23/04/2015 20:42

A few days ago, I visited an elderly friend. I will call her Mavis. Mavis lives on her own. She enjoys a quiet life. Twice a week, she attends a program for the oldies where the council does a great job caring for them. They are taken out for the day, given a delicious meal and brought home in the evening. She loves it. Her eyes sparkle as she describes her outings. She deeply appreciates the kindness of those who care for them.
When I visited her that day, Mavis asked me to wait a moment. She went out of the room and soon re-appeared bringing with her a large box. My curiosity was aroused. Words outside the box read ‘Build a Bear’. Build a bear? Hmm… I’d never seen one before.
‘I wonder what’s inside,’ Mavis said. ‘I dare not open it because I won’t know how to fix it. I think I’ll wait till my son visits.’ Should I offer to open it for her, I wondered. Perhaps I wouldn’t be able to make it either. Would I look foolish? I few moments passed.
“I’d love to see what’s inside,” murmured Mavis again. “But I’m scared to open it. I’ll wait for my son to do it for me. He’ll know what to do.”
“Would you like me to open it Mavis?”
“Yes, please.”

It wasn’t difficult to open the box. Afterwards, I put my hand inside to take the pieces out. But no – there weren’t any pieces. Instead, out came a large gorgeous soft toy. A brown and white dog, it was, replete with collar and leash. With bells on a collar that jingled. A birth certificate accompanied him. His name was 'Bear'. Mavis was deliriously happy. For the next half hour, he was all that she talked about.
Mavis is scared of real dogs and wouldn’t be able to look after one. But a soft toy? Perfect for an old lady who lives alone. We joked that she could walk him up and down her hallway. She said she'd even take it to bed. What a good thing she brought out that box. If she’d waited for her son, it might have been several days before she enjoyed her new playmate. And you know, Mavis had been fearful of opening the box. I was a little nervous myself that I’d look foolish if I couldn’t assemble it – so hesitated a moment before I offered to open it. I’m so glad I did. She didn’t have to assemble it. Neither did I. If I’d not opened it, we’d not have known, would we?
Are you a courageous person who likes to take a risk? I wish I could say I was one. The sad truth is that there have been many occasions when fear has kept me back from taking the plunge into deeper waters. There’ve been times when terror gripped me, like a python wrapping itself around its prey. And no, I am not proud of it.
The Bible has over one hundred references that remind us to not be afraid. I believe it’s because God understands that we are human and prone to fear. ‘Fear not’ He says. Because it is OK to fear. But also because it’s not OK to persist in fear once we realise that God is by our side. What do you fear? Death? Heights? Spiders? Flying? Growing old? Disease? Pain? The Future? Failure? What others think of you?
Some years ago, when I began speaking in public I’d sweat and tremble – neither of which helped me. Being nervous detracted from my speech. So one day I made a decision. I resolved I WOULD NOT GET NERVOUS. Did it work? Yes. Surprisingly enough it did. Most of the time. My natural inclination was towards getting clammy hands and a heart that went ‘thud thud thud’ each time I got up to speak. But with God’s help – I was able to loosen fear’s grip on me. And each time I did – it got easier. Often our wills have to be put into gear for our feelings to begin to drive the car of fearlessness.
Popular author and speaker Joyce Meyer tells us ‘Do it afraid’. I like that. Fear might be a natural reaction. It may sometimes keep me safe from harm. But unhealthy fears can be taken to the One who says ‘Fear not’. After all, He holds the whole world in His hands. And His Presence with me will surely give me courage.
What makes you anxious today? Would you like to do it afraid? Would you be willing to give your fears to Him who rules the Universe? He is ever present. And terror has no room where God resides. If He's called you to it, He will lead you through it. It's as simple as that. So come to Him. His Presence will cast out all your fears.

“For I, the LORD your God, hold your right hand;
it is I who say to you, ‘Do not fear, I will help you.’ ” Isaiah 41:13
15/04/2015 17:02

I’d like to say three cheers for my friend Nola. She is a lovely friend. Last year, she informed me about a writing opportunity; the kind my heart delights in. And so I sent in a few devotionals to ‘Penned from the Heart’. A few months later, I was thrilled to discover that three of my contributions were to be included in the book. I had other expenses to contend with, so when we were given an opportunity to purchase the book, I decided to just go with my free copy rather than pay for more copies.
Well – I waited and waited – but sadly my free copy didn’t arrive. Never mind, I thought. I let it go and left it at that. But a few weeks later I received a grand surprise. A copy of ‘Penned from the Heart’ nestled in my mail box – a gift from my dear friend Nola. I started reading it as part of my Quiet time each morning and it’s been blessing me ever since. The book was even better than I’d expected.Thank you Nola. What a kind, generous and thoughtful friend you are. Bless you.

What makes Penned from the Heart so endearing is that many authors have contributed devotionals to make up a book of 365. Each author’s style of writing is unique. So there’s lots of variety. I love it. I decided to not only contribute to this year’s PFTH but to also buy several copies of it at years’ end to gift to others. Thanks again Nola.
We need each other don’t we? As a writer – I need other writers who teach me how to write better. I also need to read widely. There are many gold nuggets in a variety of books – be they heavy theology or light hearted romance, poetry or prose, stories with humour or those with in-depth insight. Another book I've been enjoying lately also during my Quiet times is called ’50 people every Christian should know’ by Warren Wiersbe.

As I've read the life stories of many amazing men women of God – some born hundreds of years ago – I have been encouraged and uplifted. They include Katherine von Bora (wife of Martin Luther), Jonathan Edwards, George Whitefield, Fanny Cosby, Hudson Taylor, Frances Ridley Havergal, F.B. Meyer, Amy Carmichael and A.W Tozer. I've been sensing powerfully - that large, unseen cloud of witnesses who surround us and cheer us on to the finish line. I have imbibed more faith by reading of saints of old, whose stories have helped me persevere through tough times. Knowing of God's reality in their lives and reading of their faithfulness to God propels me on to live better.
The other day, I was in a shopping centre when I glimpsed a family.The man turned and kissed his partner. They were obviously very much in love. Their little daughter skipped on ahead. As I watched, that little act filled my own heart with joy. He was completely unaware that an onlooker’s day was made happier because of his action. But you know it’s true. All our actions cause ripples to flow out into the wider world. We need each other on life’s journey to encourage, uplift, help, support, bless, challenge, edify.

And so, I ask a few questions of myself today.
Whom do I need to listen to?
Whom can I support?
Whom can I learn from?
To whom can I speak a word in due season?
Whose example should I follow?
The longer I follow Jesus – the more I realise how far off the mark I am. The longer I live, the more I realise that I will always be a work in progress. The more years are behind me – the more urgent that I learn and grow all I can, while I can. After all – our lives here are but a brief preparation for the fabulous magnificent life of eternity.
Whose life is inspiring you today to live better?
And to whom are you being an encouragement today?

“And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds.” Hebrews 10:24
10/04/2015 15:11

It's a broken piece of porcelain. Pocket-sized. Orange on the outside; white on the inside. Shaped like a wavy parallelogram. I turn over the little piece in my hands and gaze on it, taking care not to cut my hand on its jagged edges. It tells me something and the message is clear; like sweet true notes of a nightingale. I listen. Perhaps I should keep this little piece to remind me of the truth it taught me.
The story begins with our perfect Easter weekend. After 16 long years, I had the joy and pleasure of having my (littlest) big brother visit us in Adelaide with his lovely wife and beautiful daughter. What made it even more special was that they were arriving on a day that was wrought with memories. It was on Mum’s 90th birth anniversary. We’d been looking forward to celebrating it with her this year, and her sudden death 3 months before was still very raw in our hearts. It hurt that she wasn’t around to be honoured.

And so – their visit happened at exactly the right time. It was a great blessing to be able to share memories of Mama together on Good Friday – her birthday. On Saturday, we spent a gladsome day out together by the Torrens River picnicking on its banks. That evening we celebrated my son’s 25th birthday with them and my brother and sis in law from Whyalla. We enjoyed an evening of cake and balloons, drinks and dinner, games and chatter, love and laughter. Having 5 other family members to share our Easter breakfast was also unique. Our hearts were full after our special weekend together.
In the days following, my fridge bulged over with leftovers. Yay! One by one, I emptied the dishes and washed them. One night I washed a Pyrex dish given to us by my sister Ranmali as a wedding present 29 years before. When they were new, I’d use the set of three beautiful dishes she’d given me only when we had friends over. But by and by – as we realised that using plastics wasn’t good for us – I began pulling out my good china for everyday use as well. In fact, every morning for many years, I’ve steamed the vegetables for my husband’s lunch in this lovely orange Pyrex dish.

I wiped it that day and bent down to place it inside its matching larger dish. But as I did, the dish slid off my hands and fell with a resounding crash to the ground. At least fifty pieces of jagged porcelain scattered all over my kitchen floor. Sadly, I swept up the mess and threw away the broken pieces. I’d miss it. It had 29 years of good memories and was still very useful. I was about to close the cupboard that housed them when I looked down at the larger dish which was inside the cupboard.
One little piece of orange porcelain sat quietly inside it. It seemed to say to me: ‘This is where I belong.’ It was true. The set of three dishes had sat one inside the other. The broken dish had belonged inside the larger one. I bent down and picked the little piece. And the significance of it struck me – a whisper from God Himself.

Most of the broken pieces of that lovely dish were now reposing in our dust bin. But one brave piece had done something incredible. While the rest of them had no choice but be strewn all over my kitchen floor – this little one had jumped into and found refuge exactly where it was meant to be. Inside the larger vessel where it had always belonged. A broken piece? Ah! A wise little piece – which had found its way home.
Are you lost today? Hurting? Have you found that life’s crashes have sent you hurtling far into the unknown? You may be broken but there’s a Potter who’s looking for you. You can enter His heart and find a resting place there, like no other. Isaiah 42 tells us what Jesus came to do: “A bruised reed he will not break, and a smoldering wick he will not snuff out. In faithfulness he will bring forth justice.”

Are you waiting for justice to come to you? Are you a bruised reed that is close to breaking point? Come under the shelter of His wings. He is our Comfort and our Peace – our Hope and our Deliverer. No one who comes to Him will He turn away disappointed. Every broken piece can find their way home, because that’s where every piece belongs.
Find rest in His presence. He calls you.
Bring Him your pain and sadness. He cares.

“Come to me all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me for I am gentle and humble in heart and you will find rest for your souls.
For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” JESUS - Matthew 11:28
01/04/2015 13:32

One day last year, I spent a refreshing morning at the Adelaide Botanical Gardens. I was on a mission. To uncover the perfect spot for a Christian Writers' picnic. I caught up with a fellow writer there and we found a lovely area for our picnic, replete with green grass, trees and serenity. We then sat by the beautiful lake and discussed some practicalities.
On my way out later, I stumbled upon a pretty picture. There in front of me walked a family of ducks. Daddy Duck, Mummy Duck and 12 new born baby ducks. What a precious picture of life and family. I had to take a picture of them. I followed the duck family as they waddled their way forward. But then… before I knew what hit me, I was attacked. The Mother Duck put her head down and charged me. Ooops! That was a first. Have you ever been charged by an enraged Mother Duck?
I was at first very surprised. Then slightly alarmed. It was obvious she meant business. You can laugh if you like, but you know what? I ran. I ran away. Fast. I chuckle now remembering. But I did NOT want to cross swords with a Mother Duck protecting her young. She was intent on harming me if I got in the way.

After she was convinced that I was not pursuing them, she waddled back to her family giving me a number of warning glares. She squashed me a little but not totally. I stayed some distance away. After she waddled away, I slowly inched my way forward – one centimeter at a time. I didn’t dare get close to them. I knew what would ensue if I did. I stood a fair bit away and took a picture with my phone. I gazed fondly at the little fluff balls, wishing I could hold them in my hand. I sent the picture to my husband. ‘Wow! I didn’t know Ducks could be aggressive’ he responded. I texted back ‘Mama ducks obviously can be when their babies are around’. Shan agreed.
That Mother Duck taught me something. Here I was – this enormous hulking human being. There she was. A little duck. And yet – she was on the ball. She did all she could in order to protect her young. So fierce that I didn’t stay to argue with her. She protected her family very well. She loved. And her love showed. In fierce deliberate action.
It’s Easter. Thank you God!
We celebrate the day when history turned itself around. When love came down to conquer the world. To overcome sin and death. To bring us life in all its fullness. You know, there was something very touching that day when a little duck was intent on protecting her brood at risk to herself. She was smaller than I. I could have hurt her.

Jesus came to earth not as the King of the Universe in all His pomp and glory though he could have. Not with a million angels and majestic trumpets thundering out a loud message to us. No, he came as a tiny vulnerable human baby. He didn’t demand His rights as He could have. Instead he died a horrible death on a cross. He allowed himself to be beaten and scourged and spat upon. What prompted him? Love. Yes, agape love was behind that cross.
This Easter, as we ponder on the significance of what Jesus did – I pray that it will spur us too to act as He did. Not demanding our rights. Not demanding all that is ours. Instead being humble and obedient to our Father’s will. In order to save mankind. Not that you and I are called to save mankind of course. That’s God’s work. But God does have a purpose for each of us in hastening "His kingdom come, on earth as it is in heaven." Have you discovered what that purpose is? Have you surrendered all your plans to His? Have you stepped forward in faith like that mother duck – ready to do what’s necessary simply because of your love? Your love for Jesus. And your love for His world.
May the love that brought us Easter propel us on, to give of ourselves for the world Jesus came to save. And may we bring many others to the foot of the cross. To enjoy our Father’s heart of love as we are all created for and to bask in His warm beautiful Presence.

“God our Saviour wants all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth. For there is one God and one mediator between God and men, the man Jesus Christ, who gave himself as a ransom for all men.” 1 Timothy 1:4, 5
"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16
26/03/2015 14:06

I stepped outdoors. In the aftermath of rain, the air had turned fresh and cool. The grass looked greener; the skies had turned an azure blue. Birds chattered excitedly. Bright pink geraniums nodded their heads in animated conversation. Trees swayed, keeping time to the music of rustling breezes. A reddish glow illuminated the world. I lingered outdoors revelling in its enchantment. My heart was filled.
We had hoped we’d celebrate my amazing beloved beautiful Mum’s 90th birthday on the 3rd of April this year. She’s instead enjoying her 3-months-in-Eternity-birthday with all the host of heaven. We can’t beat that can we? And so, amidst our tears, we gladly rejoice with her. Because of course she’s having the grandest time with my Dad. Who wouldn’t – in our Father God’s Eternal Immortal Glorious Presence?

In the journal Mama left for me, I found a special poem sent her by my sister Ranmali.
AFTERGLOW I’d like the memory of me, to be a happy one.
I’d like to leave an Afterglow, when the day is done.
I’d like to leave an echo…whispering softly down the ways,
Of happy times and laughing times, and bright and sunny days.
I’d like the tears of you who grieve, to dry before the sun,
Of happy memories that I leave behind, before the day is done.
I remember my beloved unique special Mama today and I miss her so. But I AM basking in the afterglow of her amazing life. I’m basking too in her rich legacy. I’m revelling in a multitude of beautiful memories – like pulling out an endless supply of colourful streamers from a bottomless golden box. Memories of my childhood crowd my mind like bright coloured crayons in a box, jostling one another, wanting to be picked.

I see myself…. in the front seat of our car next to Mum when little - a happy place to be; beside her at church with my head on her side, her arm about me, having a nap during the sermon. I remember all the delicious omelettes she made for me when I returned from school, simply because she knew I liked them. I remember… Mum getting up at 5 a.m. to make me a cup of Horlicks every day, when I began my first job. The many egg flips she made each time I had exams. Driving me and my 6 siblings around without complaint.
Numerous refreshing family holidays that were oases of contentment, family badminton and table tennis tournaments, yummy desserts made by her, happy family picnics, the magic of Christmas at no 10, the fabulous concerts she organised for my Dad’s birthday party each December. And then into my adulthood there are umpteen golden memories which I shall share another day. There’s too much to say in a short blog.

Hundreds of tributes have come pouring in since Mum died. Here are a handful:
“There are many people around the world thanking God for the life of your amazing mother as she touched so many in different ways.”
“A huge light has gone out in our land and we are so much poorer for it.”
“She was always wise, calm, thoughtful, clever but underlying it all, a very compassionate and genuine person such as we do not often come across in our lives”
“A great courageous kind God fearing lady”
“She was a genuinely caring person whose kind spirit made an indelible impression on me, in my youth.”
“What a special lady. She will never be forgotten and will always be an inspiration.”
“She touched the lives of individuals, even generations after her.”
“A wonderful lady who enriched many lives and contributed much to society and family.”
“Your Mum has blessed my life and I am one of the countless people who thank God for her.”
“She did much for me and I will never forget her.”
“What a lovely life and a huge loss and what wonderful memories.”
“An amazing dear lady who had an active mind right to the end and left a legacy that is hard to match.”
“An inspiration to all of us.”
“The most extra-ordinary woman I have ever met.”
The truth is that Mama, though always grateful to the lovely things said about her never took it on board. She would be the first to declare that she was far from perfect. That she like the rest of us had her own faults and foibles. Then what it is about her that touched so many? What is it that left such a beautiful afterglow of her life for us to enjoy?

My beautiful Mama loved life. She was deeply interested in people. She genuinely cared. She had eyes and ears for open anything and everything. She never said ‘never’. She was a woman of courage; fearless in her writing and an advocate for the oppressed. She loved God. She stood up against injustice. She had a phenomenal memory. She didn’t allow physical difficulties to stop her. She reached out to others. She blessed freely. She was deeply generous. Mum was appreciative every little thing others did for her. She was gracious and loving. She and my Dad built a wonderful partnership that blessed our world and enriched the lives of their children, grand children and great grandchildren. She was there for all 33 members of her clan right to the end. And for a host of others too…….
My friend Varuni – who with her extended family has been close to both my parents over many decades shared this on Mum’s passing.
“The world seems a little bit darker now that both she and Uncle Earle are no more. Both of them (and it’s hard to speak of one and not mention the other) were as Jesus commanded ‘a light to the world’ and everything they did ‘glorified God’. I remember at a study session once, where the question ‘have you ever seen Jesus in anybody?’ or something similar to that came up. I immediately thought of Uncle Earle and Aunty Anne.”
When my precious Mama died suddenly on the 4th of Jan 2015 I honoured her by writing the shortest blog just for her because she liked them shorter. But today I honour her by writing the longest blog I’ve written. After all, how can a few words sum up all that there is to share of her today?

Today darling Mumsey – I want to assure you that the beautiful afterglow you’ve left behind thrills my heart. Friends assure me that part of you still lives within me, and I am moved to tears but my heart beats with joy. I reflect on your life and I’m inspired every day to live better. Your afterglow burns bright. I smile. And I celebrate your life with deep thanksgiving to God for loaning you to the world for almost 90 years.
Thank you my bestest Mama-girl for your love and life and the unique ways you continue to bless me from beyond the grave. Thank you for our special Mum daughter friendship which is of the eternal kind. Enjoy the party in heaven for your almost 90th that turned into an endless praise party for our matchless Saviour Jesus.

And may God’s glorious Presence be your light and forever-glow today and always.
19/03/2015 11:45

When we arrived in Australia 16 years ago, we found an excellent family doctor. Not only was he a good doctor; he was also friendly and caring. He was open to trying natural remedies and respectful towards us patients. A few years ago, I needed to see a female doctor and looked around for one. I chose one who seemed pleasant enough. I had been struggling with debilitating pain and exhaustion for many years and was determined to get to the bottom of it. I asked her if I could see a specialist – an Endocrinologist, since at the time I believed my symptoms arose from my thyroid problems.
She sent me to one with a referral. I confess I was nosy. I peeked into her letter. I was shocked at what I read. Her words said “I’m sure there’s nothing wrong with this patient, but check her out anyway.” What? Did she think I was a hypochondriac? The pain and exhaustion I’d endured (for 6 years then) was very hard for me to cope with. Did she think it was all in my mind? I couldn’t believe it!
The specialist she sent me to was very rude – unusually so. Her bias against me may have been established by the words of the doctor’s referral letter. She treated me with little respect; as if I was a naughty child in need of being reprimanded. I felt betrayed by the lady doctor who’d sent me there and yes, you guessed right. I never went back to her. More recently, when I needed to see a female doctor again – I tried yet another lady doctor in the practice.
She was friendly and caring and listened to me respectfully. Again, I needed a specialist referral letter. I confess I did peek at her letter too. It began: “Please see this lovely lady….” It made me smile. I haven’t been to the specialist as yet – but I can guess how I will be treated because the words in the letter were positive and affirming.

Words are powerful aren’t they? When my son was little – I’d often use words that tore down and didn’t build up. I hang my head in shame as I recall those moments. When he misbehaved, I’d resort to infantile behavior myself and say things I deeply regretted later. I’d suffer at night seeing my angelic little tyke fast asleep. I knew I couldn’t undo what I’d said to him. The somber truth is that words expressed cannot be taken back. And the thing is, that like veritable little sponges, children absorb all that’s said to them. Words and the effects of those words often last all their lives.
We in Australia know how horrific bushfires are and what damage they do to life and property. The Bible reminds us that our tongues can do enormous harm – like a little spark that sets a whole forest ablaze. Yes, it is sadly true that the little tongue we all use every day – can do similar or worse injuries to others unless we control it.

“With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse men, who have been made in God’s likeness. Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing. My brothers this should not be. Can both fresh water and salt water flow from the same spring? My brothers, can a fig tree bear olives, or a grapevine bear figs? Neither can a salt spring produce fresh water.” James 3:9-12
Isn’t that worth thinking about? We can often make or break someone’s day by the words we use. And as this passage states – healthy healing words and negative angry ones could not be coming out of the same source. So here's the challenge you and I face today. To use our words wisely.
With love. With grace.
To heal. Restore. And to bless.

“The tongue that brings healing is a tree of life.”
Proverbs 14:4
12/03/2015 18:06

In the first 14 years of our marriage we moved 11 times in 4 countries. Isn’t that impressive? When we’d made our 11th move into our cosy little nest in Adelaide, I hoped we’d never move again. Thankfully, in the next 15 years of marriage we have stayed put. What bliss. The years have disappeared in the blink of an eye. And in that same blink of the eye, our house has become crammed full of goodies! Know what I mean?
Yes, one desirable consequence of those numerous moves was that we regularly de-junked our home without even planning to. Very good for the soul. And the home. One negative outcome of being in the one home for 15 years is that every available space seems to be now filled. Book cases have numerous rows of books. CD's, DVD's, ornaments, lots of this and that fill our little home. Perhaps its time we moved again?
Or maybe it’s simply time to shed our excess baggage. Last year, I had the golden opportunity to do something about it. I lost my job. Not a happy happening. However, as it with most negative circumstances – there were plenty of positives in what occurred. For one, it freed me up some time. Time to reflect. Time to pray. Time to spend with my husband and son. And even time to de-clutter our home. I took up the challenge. Unfortunately, my body doesn’t approve of such challenges. Fibromyalgia means that the slightest bit of exercise makes my body protest insistently, like the loud clanging of a bell.
As I was slowly working my way through de-cluttering and cleaning out my kitchen cupboards this past month, I’ve had to pace myself. Every time I tackled one cupboard, fibro exhaustion came to stay. I had to rest for several days afterwards before I could even think of tackling one more cupboard. It was frustrating to say the least. Thankfully, one day, like the radiance of the winter sun, a bright idea dazzled me.

I asked my son if he could empty the contents of each cupboard for me. I would do the rest. I’d clean the cupboard afterwards, throw out what could be thrown away and re-arrange the cupboards. That worked well and I was able to complete my task right on schedule. Now, I am the proud owner of a workable kitchen where everything is in its rightful place. Makes me feel good all over.
As I expressed my gratitude to my son for his welcome help, I marvelled at a fresh lesson learnt through the exercise. The power of two! The glad truth is that life is not meant to be lived alone. God has given us other people to do life with. We sometimes forget that. It’s easy to think we can make it on our own. But we need God and His help. And we need each other. Jesus sent his disciples out two by two with good reason.
Many years ago, God led me to start a mininstry for Mums and toddlers. But He first equipped me with a praying friend. Having her help and support made a huge difference. Years later I began another God led ministry. My prayer partners at the time asked me to wait till God sent me a partner. They were right. I needed my helper there too in order to do the job well. Two together can do things that one alone cannot do.

The book of Ecclesiastes reiterates this truth. “Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work: if one falls down, his friend can help him up.” Ecclesiastes 4:9,10 It’s a good principle to consider when stepping into a new ministry or job or enterprise or vocation. In the area of prayer for instance, two agreeing in prayer breaks many barriers and releases God’s power in special ways.
Besides, life is not meant to be lived in isolation. Problems are meant to be halved. Joys could be doubled. Tasks are made lighter. As I've reflected lately on my parents' marriage and partnership, I've seen firsthand what the power of two can accomplish. And of course, with God in the equation, the power of two bursts forth in unparalleled magnificence to bring forth mature fruit that blesses and sustains. Never under-estimate how much you can achieve when you join hands with another, especially when God’s wind is beneath your wings.

“Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves.
A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.” Ecclesiastes 4:12
05/03/2015 16:00

For many years, my son used our guest room as his study room (that is, when it contained no guests of course). It was a far less distracting room than his own bedroom. After Asela completed his degree last year we were able to rescue the room back for our family’s use. Now, we have an extra room to disappear into if needed. Wonderful.
I found it the ideal place to pray, free from the distraction of men and angels. The view from our guest room is especially lovely. Our upper spacious back garden can be enjoyed through the room’s large windows; blue skies and trees, flowers and birds and tranquility. One day I sat on the sofa in the guest room, door closed, chatting to my heavenly Father. The world outside was smiling. I was happy. I felt refreshed as I sat at my Father’s feet.
I noticed some movement outdoors and looked up. My son Asela had finished his daily shower and had come outdoors to hang his towel. I could see him clearly but he didn’t realise there was someone spying on him. He seemed to be taking a walk on the paved section of our back area. He stopped. Something had grabbed his attention. He walked up to it.
Asela picked it up and straightened up. I could now see what it was. A hosepipe lay on the ground. In my son’s hands he held its nozzle. I saw him turn it from side to side, enjoying its look and feel. Then he pressed it and water squirted out. He was fascinated. And so was I. No, I wasn’t fascinated by a hose spraying water. I was fascinated by my son. And my son’s sense of wonder. It reminded me of his growing up years and the way the world enthralled him.

When my son was a toddler, we lived in the top flat of my parents’ home. I’d take him to the garden both morning and evening so he could have fun outdoors. He loved it. I didn’t have to entertain him because he kept himself very busy. I just had to ensure this bright bubbly little boy wouldn’t injure himself in his enthusiastic exploration of my parents’ garden.
A sense of wonder. That’s what he displayed – all the time. When did you last wonder at anything “ordinary”? I know most of us marvel at the extra-ordinary. But you know – much of life IS extra-ordinary – if we can only perceive it. Life is made up of numerous little miracles. The sunbeams that dance every morning. The bright twinkly stars that come out to play every night. The colour-washed breathtaking sunrise. The musical chatter of birds. The love in your spouse’s eyes. The happy laughter of your child. The miracle of a new born baby.
When I was new in Australia a friend told me ‘Never lose your touristy eyes’ and I've always remembered that. But then – touristy eyes are needed for not just a new country but also for enjoying the whole Universe. God has blessed us with many gifts we often don’t even recognise. If you have life today – you have something to be grateful for. If you have good health – it’s a blessing to marvel at and rejoice in. A refreshing night’s sleep. A heart to heart chat with a friend.

A cup of coffee. A walk in the park. A swing on your garden swing. The flower that blooms in your garden, with petals as soft as a baby's cheek and dark colours that thrill your soul. Music that brings a smile to your face and the right beat to your feet. The glorious pink and grey sunset that beckons you. A cool breeze that wrapped itself around you and tousled your hair. When did you last enjoy any of them? Have you retained your childlike sense of wonder? Perhaps today is a good day to retrieve the gift. To dust it. And to use it to the full.
When did you last wonder at the miracle of Life? Of God’s love for you?
When did you last wonder at His goodness towards you?
When did you last wonder at the cross and all it cost your Saviour?
When did you last wonder why He has blessed you so?
A sense of wonder is not hard to cultivate. The world turns into an enchanting playground when we do. It even unlocks a door to praise and worship and joy. And life’s sweet music will play stirring, melodious songs within.

Yes, please don't forget.
God's created a wonderful wonderful world!
Let's enjoy it.
27/02/2015 14:49

In September 2014, Mum emailed her three daughters with a request. She’d been asked to write an article for the Sri Lanka Girl Guides Association. Mum asked us if we could share some of our Guiding experiences which she’d use in her article. Sadly, Mum passed away before she could write it. When I went to Sri Lanka for Mum’s funeral, I was asked if I’d I write it. Of course I said ‘yes’ at once, very glad to do something for Mama. I knew she’d have been pleased. I also wanted to honour Mum’s commitment to the cause. I gave this lovely lady my card and assumed she’d get in touch with me.
The next few weeks were a whirl of activity. As I settled down to life back in Adelaide and life in the world without Mum – I remembered my promise. But I had one small problem. I didn’t have any contact details for the lady I’d spoken to. I set about trying to contact her. I asked a friend if she knew her email address. She didn’t have it. I checked the Sri Lanka Girl Guides website. I sent a few emails to people listed on it.
There was no response. I wondered if the task had been given to someone else. I was fine with that. But I didn’t want to let Mum down nor the lady in charge. So decided to send one more email. If it didn’t bear any fruit – I’d leave it. As I scrolled through the list of names on the Girl guides website, one name stood out. The name was familiar. I shall call her Mala. Mala had been head girl of our school when I was 11 years old. She was very popular in the school. And even though I didn’t know her personally, she’d made a big impression on me. I have never forgotten her.

I sent her an email. Guess what! Within a couple of hours Mala had responded. I was amazed. She’d even spoken to the lady in charge. She had contacted the Guiding Commissioner. Talk of efficiency. Mala was the lady to contact. No doubt about it. She did her part quickly and efficiently. Mala was the right person. She did what was needed. She responded to my email. She made my life much easier. Thank you God for all the Malas of this world. Those who are the right people.
What does it mean to “be the right person”? I think the ‘right person’ is one who can be trusted. Someone who’s responsible. Sincere. One you can count on. Willing to go the extra mile. A person who is sensitive to the needs of others and responds speedily.
The book of James reminds us that our faith must be evident in godly living. Our actions must clearly prove we are followers of Jesus. “Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.” James 1:23. James goes on to tell us that if we read the word but don’t obey it, we are like people who look at themselves in the mirror but don’t do anything about what we see.

If the mirror reveals I have a black smudge on my nose, I would do well to wipe it clean. If my hair looks dishevelled in the mirror, it’s best I comb it. If I only look but don’t act on what I see – I would be foolish. And likewise, being a follower of Jesus means that not only do I believe all the Bible says, I work at changing the wrong behaviours I see in myself. I chase instead the right behaviors. With the help of the Holy Spirit, I do my best to change – from the inside out.
Are you the right person? Am I the right person?
Let’s prove we are the right people today.
Let’s do whatever is required of us.
Let’s go the extra mile.
Let’s please God and love our neighbour.
Let us love, not just in thought but also in deed.

“Who is wise and understanding among you?
Let him show it by his good life, by deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom.
But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. Peacemakers who sow in peace raise a harvest of righteousness.”
James 3:3:13,17-18
20/02/2015 12:57

In the year 2013 I gave up eating dairy products, and I found an easy way to lose weight. No more chocolates for this chocoholic. When the desire for something sweet crept up upon me, I’d eat some fruit and that would satisfy my cravings. I was thrilled to find that the kilos were dropping off one by one.
Then came our holiday in sunny Sri Lanka. I feasted there. It was Christmas after all. Sri Lankan food always makes my mouth water and my stomach sing glad songs. It wasn’t surprising then that I was a tad heavier when I returned to Australia in January. It’s OK, I thought. I can shed that extra weight easily. I’d done it before. Right? Wrong.
A 3 month stint recovering after my next foot operation made me a few kilos heavier. Having my fibromyalgia pay a long visit didn’t help either. Even my daily walk was often a ‘No-no’ because of fibro pain and tiredness. Christmas 2014 came and went and my waistline became even more prosperous. Oh dear! I HAD to do something.

And then January 2015 brought an unexpected sad trip to Sri Lanka. We were well fed by caring generous family and friends during the time spent farewelling my beloved Mum. But oh dear… my waistline became still bigger. When I returned to Australia in mid January this year, I knew I had to do something about it or I’d soon have no clothes to wear. I set to work. I was intentional in my eating. Disciplined – mostly. After a dint of hard work, I shed 1 ½ kilos. A big relief but I knew it could be undone in an instant.
A few weeks ago I enjoyed a ladies’ night out at our church. It was a dessert night. Does that sound a good thing? Of course it is a good thing except of course for that diet of mine. Unfortunately, my self control deserted me that day. After I made chocolate brownies to take to the event, I licked the bowl (tut.. tut Anusha). I tasted a few pieces. Yum! Delicious. But…. oh dear. Had I busted my diet?
I didn’t do too badly that evening. Perhaps eating and tasting the brownies had been good for me. The wonderful array of delicious desserts didn’t tempt me. What a blessing. The next morning, I weighed myself in trepidation. Would the weighing scale be way off the mark? Would I have put on the 1 ½ kilos I’d lost with such hard work, just by the binging I’d done on one evening? I stood on the weighing scale. I looked at it. I was surprised.
Very surprised. It registered a weight that was my lightest weight for the year. Wow! How come? Amazing. It was GRACE. That’s what it was. Grace. Pure and simple grace. I deserved to have put on a couple of kilos. Instead the scale told me I’d actually dropped a few ounces in weight. And of course it reminded me of the grace that flows freely to us in Christ Jesus.
If the Good News of the Bible could be contained in one word I think it would be GRACE. What does it mean? The word ‘grace’ comes from the Greek word ‘charis’. It signifies favour. God’s kindess on those who do not deserve it. Grace is freely available to us sinners who do not deserve to be forgiven. Jesus came that through His death and resurrection He would purchase my freedom. Yes, I have kindess shown to me that I do not deserve. If I come to Him - recognising my need for a Saviour, He promises to embrace me into His family. The book of 1 John says “How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called the children of God. And that is what we are!” 1 John 3:1

Are you a child of God? Have you experienced his favour and his grace? If you haven’t yet asked the Lord of Life to take control of your life, to become the Saviour that you (and I) desperately need, perhaps today is the day to draw near to him. Tomorrow could be too late. Sometimes, tomorrow does not come. Or perhaps you are already His child. But have turned away. Or been disobedient to Him. Or have not spent much time with Him lately. And need His forgiveness afresh today.
God’s heart is always open towards us His wayward children. His love is the kind that never runs dry – a fountain that overflows. Grace is freely available to all who seek it. So come to Him without delay. And bask in His presence. His is waiting.
“From the fullness of His grace have we received one blessing after another.” John 1:16
“For God did not send His son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through Him.” John 3:7

“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life.” John 3:16