. Once when he reaches our road. The second time just before he goes out of sight.
Recently we discovered that the bushes in our neighbour’s garden had grown taller and thicker. So much so that I could no longer see my husband or his hand when he reached the end of our street. So I’d stand there after he vanished from my sight – not knowing if he could see my hand as I waved at him. After a few days, I stopped that second wave, thinking he couldn’t see me anyway. That’s where I was wrong. Standing on that rock seemed to have its advantages after all!
A few days ago, as he walked down the street, he shouted out to me, asking if I could see his hand. No, I could not see him or his hand any longer. There seemed to be little point in my waving back. However, I raised my hand and waved. Then shouted out to him, ‘No. Can you see mine?’ I was very surprised at his answer. ‘Yes’ he shouted back.
Oh! That was unexpected. How wrong I was. Since then, I’ve continued with my second wave for several minutes, though I don’t even know if he’s left our street. I know he can see my hand even when I can’t see his. And that’s what matters.
There are many times in my life when I don’t know if God has seen me or heard my cry for help. The Bible assures me that God is closer than I can ever imagine. When we surrender ourselves to His Lordship and accept His free gift of life, His Holy Spirit comes to reside within us. He blesses us not just with eternal life – but also His beautiful Presence all the days of our lives. He is right there beside us as we stagger up that steep mountain or are sinking fast in troubled waters. He is behind us and before us. His help is always available; His Presence is sure.
Do you feel you’ve been calling out to God – but wonder if He has heard you? King David says in Psalm 55. “But I call to God, and the LORD saves me. Evening, morning and noon I cry out in distress, and he hears my voice. He ransoms me unharmed from the battle waged against me, even though many oppose me.” Psalm 55:16, 17
This has been my experience too. Many times I have sought the LORD. Each time He has answered. Sometimes His answers have taken time to arrive and I have wondered what He was doing. It’s been a little like waving at my husband, not knowing if he could see my hand. But God has (as the Scriptures often say) always ‘remembered me’. I may not always see Him or His Hand at work but I am fully assured that He is ever present. My prayers don’t fall on deaf ears. No – His ears are wide open to my cry.
And to yours. Be assured that even if you don’t see Him and feel Him – He is there with you. He sees. He cares. And He is on your case whether you know it or not. Christmas is a beautiful season when we celebrate the arrival of a precious baby in a manger. God took on human form and became one of us. The Son of God became a son of man so that the sons and daughters of man may become sons and daughters of God.
You might not see Him – but He sees you.
You might not see the whole picture – but He does.
You might be at the brink of giving up. Please don’t.
"The Word became flesh and blood, and moved into the neighbourhood. We saw the glory with our own eyes, the one-of-a-kind glory, like Father, like Son, generous inside and out, true from start to finish." John 1:14 – The Message Bible
EPILOGUE: I had a happy surprise today. As I stood waving at my husband – not knowing exactly where he was – I caught a glimpse of colour. Shan had moved to a different place in the street so I could actually see him in between two bushes. That was a lovely surprise. God does that too you know. Sometimes, when I least expect it, God proves Himself to me - through a loving human being, a God- breathed circumstance, His life-giving Word or through His soft whispers within my heart.
“Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us.” Matthew 1:23
Let’s worship Him.
Oh No!
27/11/2014 15:10My computer keyboard likes to play games with me. It brings to life an unusual dialect whenever it feels like it. When I type an ‘a’ it might show a ‘q’; if I type an ‘r’ it might reply with an ‘x’. Yes, it seems to have lots of fun at my expense. Often when I’m in the middle of a Google chat with my husband – my keyboard decides to laugh at us.
Shan’s been puzzled at strange unpronounceable words that suddenly turn up on his computer screen supposedly from his wife. I can’t even tell him what’s happened, because my keyboard won’t let me do that. Instead I have to log out of wherever I am as quickly as possible and shut down my computer. I have to then begin afresh before I can continue my conversation. My husband has often been mystified at the mystery of his disappearing wife right when we were in the middle of an intelligent conversation.
And then, it happens also when I’m not chatting to anyone. When I’m simply minding my own business – typing a blog, writing a story or enjoying myself on facebook. My computer keyboard seems to decide – ‘Hey! She’s having too much fun. Let’s disrupt her life’. It does that most effectively. Only this morning as I was typing a response to God during my Quiet Time, it happened again. I exclaimed ‘Oh no!’
But oh yes, it had happened. Again. For the umpteenth time and the day was way too young. As I began to vent my frustration I realised that it wasn’t such a tragedy after all. I was typing into Word when it occurred. The good news is that when I’m in Word, I can simply zoom out of my word processor and come back at once – and voila – the keyboard is civil again. I’m very thankful it’s not as bad then as when I’m in facebook or on Google chat when I have to also re-start my computer.
So my ‘Oh no!’ was an exaggeration. It was no big deal. I clicked on the ‘X’ at the right hand corner of my document. I exited Word and I came right back. I got into my document and proceeded with my Quiet Time. All was well.
What happened today made me realise (with shame) that often my ‘Oh No’ moments are not as bad as I make them out to be. Know what I mean? The other day, I was off for a walk and a few raindrops fell. For a moment I thought ‘Oh no! I’m wearing my lovely new sneakers today.’ I wouldn’t mind getting my old sneakers dirtied or spoilt but my beautiful new sneakers…. Oh no! Then I gave myself a good talking to. There are much worse problems in the world than having a pair of shoes get a little grubby. There are people without shoes. Those who would count themselves fortunate to have one pair of footwear. Those who find walking very difficult. Those who are paralysed!
So my ‘Oh No’ was turned to an ‘Oh yes’. I decided to challenge myself on my Oh no moments. To find an Oh yes, in them instead. When I struggle physically, I can thank God that my illness is not life threatening. When things don’t go my way – I can remind myself of the many occasions that things did go my way and be grateful. When I realise how petty my little issue is, I can consider others in a far worse plight and do what I can to help them and to pray for their needs instead.
I wonder what your ‘Oh No!’ problems are. Are they as simple as mine often are? Here’s a challenge for us. Next time you get frustrated – next time I get frustrated – let’s think of someone in a far worse off situation and pray for her or for him. Let’s be thankful for the good in our lives. Let’s be intentional in becoming more distressed by the world’s bigger problems – poverty, injustice, terminal illness, slavery, strife, ungodliness…. than by small mundane difficulties. Let’s think of the big picture and not just the picture than contains ‘little me’.
Oh no! I am very selfish and far too often, (and I hang my head in shame).
But…Oh yes – with God’s help I can open my eyes to the plight of a sad suffering world.
Oh yes, with God’s help, I can do what I can to make a difference.
“Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interests but also to the interests of others.” Philippians 2:3, 4
A Glorious Re-Write
20/11/2014 17:51I’m sure she meant well. But her words didn’t exactly warm me. In fact they did the opposite. They left behind a nasty sting. My (perhaps well meaning) ‘friend’ told me in no uncertain terms what she thought about me. Any illusions I had of my skills and capabilities were deflated – a balloon flying high which had been pricked – leaving a small messy piece of broken rubber on the ground.
Much of what she’d shared had been reasonable. But unfortunately, words do have great power. All I remembered afterwards was her bleak opinion of me. Ouch! It hurt. I carried those words with me into my tomorrows. They burst open a scab of an earlier wound. I wondered then how many others thought the way she did. I felt weak and small. I was covered in shame. Words can bless. But sadly words can also hurt. A poem by Herb Warren expresses the truth of this clearly.
“Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words could never hurt me”.
And this I knew was surely true, and truth could not desert me.
But now I know it is not so. I've changed the latter part,
For sticks and stones may break the bones, but words can break the heart.”
Five weeks later, it happened. An amazing morning at my church. I danced as we praised our God that day – my heart turning a few gleeful summersaults. I sensed God’s Presence very strongly in His house. My morning was filled with God moments, which spilt freely into the rest of the week; a river overflowing its banks.
I visited to the Ladies’ after church. A lovely lady smiled at me. I smiled back. She spoke. Her words surprised me. She spoke words of affirmation over my life. She didn’t know me very well. How could she say what she did? She added (as if she was reading my mind) ‘I don’t know you well, but I can tell’. It HAD to be the Lord who had prompted her. She made my heart sing.
A short later while enjoying a cuppa and chatting with friends, I received a second hug from God. Another lady grabbed me; (no, not literally). She also spoke warm words of loving kindness over my life. She told me that she’d been watching me; and she’d liked what she saw. She affirmed my actions. Wow! What did I do to deserve all of this? Nothing. Nothing at all. It had to be my God at work. Again. (Thank you Father)
My blessings continued the next day. I had a surprise card in the mail from a dear friend. She’d gone to the shops to buy a belated birthday card for me – but the Holy Spirit pointed her not to a birthday card but to one of encouragement instead. She sent it with her own loving words of affirmation. I cried when I read her letter and enjoyed her card. It was yet another gift from my amazing God.
I knew then that God had heard my cry for help. I’d asked Him for healing. He’d answered. Not by my erasing the negative words my ‘friend’ had spoken over me 5 weeks before. Instead it was through three others who over-wrote those negative words by gracious powerful words about who I was and all they saw in me. God answered me just as He promised me in Psalm 50:15:
“Call upon me in your day of trouble. I will deliver you, and you will honour me.”
So today – I honour 3 godly women who took the time to speak words of blessing over my life. They have no idea what impact their words had – they came at a time I needed them. I honour our awesome God – who placed precious seeds of encouragement in their hearts. Through their words, my garment of shame turned into a garment of praise. These three godly women helped re-write my future because with their encouragement I will rise. I shall aspire through God’s help to become the person I am called to be.
It’s a good reminder for you and me to be aware of what we speak of isn’t it? Three questions I need to ask myself often. Are my words true? Are they kind? Are they necessary? And here’s a thought. You and I too can bring healing to someone whose spirit has been crushed by negative words. Re-writing as an Author is fun. I love it. But working with the Holy Spirit in His task of re-writing another’s life – why - that’s even better. Much much better.
Let’s do it!
"Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing." 1 Thessalonians 5:11
A little Happiness would be nice
14/11/2014 14:29I loved the work I was involved in for almost 12 years - caring for people in our community. I loved to invite them into my room when nudged by God, so I could pray with them. One day last year, a lady with sad eyes came into our office. I remember her well. She smiled but I knew there was something amiss. I helped her with her practical needs. And just before she left, asked her the question I’d often ask of our clients.
“Would you like to me to pray with you?”
“Oh thank you. That would be lovely” she replied.
“And how can I pray for you?”
I will never forget her response. She smiled her sad sweet smile. Then she said it.
“A little happiness would be nice.”
It stopped me in my tracks. ‘A little happiness would be nice.’ It went straight to my heart. I hugged her. Tears filled her eyes and mine. We sat down together and she shared her story. Her life was difficult; she was struggling with depression. And oh how my heart went out to her. ‘A little happiness would be nice’. Yes, it would. As I prayed with her that day I prayed not for just a little happiness but a lot of it. I asked God to open the way for her. To lead her into His best. To bless her with His joy just as He's often filled me to overflowing through His boundless grace and love. And then I shared with her the Source of all joy; Jesus.
A little happiness would be nice. Not only for her. But for many people in the world today who have sad, empty lives. Just today I was chatting on the phone to a new friend – she too is finding life very hard right now and told me she is deeply depressed. I’m sure she’d echo the same sentiments. “A little happiness would be nice”.
As I ponder on the statement, I’m reminded that we who are His disciples are called to be salt and light in the world today. We are called to share His good news with everyone; to offer the same glorious hope we have been given. It only takes a few minutes of listening to the daily news to discover how bad it is out there in the big wide world today. Poverty, war, sickness, crime, strife. The world needs a bigger helping of happiness.
I've been blessed with the gift of time this year and I have appreciated it. It’s meant that I’ve had time to listen more than I usually do. It meant that I can enjoy an unexpected, meaningful conversation with my neighbour or a stranger I’ve met in the shopping centre. It meant I could invest more time helping my son or blessing my husband. It meant that I could be ready to share a little of happiness around when God asked me to.
What are ways then that I could share a little happiness? Mother Theresa said ‘“Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love.” Here are some obvious and simple ways we could scatter a little sunshine into the lives of those around us.
Smile at strangers. A smile can give a joyful lift to someone’s day.
Listen. Listen. Listen. Talking is often easier much easier than listening – but oh the gift we give a fellow traveller when we care enough to listen.
Pay a visit to someone who’s lonely.
Give an unexpected gift for no reason.
Call someone who would appreciate a call.
Write a letter. Emails, snail mail, cards, eCards, text messages…. there are plenty of ways to send a little joy around, don’t you think?
Be ready for God’s tap on my shoulder – so I could change gears if needed, to do what He asks me to do.
Be intentional in the way I live. Seek out ways to bless. Every day.
Pray for those in need. Pray for anyone. Pray for everyone.
Live as Jesus did. With compassion and grace. Reach out whenever it’s needed.
St Francis of Assisi said: "Preach the word; and when necessary use words." What a powerful way to express the truth. Are we doing that? Not all of us can do great things and that’s all right. But we can all do small things with great love. A little happiness would be nice, wouldn't it? Let's spread it around this Christmas.
“You are the salt of the earth. You are the light of the world.” Matthew 5:13, 14
“In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.” Matthew 5:16
But God
07/11/2014 21:46A few days ago as I enjoyed my evening walk, I revelled in the beauty around me. The mountains stood serene in the distance, bathed in evening light. A friendly silvery moon smiled down upon me. Birds flew home to their nests. Silence descended. I relished the peace, sensing God’s loving Presence about me.
But not for long. Not for long. ‘Woof woof… woof woof’. Usually I’m glad to see dogs bounding towards me, because most of the time they are friendly. Not these two. They showed me their teeth. Snarled. Help! Was I safe? I stood still. Their owners apologised and called them off. It was awhile before they left me alone. I smiled and said ‘That’s OK”. Breathing a sigh of relief, I walked on. During the next lap, it happened again. One of the dogs barked loud and snapped at my hand – I managed to grab it back before it took a bite!
The precious silence was broken. What a rude interruption to the evening's beauty and peace! I stopped. Looked up. Right above me, the moon was busy, spilling glistening moonbeams around the Oval. I smiled. When I look at the full moon I am reminded of God’s beautiful face shining down on me.
“The Lord make His face to shine upon you and be gracious to you;
The Lord turn His face toward you and give you peace.” Numbers 6:25, 26
My perfect setting may have been changed by two snarling dogs. But thankfully, my serenity had not been disturbed. True – I’d decided not to do an extra lap – because I didn’t want another go at being bitten. But you know, the dogs didn’t detract from my many blessings that day. In fact, the dogs actually amplified those blessings. In stark contrast to the two growling dogs, my blessings remained. The evening was still filled with His fragrance. Remember my blog of last week? I shared that it had been that kind of year. Today I want to add the word ‘but’ to it. Yes, it was that kind of year, but God has been faithful.
It was that kind of year, but God drew me closer to Him.
It was that kind of year, but His blessings abounded.
It was that kind of year, but His mercies were new each morning.
It was that kind of year, but my loved ones were there for me.
It was that kind of year, but there was much to be grateful for.
It was that kind of year, but His beauty surrounded me.
It was that kind of year, but I saw His Hand at work.
It was that kind of year, but I've made many new friends.
It was that kind of year, but His smile continues to dazzle me.
It was that kind of year, but I knew that God loved me.
It was that kind of year, but He filled my heart with good things.
It was that kind of year, but my gains outweighed my losses.
It was that kind of year, but I've enjoyed new paths that I've trod.
It was that kind of year, but my cup has run over.
It was that kind of year, but the New Year is bright with promise.
The glad truth is that despite the hard times we go through, God’s love and mercies never fail. There is often much we don’t understand about life. Many questions that will not be answered this side of eternity. But God’s love remains – like a glorious sunset that dazzles the evening sky. Like jewelled dew drops that glisten at dawn. Like the delicate scent of a God-created rose. Like the cold clear waves that splash upon the shore. Yes, it was that kind of year but I wasn’t alone. My Father God held my Hand. He travelled the year with me. And now, I can now step forward with confidence into a New Year of life, knowing that the Lord goes before me and I can trust Him fully for all that’s to come.
“No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love Him.” 2 Corinthians 2:9
THAT kind of YEAR
02/11/2014 17:38After I returned from my Christian Writer’s conference last week, I've been busy working on something God had placed it in my heart. A 5000 word short story for an Anthology by Australian Writers to raise money for Breast Cancer research. I enjoyed writing it; especially the many hours I spent editing the story. You see, the aspect I enjoy most in the entire creative writing process is the editing.
Many writers tell me they dislike editing. I love editing! I’m glad I do. It makes all that time I spend on it very enjoyable. I have great fun wielding my Editor’s pen - reading and re-reading each successive draft, chopping a word here, changing a word there, removing a chunk here, re-writing sections, pruning, refining.
I've just had a birthday. Birthdays make me reflect on my life. New beginnings are fun aren’t they? No matter what’s occurred before, beginnings spell hope. Beginnings mean the past may be wiped clean; scrubbing out white chalk marks on a blackboard or erasing black ink on a whiteboard. As I looked back on the year that was past, I realised I didn’t understand a lot of it. It’s been that kind of year. When black became white and white became black. When bewilderment kicked in. When I was unsure where I was headed in life; wandering around in a maze, surprised; finding it hard to find my way out.
My fibromyalgia has been pursuing me relentlessly all year; a fast runner who plays chasey with me. It’s been hard to rejoice through times when fibromyalgia’s pain and exhaustion caught up with me. I know many others who suffer with bouts of ill health – and I know life is not easy when dealing with chronic illness. This past year with its surprises and question marks must have a reason behind it – God’s ways always make sense even when my little brain can’t understand His purposes.
Was He teaching me to rejoice in difficult times?
Was He teaching me to please Him rather than to please His world?
Was He showing me how to be content through all circumstances?
Was He producing the fruit of the Spirit in me?
Just as I need to wield my Editor’s pen – God too will have good reason for using His pen and paintbrush with flourish. He is my Creator. He didn’t sit back after He created me. He went to work showering blessing after blessing upon me. Proving His love for me. Showing it in a million ways. He painted bright colours over my cracks and has been busy remodelling my character; helping me become a better person today than I was yesterday. The truth is, God’s not only a life giving Creator, He is also a life changing Editor.
The reason I like wielding my Editor’s pen is not because I am mean. It’s not because I like to scribble with my red pen. It’s not because I have nothing else to do. I like editing because it helps transform my story into the best it can be. Full stop. No hidden agendas. No flaunting of power. No weird reasons. Only love. Love that propels me to create a story that will bless God’s world. And so too with God and His purposes for me.
He might not always give me what I ask for.
Instead He gives me what I was created for.
He might not explain why He acts as He does.
Instead He pours His relentless love over me.
He does not remove all the challenges I face.
Instead He brings me closer to Him through them.
He doesn’t seek to be popular with all His Creation.
Instead He seeks intimacy with those who turn to Him.
Yes, it’s been that kind of year. A year of taking one step forward and ten steps back. Of stopping. Of starting. Of asking “Why?” and ‘What next?” The truth is that we all need that kind of year from time to time. Because you see, it doesn’t mean God doesn’t care. Or that He isn’t sharing my pain with me. It’s been that kind of year perhaps because my God was wielding His Editor’s pen. And the comforting truth is that His precious Father-heart of love is behind His pen.
Perhaps He’s changing me to reflect His image to His world.
Perhaps He’s preparing me for a future in His kingdom.
Yes, it’s been that kind of year. Should I mope? Should I moan? Should I cry? No – it’s been that kind of year and I can rejoice. I can praise Him with a glad and joyful heart, because it’s in ‘that kind of year’ that He draws me close to Him; it’s in that kind of year when He changes me into all He’s created me to be. It’s in that kind of year I will bear mature fruit that will bless His world and bring glory to His Name.
“But all of us who are Christians have no veils on our faces, but reflect like mirrors the glory of the Lord. We are transfigured by the Spirit of the Lord in ever-increasing splendour into his own image.” 2 Corinthians 3:18
May you and I become like Jesus.
May we reflect His amazing love to all the world.
Battery Empty
23/10/2014 11:21I was walking around my garden enjoying the early signs of spring. Bright pink Geraniums blushed prettily on the rocks in our backyard. Deep red Bottle-brushes waved their pretty hands as the wind passed by. Little purple flowers formed a colour-splashed collage that greeted me as I sat on my garden swing. Flowers I didn’t know existed kept popping up to say “G’day”. Yes, the verdict was in. Spring had sprung.
I rushed indoors to get my camera. I ran back excitedly hoping to capture all that my heart delighted in. ‘Smile, Pinkies’ I said to my Geraniums. I clicked my camera. Nothing happened. Oh dear. Battery EMPTY. What an anti climax! No picture taking for awhile. At least not until I had its battery re-charged.
There are times in my life when my own battery becomes dismally empty. It often occurs when life has been frenzied and I haven’t had sufficient time to spend with God. I've then had to seek out ways to replenish my spirit. What works best of course is spending uninterrupted times with my Father, listening to Him, soaking in His word; even shedding tears before Him which I always find healing. Works every time.
Yes. My Father God fills my deepest need whatever it is at the time. Sadness, loneliness, confusion, weariness, strife, failure, conflict…. and more. Much more. Perhaps my brothers and sisters in Christ and I are like parts of my camera? Every part in that camera is important. Because you know, it will not work with even one element missing, however small; however insignificant. We need each other. And then, perhaps our need for renewal in God akin to the battery in my camera that needs recharging.
John 15 explains it beautifully. “I am the true vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” The analogy of the vine and the branches sounds much more picturesque than my own metaphor of a camera doesn’t it? We are all branches on the same tree. If we don’t stay connected to the tree and the other branches, we will not accomplish a thing. If we do stay connected to him, we will all bear luscious juicy grapes for His vineyard.
I’ve just spent four glorious days in Melbourne at my Christian Writer’s conference. And yes, my batteries were recharged – big time. I’ve realised during the past few days that there are two opposite ways I find refreshment. The first means is the obvious one - by spending time in solitude with God. That’s to be expected. But I've also found (with glad surprise) that when I spend time ministering to others, I am once again replenished. He fills me, as I reach out to another; like a hose-pipe that carries water to wherever the water’s needed. He is the Source without which the water will not flow. In the course of ministering to others – His Spirit empowers me and I am filled. What a thrilling discovery!
And so I've found that our needs are very simple. We need God. We need each other.
Is your battery empty? Would you like to fill it up? Filling it is not complicated.
Go to Jesus.
Care for Others (in His strength)
May He who sends rain in due season fill you, refresh you and enrich others through you, today and in the days ahead.
“He who refreshes others will himself be refreshed.” Proverbs 11:25
“And my God will meet all your needs according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:19
A Grand Discovery
17/10/2014 16:01It’s only four more days. Four more days before I go skipping off to my Writers’ Adventure in Melbourne. Meeting friends who have a passion for God and a passion for writing has always been invigorating. Spending a few days with many gifted writers, learning my craft has been good for my writer’s soul. Yes, I've been looking forward to our conference all year. Do I sound a little excited?
During the past few weeks, I’ve been busy preparing for the workshop I’m presenting at the conference. I was asked to speak on ‘Making Writer’s Lemonade – Turning Rejection’ into blessing'; one I’d presented before. My previous talk was 10 pages long. I thought I’d cut some of it out and add something new to make it fresh and eloquent. I set to work with great zeal, like an enthusiastic CEO preparing for a Board meeting. During my Quiet time one day, a story from Exodus grabbed my heart. It sounded like the perfect setting for my talk. I put that in. Then added in some more. And more. Very quickly, my talk expanded to 14 pages - a balloon being blown larger by the minute.
A good writer is economical with her words. Alas, I am often too verbose; a toddler who’s just learnt the art of jabbering in her own tongue. So I found it very challenging to cut those 14 pages down to 10. ‘Buckle down, Anusha’ I admonished myself. But then, all at once, a new truth flooded my being. Like opening a Christmas gift and finding inside, a book I’d been waiting to read. Eureka!
Here’s what I discovered. Last year, I shared my workshop with another writer. We each spoke for 30 minutes. But this year was different. I was doing the workshop on my own; which meant I would speak not just for 30 minutes but for one whole hour. What an enlightening discovery. 14 pages were NOT too much. In fact, I could even add a few more pages. Talk of a Grand Discovery. I fine tuned my talk, added more pages and I was still well within my limits. Hooray! I added some finishing touches to my talk eagerly, even putting in a few surprises; to make it all I hoped it would be.
My Grand Discovery reminded me that as a follower of Jesus I sometimes forget my own Grand discovery and live in squalor. Know what I mean?
My Grand Discovery is very simple. It’s also very profound.
God loves me.
God loves me.
God loves me.
Yes. I am His beloved child. Nothing can ever take His love away from me. Jesus died to give me forgiveness from my sin, a brand new life in Him, and an abundant ever-after. To sweep me into His own Grand Story and carry me off into eternity. Isn’t that magnificent? Why is it then that often I forget this truth and forget to live by it? The world today is full of heartache and pain. It’s often very tempting to gaze upon what’s happening around me; and to only glance at Jesus. But aren’t I doing it the wrong way round? Shouldn’t I simply glance at the world around me – and gaze at Jesus instead?
No – I don’t mean I downplay the suffering around me. God’s own heart must grieve deeply in what’s rampant in the world today. Injustice, suffering, sickness, poverty, war, sorrow, death…. the list goes on. Sadly there is a far too much pain in the world. Just last week I listened to a new friend’s story of rejection and abandonment as a child. I feel like weeping now as I reflect upon her story. As disciples of Jesus, He asks us to join hands with Him to bring justice to His world; to provide practical help; to pray for those who suffer; to be the hands and feet of Jesus to them. To share through both word and deed the astounding Good News of the Gospel.
But it is also true that we need to keep our eyes fixed on Jesus. He is far greater than any suffering – far greater than anything that happens in the world or in our personal lives.
Don’t let the newspaper headlines be your point of reference.
Let the love of Jesus be the place you begin.
Don’t let the world squeeze you into its mold.
Let the standards of a holy God be your guide and resting place.
Don’t let the sadness of the world steal from the joy that He willingly showers on us.
Instead let’s share that same joy with those who need it so much.
“Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade – kept in heaven for you, who through faith are shielded by God’s power until the coming of the salvation that is ready to be revealed in the last time.”
1 Peter 1:3-5
“Jesus Christ is the same, yesterday, today and forever.” Hebrews 13:8
A Better Way
10/10/2014 15:21
A few weeks ago I tried to post my weekly blog on my Facebook wall, but encountered a little problem. Usually, a picture from my blog gets picked up and shows up with my blog title. That day however, my pictures seemed to have gone on strike. There wasn’t one to be seen. I wasn’t happy; but there was not much I could do about it.
Later that week when I posted the blog on my Author page, I found something very interesting. Here (unlike on my own page) I was allowed to add a picture if I wanted to. Exactly what I needed. As I mused upon my discovery, I realised that that there was now a way around my problem. A better way to do it. I could use my Author page as a springboard to what I sought. The next Monday I tried it. And yes, it worked. Hooray.
I first shared the blog link on my Author page. Next I inserted a relevant picture on it. Then I shared the link from my Author’s page on my own timeline. Finally I deleted the one on the Author page. Problem solved. I was so pleased. Often, there is a way around a problem isn’t there? I have been seeking healing for my fibromyalgia for many many years. While I’ve accepted it to a certain degree (because ‘acceptance’ I believe is one of the keys to doing life) I have never given up asking God for healing.
I don’t believe God wants me to keep struggling with it because it diminishes my life so much. It prevents me from doing all I could do to bless His world. Last year, I stopping eating/drinking my much enjoyed dairy products (a big sacrifice for me) and wondered if that was my answer. Because immediately, my pain and exhaustion became more manageable. Wonderful. Unfortunately, this year brought change. After being laid up in bed for 6 weeks after my operation in January, my fibromyalgia reared its ugly head again in a big way.
My battle with this debilitating illness made me seek God for healing with renewed purpose and passion. I continued to ask for prayer. I continued to search for help. And I just might have found it. Research on the Internet located a hopeful supplement. Fibro sufferers are said to be often deficient in Magnesium. I decided to give it a go. My preliminary trial was very hopeful. I felt better rightaway. That was amazing. I rode high like an Eagle scaling the mountains.
Unfortunately I soon hit a snag. Strong tummy pain and unpleasant nausea came to visit – and they were most unwelcome. I’d exchanged one set of symptoms for another. I had to back off. I stopped taking the supplements for awhile. Then began again but in very small doses so my body could cope. I have been struggling lately with discouragement. A 'normal life' (after 9 long years) is so near and yet so far. Feeling very ill and nauseous has sapped my fighting spirit. And yet, I am determined to keep fighting it and to claim God’s victory. I WILL NOT GIVE UP.
The other day, I re-read the story of David’s battle with Goliath. A truly fascinating account. David was just a boy. But not ‘just a boy’. David was a boy who was filled with courage. His bravery came from years of relying on God to fight his battles. ‘The Lord who delivered me from the paw of the lion and the paw of the bear will deliver me from the hand of the Philistine”. David didn’t have Goliath’s magnitude on his side. But he did have what matters most. Total trust in God. Obedience. Courage. Fighting not for himself but for God. No wonder God honoured him and gave him victory.
I wonder what kind of battle you are facing today. If you are discouraged – please do hang in there. Don’t forget that there are many ways of fighting a battle. God places in our hands human resources which often help us – like he gave David a pebble and a sling which enabled him to win his encounter with the giant. But there are other ways of fighting our battles. Other means we should always draw on.
I am trying to find a way of getting that much needed Magnesium into my system even though sadly, all my efforts so far have come to naught. But I will persevere. I will continue to hope - a candle burning bright within my heart. And just as David’s hope wasn’t in his stone, my hope isn’t in a magical supplement. My hope is in my God who has come through for me time and time and time again. His word encourages me on.
“He who did not spare His own Son, but gave him up for us all - how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things?” Romans 8:32
The Christian’s weapons are unique weapons are they not? Faith. Hope. Trust. His Word. Love. Prayer. Obedience. The Holy Spirit. The God who has rescued us before will do it again. As sure as the run rises each morning, His promises continue to ring out the truth. Your hope (and mine) is not in our circumstances or in our own strength. Our hope is in the Living God. He has already won the war. He will also win our battles in His time and in His way. So don’t give up. Begin praising Him even before He answers. The God of Angel armies is at your side.